the cherry blossoms are at their best now. :d
schalke vs. bayern nordekurve now. awesome. :)
hello :)
follow >> now!!! :)
yayyy!!!! =) new york!!! <33
haha okayy thanks :d
if you still love one time :)
we have done it we're gonna be breaking our own record :d #csk #ipl
q:hey i love your background :) a:thanx :)
bantu dong 7 followers lagi :) pasti di follow back kok
post man pat posted tim threw ttha door :d
happy #jedwardeaster you were awesome in the window at the morgan hotel. :) dancing away. :) love yous. :d
oh no!!! -->omg what happen? :)
wah, udah gol aja? hebatt chelsea :d
but you can flush from it, so long as you keep your reader can just about move to what ever you want to talk about :)
cool to hear that. :)
hello! lovely to see you. :-)
luke does love it too, for what its worth. :)
uhhh, my parents are getting divorced and i just came back from london :d lol
blue la joint, my team bout green rondo roger that i take the green to the head like a dodger hat =)
good morning! :)
good good : ) actually great... enjoy weeken to fullest!
follow me thanks :)
it's an easter . . . chihuahua?! how sweet. :) happy easter to you too. :p ?
headin to four seasons, hihi reuni tmn2 eropa :)
aw ok. haven't got mine yet. i'm thinking it's because of the holy week. i'll wait for it next week. thanks, abe! :)
its night here :)
haha how are you??? =)
and hello :) new followers :)
lol. :d thankyou! :) so how's your holiday going?
pain in the mac-arse when they crash eh?! still, exciting to hear you've been mixing stuffs.. :)
just bought book from street life to chart life! gonna get this signed tomorrow! :)
guess who's taking over my job? lol (my assistant, a.k.a. hubby) love him :)
wassup people wanna chat with me? tweet me and i will try to reply :) <3
that fp is looking pretty nice this morning!!! :d
if you still love one time :)
happy birthday syd! :-)
if u want me to follow u back i will i don't lie :)
i like the one yesterday better :) re: sunset pic
hey there!! :)
re oke i will give you a shoutout :d
hee hee. cold drink pi ri hun. ice cream bhi khaungi :)
i like this master. :) #fataldeath #doctorwho
a robot poster for your office :)
for me, it's one of the joys of no longer being a student. :-)
hope you'll take some pics for us =) ahh well i got chris brown to look forward too =) that will be amazing! =d
hahahaha! so how are you? :)
yay! moving back to maine, the way life should be?? :)
still time for score draw :)
i'm not into that nickname either lol! i prefer montster or rock god :) suits him best!
is smoking dumb? #ecademy thanks for the tweet :-)
cool :) whereabouts u from? xx
yeah i was just hoping it had blown's not exactly original and it clearly doesn't work!? still...1-0 woooooooooop :d
love it!! who said writing poetry doesn't pay off? thanks and :)
hmm... maybe that's why talked about people wearing red underware the other day :)
back on mk minday i cant wait! when are you going to be back on mj? not fun to watch when youre not on! :)
= kwlest person ever :-)
well, i hope you changed your mind &decided to follow. :)
haven't used ms for so long i can't remember :)
awsome :) nothcing much just tweeting & you? rawwr thankyouu ;) #mileyforever haha der is dumm ;p
everyone follow; now! :) , i will give you a really big shoutout! :) <33
barb u made me extremely curious with ur post on fb.. can we get the full story pls?? :-)
good morning lovely twitter people! :d
:) why would apple co-founder need to stand in line? i talked w/ woz earlier and he says "cause the line is fun."
my mums makin it tommorow 4 easter pee :)
seo make small changes create big results! --> please :)
has been delivered to my house :)
q:is david archuleta following you on twitt... a:nope :) he does not follow fans though :)...
tags are more important for people searching for stuff, especially using search engines, and categories for blog readers :)
ah he probably wouldn't lie. :) he lost it in that interview big time.
