The following is a list of people who have contributed ideas, code, bug reports, or in general have helped logstash along its way. Contributors: * Aaron Mildenstein (untergeek) * Adam Kaminski (thimslugga) * Andrew Cholakian (andrewvc) * Ayden Beeson (abeeson) * Bjørn Ruberg (bruberg) * Colin Surprenant (colinsurprenant) * Daniel Nägele (analogbyte) * Diyaldine Maoulida * Evgeniy Sudyr (ejectck) * G.J. Moed (gjmoed) * Gmoz Shih * James Park-Watt (jimmypw) * Jason Keller (jasonkeller) * Jeremy Foran (jeremyforan) * Jordan Sissel (jordansissel) * Jorrit Folmer (jorritfolmer) * Keenan Tims (ktims) * Magnus Kessler (kesslerm) * Marian Craciunescu (marian-craciunescu) * Matt Dainty (bodgit) * Paul Warren (pwarren) * Pedro de Oliveira * Philipp Kahr * Pier-Hugues Pellerin (ph) * Pulkit Agrawal (propulkit) * Raju Nair (rajutech76) * Richard Pijnenburg (electrical) * Rob Cowart (robcowart) * Salvador Ferrer (salva-ferrer) * Vishal Solanki * Will Rigby (wrigby) * Yehonatan Devorkin (Devorkin) * Rojuinex * debadair * HenryTheSir * hkshirish * hhindlem * niempy * jstopinsek * sliddjur * szhong12 * zwirk Maintainer: * Jorrit Folmer (jorritfolmer) Note: If you've sent us patches, bug reports, or otherwise contributed to Logstash, and you aren't on the list above and want to be, please let us know and we'll make sure you're here. Contributions from folks like you are what make open source awesome.