require File.expand_path("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../../unit_spec_helper") module JsTestCore module Resources describe SpecFile do describe "Files" do describe "GET /specs/failing_spec" do it "renders a suite only for failing_spec.js as text/html" do absolute_path = "#{spec_root_path}/failing_spec.js" response = get(SpecFile.path("failing_spec")) response.should be_http( 200, { "Content-Type" => "text/html", "Last-Modified" => ::File.mtime(absolute_path).rfc822 }, "" ) doc = Nokogiri::HTML(response.body) js_files ="script").map {|script| script["src"]} js_files.should include("/specs/failing_spec.js") end end describe "GET /specs/failing_spec.js" do it "renders the contents of failing_spec.js as text/javascript" do absolute_path = "#{spec_root_path}/failing_spec.js" response = get(SpecFile.path("failing_spec.js")) response.should be_http( 200, { "Content-Type" => "text/javascript", "Last-Modified" => ::File.mtime(absolute_path).rfc822 }, ) end end describe "GET /specs/custom_suite" do it "renders the custom_suite.html file" do path = "#{spec_root_path}/custom_suite.html" response = get(SpecFile.path("custom_suite.html")) response.should be_http( 200, { "Content-Type" => "text/html", "Last-Modified" => ::File.mtime(path).rfc822 }, ) end end end describe "Directories" do describe "GET /specs" do macro "renders a suite for all specs" do |relative_path| it "renders a suite for all specs" do path = "#{spec_root_path}" response = get(relative_path) response.should be_http( 200, { "Content-Type" => "text/html", "Last-Modified" => ::File.mtime(path).rfc822 }, "" ) doc = Nokogiri::HTML(response.body) js_files ="script").map {|script| script["src"]} js_files.should include("/specs/failing_spec.js") js_files.should include("/specs/custom_dir_and_suite/passing_spec.js") js_files.should include("/specs/foo/passing_spec.js") js_files.should include("/specs/foo/failing_spec.js") end end send("renders a suite for all specs", SpecFile.path) send("renders a suite for all specs", SpecFile.path("/")) end describe "GET /specs/foo" do it "renders a spec suite that includes all of the javascript spec files in the directory" do path = "#{spec_root_path}/foo" response = get(SpecFile.path("foo")) response.should be_http( 200, { "Content-Type" => "text/html", "Last-Modified" => ::File.mtime(path).rfc822 }, "" ) doc = Nokogiri::HTML(response.body) js_files ="script").map {|script| script["src"]} js_files.should include("/specs/foo/passing_spec.js") js_files.should include("/specs/foo/failing_spec.js") end end end context "when passed a :session_id param" do it "instantiates the Representation with the :session_id and renders window._session_id=:session_id" do session_id = "DEADBEEF" response = get(SpecFile.path("failing_spec"), :session_id => session_id) doc = Nokogiri::HTML(response.body) doc.css("script").any? do |script| script.inner_html.include?("window._session_id = '#{session_id}';") end.should be_true end end context "when the :session_id cookie is set" do it "instantiates the Representation with the :session_id and renders window._session_id=:session_id" do session_id = "DEADBEEF" response = get(SpecFile.path("failing_spec"), {}, {:cookie => "session_id=#{session_id}"}) doc = Nokogiri::HTML(response.body) doc.css("script").any? do |script| script.inner_html.include?("window._session_id = '#{session_id}';") end.should be_true end end describe "GET /specs/i_dont_exist" do it "renders a 404" do response = get(SpecFile.path("i_dont_exist")) response.should be_http( 404, {}, "/specs/i_dont_exist not found" ) end end end end end