#include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> #include "dir-path-load.h" #pragma warning (disable: 4996) static int check(EMBULK_OUTPUT_ORACLE_OCI_CONTEXT *context, const char* message, sword result) { strcpy(context->message, ""); if (result == OCI_ERROR) { sprintf(context->message, "OCI : %s failed.", message); sb4 errCode; OraText text[512]; if (OCIErrorGet(context->err, 1, NULL, &errCode, text, sizeof(text) / sizeof(OraText), OCI_HTYPE_ERROR) != OCI_SUCCESS) { strcat(context->message, " OCIErrorGet failed."); } else { strcat(context->message, " "); strncat(context->message, (const char*)text, sizeof(context->message) - strlen(context->message) - 1); } return OCI_ERROR; } if (result == OCI_INVALID_HANDLE) { sprintf(context->message, "OCI : %s failed : invalid handle.", message); return OCI_ERROR; } if (result == OCI_NO_DATA) { sprintf(context->message, "OCI : %s failed : no data.", message); return OCI_ERROR; } if (result != OCI_SUCCESS) { sprintf(context->message, "OCI : %s failed : %d.", message, result); return OCI_ERROR; } return OCI_SUCCESS; } void embulk_output_oracle_freeDirPathHandles(EMBULK_OUTPUT_ORACLE_OCI_CONTEXT *context) { if (context->csv != NULL) fclose(context->csv); if (context->buffer != NULL) free(context->buffer); if (context->dpstr != NULL) OCIHandleFree(context->dpstr, OCI_HTYPE_DIRPATH_STREAM); if (context->dpca != NULL) OCIHandleFree(context->dpca, OCI_HTYPE_DIRPATH_COLUMN_ARRAY); if (context->dp != NULL) OCIHandleFree(context->dp, OCI_HTYPE_DIRPATH_CTX); if (context->svc != NULL) OCIHandleFree(context->svc, OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX); if (context->err != NULL) OCIHandleFree(context->err, OCI_HTYPE_ERROR); if (context->env != NULL) OCIHandleFree(context->env, OCI_HTYPE_ENV); } int embulk_output_oracle_prepareDirPathCtx(EMBULK_OUTPUT_ORACLE_OCI_CONTEXT *context, const char *dbName, const char *userName, const char *password) { if (check(context, "OCIEnvCreate", OCIEnvCreate(&context->env, OCI_THREADED|OCI_OBJECT, (void *)0, 0, 0, 0, (size_t)0, (void **)0))) { return OCI_ERROR; } // error handle if (check(context, "OCIHandleAlloc(OCI_HTYPE_ERROR)", OCIHandleAlloc( context->env, (void **)&context->err, OCI_HTYPE_ERROR, (size_t)0, (void **)0))) { return OCI_ERROR; } // service context if (check(context, "OCIHandleAlloc(OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX)", OCIHandleAlloc( context->env, (void **)&context->svc, OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, (size_t)0, (void **)0))) { return OCI_ERROR; } // logon if (check(context, "OCILogon", OCILogon(context->env, context->err, &context->svc, (const OraText*)userName, (ub4)strlen(userName), (const OraText*)password, (ub4)strlen(password), (const OraText*)dbName, // dbName should be defined in 'tnsnames.ora' or a form of "host:port/db" (ub4)strlen(dbName)))) { return OCI_ERROR; } // direct path context if (check(context, "OCIHandleAlloc(OCI_HTYPE_DIRPATH_CTX)", OCIHandleAlloc( context->env, (void **)&context->dp, OCI_HTYPE_DIRPATH_CTX, (size_t)0, (void **)0))) { return OCI_ERROR; } return OCI_SUCCESS; } static int isValid(EMBULK_OUTPUT_ORACLE_OCI_COL_DEF &colDef) { return colDef.type != 0; } int embulk_output_oracle_prepareDirPathStream(EMBULK_OUTPUT_ORACLE_OCI_CONTEXT *context, const char *tableName, short charsetId, EMBULK_OUTPUT_ORACLE_OCI_COL_DEF *colDefs) { // load table name if (check(context, "OCIAttrSet(OCI_ATTR_NAME)", OCIAttrSet(context->dp, OCI_HTYPE_DIRPATH_CTX, (void*)tableName, (ub4)strlen(tableName), OCI_ATTR_NAME, context->err))) { return OCI_ERROR; } // need to set charset explicitly because database charset is not set by default. ub2 tempCharsetId = charsetId; if (check(context, "OCIAttrSet(OCI_ATTR_CHARSET_ID)", OCIAttrSet(context->dp, OCI_HTYPE_DIRPATH_CTX, (void*)&tempCharsetId, sizeof(ub2), OCI_ATTR_CHARSET_ID, context->err))) { return OCI_ERROR; } ub2 cols; for (cols = 0; isValid(colDefs[cols]); cols++) ; if (check(context, "OCIAttrSet(OCI_ATTR_NUM_COLS)", OCIAttrSet(context->dp, OCI_HTYPE_DIRPATH_CTX, &cols, sizeof(ub2), OCI_ATTR_NUM_COLS, context->err))) { return OCI_ERROR; } OCIParam *columns; if (check(context, "OCIAttrGet(OCI_ATTR_LIST_COLUMNS)", OCIAttrGet(context->dp, OCI_HTYPE_DIRPATH_CTX, &columns, (ub4*)0, OCI_ATTR_LIST_COLUMNS, context->err))) { return OCI_ERROR; } for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) { EMBULK_OUTPUT_ORACLE_OCI_COL_DEF &colDef = colDefs[i]; OCIParam *column; if (check(context, "OCIParamGet(OCI_DTYPE_PARAM)", OCIParamGet(columns, OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, context->err, (void**)&column, i + 1))) { return OCI_ERROR; } if (check(context, "OCIAttrSet(OCI_ATTR_NAME)", OCIAttrSet(column, OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, (void*)colDef.name, (ub4)strlen(colDef.name), OCI_ATTR_NAME, context->err))) { return OCI_ERROR; } if (check(context, "OCIAttrSet(OCI_ATTR_DATA_TYPE)", OCIAttrSet(column, OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, &colDef.type, sizeof(ub4), OCI_ATTR_DATA_TYPE, context->err))) { return OCI_ERROR; } if (check(context, "OCIAttrSet(OCI_ATTR_DATA_SIZE)", OCIAttrSet(column, OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, &colDef.size, sizeof(ub4), OCI_ATTR_DATA_SIZE, context->err))) { return OCI_ERROR; } /* if (check(context, "OCIAttrSet(OCI_ATTR_PRECISION)", OCIAttrSet(column, OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, &colDefs[i].precision, sizeof(ub4), OCI_ATTR_PRECISION, context->err))) { return OCI_ERROR; } if (check(context, "OCIAttrSet(OCI_ATTR_SCALE)", OCIAttrSet(column, OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, &colDefs[i].scale, sizeof(ub4), OCI_ATTR_SCALE, context->err))) { return OCI_ERROR; } */ if (colDef.dateFormat != NULL) { if (check(context, "OCIAttrSet(OCI_ATTR_DATEFORMAT)", OCIAttrSet(column, OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, (void*)colDef.dateFormat, (ub4)strlen(colDef.dateFormat), OCI_ATTR_DATEFORMAT, context->err))) { return OCI_ERROR; } } if (check(context, "OCIDescriptorFree(OCI_DTYPE_PARAM)", OCIDescriptorFree(column, OCI_DTYPE_PARAM))) { return OCI_ERROR; } } if (check(context, "OCIDirPathPrepare", OCIDirPathPrepare(context->dp, context->svc, context->err))) { return OCI_ERROR; } // direct path column array if (check(context, "OCIHandleAlloc(OCI_HTYPE_DIRPATH_COLUMN_ARRAY)", OCIHandleAlloc( context->dp, (void **)&context->dpca, OCI_HTYPE_DIRPATH_COLUMN_ARRAY, (size_t)0, (void **)0))) { return OCI_ERROR; } // direct path stream if (check(context, "OCIHandleAlloc(OCI_HTYPE_DIRPATH_STREAM)", OCIHandleAlloc( context->dp, (void **)&context->dpstr, OCI_HTYPE_DIRPATH_STREAM, (size_t)0, (void **)0))) { return OCI_ERROR; } return OCI_SUCCESS; } static void intToSqlInt(int n, char* buffer) { buffer[0] = n & 0xFF; buffer[1] = (n >> 8) & 0xFF; buffer[2] = (n >> 16) & 0xFF; buffer[3] = (n >> 24) & 0xFF; } static int strToSqlInt(const char *s, int size, char* buffer) { int n = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (s[i] < '0' || s[i] > '9') { return OCI_ERROR; } n = n * 10 + s[i] - '0'; } intToSqlInt(n, buffer); return OCI_SUCCESS; } static int loadRows(EMBULK_OUTPUT_ORACLE_OCI_CONTEXT *context, ub4 rowCount) { for (ub4 offset = 0; offset < rowCount;) { if (check(context, "OCIDirPathStreamReset", OCIDirPathStreamReset(context->dpstr, context->err))) { return OCI_ERROR; } sword result = OCIDirPathColArrayToStream(context->dpca, context->dp, context->dpstr, context->err, rowCount, offset); if (result != OCI_SUCCESS && result != OCI_CONTINUE) { check(context, "OCIDirPathColArrayToStream", result); return OCI_ERROR; } if (check(context, "OCIDirPathLoadStream", OCIDirPathLoadStream(context->dp, context->dpstr, context->err))) { return OCI_ERROR; } if (result == OCI_SUCCESS) { offset = rowCount; } else { ub4 temp; if (check(context, "OCIAttrGet(OCI_ATTR_ROW_COUNT)", OCIAttrGet(context->dpca, OCI_HTYPE_DIRPATH_COLUMN_ARRAY, &temp, 0, OCI_ATTR_ROW_COUNT, context->err))) { return OCI_ERROR; } offset += temp; } } return OCI_SUCCESS; } int