dear , you should put a warning sign to your steaks. caution : it's addictive ! :)
justin said that u have to go follow right now !!! :)
btw i hope now you see why that tip is still valid;) it's not only your friend but many ppl how still use them.take care&chill :)
viva! back in jozi. just met old man. looks like he could fuck up a ninja. stood at a distance just incase he blames me :-)
just downloaded the whole of demi lovato's first album, now for her second one :d so muuuuuch love
hahahahahahahahah :d
is awesome. we love her, that's the reason why this account has created by 8 people :) jocelyn <3
i'm glad i made your day. =) when's your birthday? i realize it's 5am lol. i just got home. blah.
okay last chance, who wanna be in my 4,500 tweet?? :)
my son is considering a #foodrevolution themed birthday party. :) 10yo
just know we all love you <3 :)
really? you'll go in phil.? :d cool.
find booth on jogja. we're on booth no 29-30.find the airmail :)
anytime! i'm fine, thanks! you? :)
follow me thanks :)
some of you are too cute. :) i agree that we♥magnus is better but the people strangely enough went with we♥chuck. go figure. ☺
i don't know really!! depends how busy they are :) x
thanks for the shoutout. :)
i feel a chinese take-away coming on tonight i think :)
i'm gonna apologize now for any foul language that may be used in upcoming tweets :) #believe #united
thank you for the rt! hope you can take part :)
happy #jedwardeaster you were awesome in the window at the morgan hotel. :) dancing away :p
i have my own brain hence i can "want" to change sides na! reasons for both have been spelt out clearly :)
very sexy!! goes great with coffee. :)
haha you will love this puchka :d
there are nights when you don't sleep when you are in love :-)
well i've always wanted an ebook reader. i was going to buy a nook until i heard about the ipad. i also love gadgets :)
okay :)
yeayy, skrg otw k 5 ;p just solved a rubik's cube for the fourth time :)
follow me thanks :)
why the blue tits won't go in your bird box that would be too easy however eating easter eggs is too easy too!!! :) x
i am here :)
please please please!!!! pakistan does not mean, everyone is pak here :)
the video from the libidex fashion show at torture garden i'm the last one to come out, watch the images in the background too :)
every hottie with a body needs a cutie with a bootie! :)
i love it here in florida... this is where i belong. :)
we're on our way to visit! :-)
☺ let go its the beauty of break down :)
the only thing lacking in this cracker of a game? ravi shastri! :d
mungkin chef-nya harus nambah :)
happy #jedwardeaster you were awesome in the window at the morgan hotel. :) dancing away to your songs. :d
#jonasbrothers will never happen again! they're 3 guys, and only 3 guys! no one will ever be like them! :d <3
im gunna try to get justin to dm or follow the next 10 people who follow ! tweet me if you follow, gooo :)
i've followed her yesterday. :) have you list me? haha
good song :d
nopee.. :d i hate math! ugh! :) lol
done and sent to you in an etsy convo : )
tuaw video: unboxing ipad :) #imrs
afternoon :) so much tweets. haha. i want a giant kinder egg & i can't find one so no easter eggs for me :( #jedwardeaster
sedang nonbar nih..henteu to.sering teuing expo di jogja :)
off to boil lots of eggs, yay easter :)
i am now, we could get it on loll what have i missed ?! lool who scored ?? :d
if you love ! :d #jonasbrothers, the best ever.
