init: - SET PATH=C:\Ruby%ruby_version%\bin;%PATH% - SET RAKEOPT=-rdevkit - SET TESTOPTS='-v' - SET MAKE=make V=1 -j2 clone_depth: 5 skip_tags: true skip_branch_with_pr: true matrix: fast_finish: false install: # Output debugging info - ps: Update-AppveyorBuild -Version "$(Get-Content $env:appveyor_build_folder\VERSION).$env:appveyor_build_number" - ps: | if ($env:ruby_version -like "*head*") { $(new-object net.webclient).DownloadFile("$env:ruby_version.exe", "$pwd/ruby-setup.exe") cmd /c ruby-setup.exe /verysilent /dir=C:/Ruby$env:ruby_version } - perl --version - ruby --version - gem --version # prevent freetds to link to wrong ws2_32 lib on i686-w64-mingw32 - c:/msys64/usr/bin/rm /usr/lib/w32api/libws2_32.a # Set up project prerequisits - bundle install - bundle exec rake ports build: off branches: except: - /dev.*/ test_script: - timeout /t 4 /nobreak > NUL - powershell -File "%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\test\appveyor\dbsetup.ps1" - timeout /t 4 /nobreak > NUL - ps: Start-Service 'MSSQL$SQL2014' - timeout /t 4 /nobreak > NUL - sqlcmd -S ".\SQL2014" -U sa -P Password12! -i %APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\test\appveyor\dbsetup.sql - bundle exec rake ports build test TINYTDS_UNIT_HOST_TEST=localhost TINYTDS_UNIT_DATASERVER="localhost\SQL2014" TINYTDS_SCHEMA=sqlserver_2014 TDSVER=7.1 - bundle exec rake ports build test TINYTDS_UNIT_HOST_TEST=localhost TINYTDS_UNIT_DATASERVER="localhost\SQL2014" TINYTDS_SCHEMA=sqlserver_2014 - ps: Stop-Service 'MSSQL$SQL2014' - ps: Start-Service 'MSSQL$SQL2012SP1' - timeout /t 4 /nobreak > NUL - sqlcmd -S ".\SQL2012SP1" -U sa -P Password12! -i %APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\test\appveyor\dbsetup.sql - bundle exec rake ports build test TINYTDS_UNIT_HOST_TEST=localhost TINYTDS_UNIT_DATASERVER="localhost\SQL2012SP1" TINYTDS_SCHEMA=sqlserver_2014 environment: CI_AZURE_HOST: secure: 8ydpYysZYKEBKvp6plKlYfepH98/zAuT27FFCaJ9Sss= TINYTDS_UNIT_AZURE_PASS: secure: fYKSKV4v+36OFQp2nZdX4DfUpgmy5cm0wuR73cgdmEk= matrix: - ruby_version: "24" - ruby_version: "25-x64" - ruby_version: "26" - ruby_version: "head-x64" on_failure: - find -name config.log | xargs cat - find -name compile.log | xargs cat