embulk_output_oracle_loadBuffer(EMBULK_OUTPUT_ORACLE_OCI_CONTEXT *context, EMBULK_OUTPUT_ORACLE_OCI_COL_DEF *colDefs, const char *buffer, int rowCount) { ub4 maxRowCount = 0; if (check(context, "OCIAttrGet(OCI_ATTR_NUM_ROWS)", OCIAttrGet(context->dpca, OCI_HTYPE_DIRPATH_COLUMN_ARRAY, &maxRowCount, 0, OCI_ATTR_NUM_ROWS, context->err))) { return OCI_ERROR; } int rowSize = 0; for (int col = 0; isValid(colDefs[col]); col++) { rowSize += colDefs[col].size; } const char *current = buffer; int colArrayRowCount = 0; for (int row = 0; row < rowCount; row++) { for (int col = 0; isValid(colDefs[col]); col++) { ub4 size = colDefs[col].size; if (colDefs[col].type == SQLT_CHR) { size = (ub4)strnlen(current, size); } if (check(context, "OCIDirPathColArrayEntrySet", OCIDirPathColArrayEntrySet(context->dpca, context->err, colArrayRowCount, col, (ub1*)current, size, OCI_DIRPATH_COL_COMPLETE))) { return OCI_ERROR; } current += colDefs[col].size; } colArrayRowCount++; if (colArrayRowCount == maxRowCount) { if (loadRows(context, colArrayRowCount)) { return OCI_ERROR; } colArrayRowCount = 0; } } if (colArrayRowCount > 0) { if (loadRows(context, colArrayRowCount)) { return OCI_ERROR; } } return OCI_SUCCESS; } int embulk_output_oracle_loadCSV(EMBULK_OUTPUT_ORACLE_OCI_CONTEXT *context, EMBULK_OUTPUT_ORACLE_OCI_COL_DEF *colDefs, const char *csvFileName) { printf("load csv file \"%s\".\r\n", csvFileName); if ((context->csv = fopen(csvFileName, "r")) == NULL) { printf("Cannot open file."); return OCI_ERROR; } ub4 maxRowCount = 0; if (check(context, "OCIAttrGet(OCI_ATTR_NUM_ROWS)", OCIAttrGet(context->dpca, OCI_HTYPE_DIRPATH_COLUMN_ARRAY, &maxRowCount, 0, OCI_ATTR_NUM_ROWS, context->err))) { return OCI_ERROR; } int rowSize = 0; for (int i = 0; isValid(colDefs[i]); i++) { rowSize += colDefs[i].size; } // + 1 for '\0' if ((context->buffer = (char*)malloc(rowSize * maxRowCount + 1)) == NULL) { printf("Cannot alloc memory."); return OCI_ERROR; } char *current = context->buffer; // TODO: support a line over 1,000 bytes char line[1000]; int row = 0; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), context->csv) != NULL) { size_t len = strlen(line); int col = 0; for (const char *p = line; p < line + len;) { const char *comma = strchr(p, ','); const char *next; ub4 size; if (comma != NULL) { size = (ub4)(comma - p); next = comma + 1; } else { size = (ub4)(line + len - p); if (size > 0 && p[size - 1] == '\n') size--; if (size > 0 && p[size - 1] == '\r') size--; next = line + len; } if (colDefs[col].type == SQLT_INT) { if (strToSqlInt(p, size, current)) { printf("Not a number : \"%s\"\r\n", p); return OCI_ERROR; } size = colDefs[col].size; } else if (colDefs[col].type == SQLT_CHR) { strncpy(current, p, size); } else { printf("Unsupported type : %d\r\n", colDefs[col].type); return OCI_ERROR; } if (check(context, "OCIDirPathColArrayEntrySet", OCIDirPathColArrayEntrySet(context->dpca, context->err, row, col, (ub1*)current, size, OCI_DIRPATH_COL_COMPLETE))) { return OCI_ERROR; } p = next; current += size; col++; } row++; if (row == maxRowCount) { printf("Load %d rows.\r\n", row); if (loadRows(context, row)) { return OCI_ERROR; } current = context->buffer; row = 0; } } if (row > 0) { printf("Load %d rows.\r\n", row); if (loadRows(context, row)) { return OCI_ERROR; } } free(context->buffer); context->buffer = NULL; fclose(context->csv); context->csv = NULL; return OCI_SUCCESS; } int embulk_output_oracle_commitDirPath(EMBULK_OUTPUT_ORACLE_OCI_CONTEXT *context) { if (check(context, "OCIDirPathFinish", OCIDirPathFinish(context->dp, context->err))) { return OCI_ERROR; } if (check(context, "OCILogoff", OCILogoff(context->svc, context->err))) { return OCI_ERROR; } return OCI_SUCCESS; } int embulk_output_oracle_rollbackDirPath(EMBULK_OUTPUT_ORACLE_OCI_CONTEXT *context) { if (check(context, "OCIDirPathAbort", OCIDirPathAbort(context->dp, context->err))) { return OCI_ERROR; } if (check(context, "OCILogoff", OCILogoff(context->svc, context->err))) { return OCI_ERROR; } return OCI_SUCCESS; }