happy #jedwardeaster you were awesome in the window at the morgan hotel. :) dancing the night away. :d
is awesome. we love her, that's the reason why this account has created by 8 people :) jocelyn <3
i just took "justin see's you. what now? part 2:)" and got: part 2 :) read below! ! try it:
thanks a lot cheeky :)
heeeyy it's i was on vacation for a week so i couldn't tweet.. but the other members did so yeah :)
and a lovely day to you :-)
they would be. fingers crossed for you. : )
uhhh huuuh, reason why i slept so long is cos the house is quiet, but yeh ur gonna have to stay up pretty late tonight :d
awee :) ur such a great friend.. she shud be really thankful for having u as her bestfriend :))
we haven't trended yet. hope we can make it in tt worldwide in no time. #5 in the us right now. :d thanks us triple s! :)
hahaha no, buffalo is today. i had thai food in nyc :)
hi lance! good morning! happy saturday to you too! :)
lol, you clearly didn't see me giving you the bird when you drove off then! :) the car behind did, gave me a rude look :d
please help me to make #indonesianeedsdemi to be tt :d if you can make it to be tt tell me and i'll give you shoutie but follow me first7
oh noes! will be sad :)
and malcolm are at the zoo too. you get a prize if you spot 'em. :-)
i'm ment to be revising science during easter...i doubt it will happen :) haha
follow me thanks :)
morningggg :)
shoppn & movies today ^_^
well done! the first one is special hope to see you at some races in the next few weeks. :)
nothing really, i just woke up like 20 minutes ago. hbu? :)
good morning kids or some of u that stayed up late & won't see this till later, hi! here's some coffee. :)
if you love ! :d #jonasbrothers, the best ever.
happy #jedwardeaster you were awesome in the window at the morgan hotel. :) dancing the day away.
it has been in the almost 80's here :) :) how has your weather been? how are the sites coming and the results?
#followsatnite just :)
but your worth talking about :) urm me? boring ;) not going out :p chromium os isn't perfect yet :( xx
easter hug....awww sweet im gonna give u a *hug* :)
refollow me pleasee :)
i wanna go to the airport & see him atleast haha <3 :d , x
#mileyforever plzz :)
uploading new singing video's to youtube. comment, rate and subscribe please :) <3
yet you still have a hand free to tweet now thats called talent :)
follow me thanks :)
i had a great night too. :) super great.
you're welcome :) actually haven't go there yet, i'm overslept lol
moving day #2, hope this doesn't take all weekend... : ) will post pics of new place on blog next week!
#ff ---> :)
finally i decided to supprt #csk :d
#followsatnite just :)
are there any peeps getting together for a 4am photowalk in dublin? give a wee tweet :)
exactly !!! =)
i can just imagine what your doubters will say once you release the vids and pics sweet vindication for you :)
heyyy mike! :d
hi hi there :)
bought it anyway. je suis un fool. :)
anyone wanna play gts? :) it will just be disney songs...
happy #jedwardeaster you were awesome in the window at the morgan hotel. :) dancing away. :d love yas
chelsea 1-0 man u < =)
morning hunni...hows ur day going...??...<< so far so good :) how are u?
thanks sweetie :)
they did it!!! i love my team.... :-)
good luck! have a nice chase! :-)
what an amazing night, came in our tinychat room :) most amazing night ever won't ever forget it..hopefully he does it again :)
definately! i really liked it anyways :d
the other hand by chris cleave. friend is over visiting from scotland and brought me some books :-)
thankyouu :) #mileyforever bin ich auch :d haha #mileyforever rawwwr ily till the end!! <33
11:11 i wish for this mood to ease up. ^_^
thanks boo! :)
stick in there. the magic won 21 games in 03-04 & now look at us. :)
let's support blackjacks! #alwayskeepthefaith :)
watching tv with my friend ines. isn't it morning there ? :)
see, this way i can buy old ipad from him when he upgrades to v 2. :-)
good morning! :)
what i love about my 1 cup open mef is that i can have all 4 cups of my #coffee offering w/out brewing a pot each :d |_|b
bom dia, twitters! :)
follow >> now!!! :)
oh yeah took this for you :)
i hope the sf gaints get off to a better start this season, the last few years they sucked epically :( typical for a team from san fran :d
i would hunt you down & kill you! :d *jk* cause i need you, sophie :d ly <3
haha okooool!!! i'm so going to follow them now :d
good morning :)) have a safe, yet fun day--- :-) ♥ lmao
wassup people wanna chat with me? tweet me and i will try to reply :) <3
thank you~! :)
moms always remember their babies, even if they are 50. :)