require "translatable/generator_helper" module Translatable module Generators class ModelGenerator < Rails::Generators::NamedBase include Translatable::GeneratorHelper desc "Creates ActiveRecord model and injects translatable block into it" class_option :translated_model, :type => :string, :desc => "Defines the model responsible for translations" class_option :origin, :type => :string, :desc => "Defines the association name for translation record that deals with origin" class_option :locale, :type => :string, :desc => "Defines the column for translation record that keeps the locale" def create_model self.attributes = attrs parse_attributes! invoke "active_record:model", [class_name], {migration: true, timestamps: true} unless model_exists? end # all public methods in here will be run in order def inject_translatable_block inject_into_class model_path, class_name, generate_translatable_block end protected def generate_translatable_block block = " translatable do" attributes.each do |attr| block << "\n translatable :#{}, :presence => true#, :uniqueness => true" end block << (options[:translated_model].nil? ? "\n #translatable_model 'Translated#{class_name}'" : "\n translatable_model '#{options[:translated_model]}'") block << (options[:origin].nil? ? "\n #translatable_origin :#{singular_table_name}" : "\n translatable_origin :#{options[:origin]}") block << (options[:locale].nil? ? "\n #translatable_locale :locale" : "\n translatable_locale :#{options[:locale]}") block << "\n end\n" end end end end