--- layout: page title: Testing Emails ---
ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = { :address => "smtp.gmail.com", :port => "587", :domain => "gmail.com", :authentication => :plain, :user_name => "your-email@gmail.com", :password => "your-pass" }h3(#subject). Testing email subject lines In your @RAILS_ROOT/experiments/@ folder create an experiment file. For example:
ab_test "Invite subject" do description "Optimize invite subject line" alternatives "Join now!", "You're invited to an exclusive event." metrics :open endIn your @RAILS_ROOT/experiments/metrics/@ folder create a metric file for the metric you are testing. For example:
metric "Open (Activation)" do description "Measures how many recipients opened an email." endCreate an ActionMailer class, for example:
class UserMailer < ActionMailer::Base def invite_email(user) use_vanity_mailer user mail :to => user.email, :subject =>ab_test(:invite_subject) end endWe set the identity of the "user" in the @use_vanity_mailer@ method. This can take a string or an object that responds to id. If it's nil then it will set it as a random number. Setting the appropriate context is important to have each user consistently get the same alternative in our experiment. Now we need to include a tracking image in the email content. We pass in the vanity identity which we set when we called @use_vanity_mailer(user)@ and the metric we are tracking.
Last, we have to include the @TrackingImage@ module into our @VanityController@. This is the same place that you can include the @Dashboard@. @Vanity::Rails::TrackingImage@ will add a image method that will render a blank image.Hey Joseph
<%= vanity_tracking_image(Vanity.context.vanity_identity, :open, :host => "") %>
class VanityController < ApplicationController include Vanity::Rails::Dashboard include Vanity::Rails::TrackingImage endh3(#subject). Testing email content In your @RAILS_ROOT/experiments/@ folder create a new experiment file:
ab_test "Invite text" do description "Optimize invite text" alternatives "A friend of yours invited you to use Vanity", "Vanity is the latest and greatest in a/b testing technology" metrics :click endIn your @RAILS_ROOT/experiments/metrics/@ folder create a metric file for the metric you are testing:
metric "Click (Acquisition)" do description "Measures clickthough on email." endA/B test your email content:
Here we use the text from the "invite_text" experiment and then use the @vanity_track_url_for@ helper to add the identity and the metric to track into the url so that Vanity can track the click-throughs.Hi!
<%= link_to ab_test(:invite_text), vanity_track_url_for(Vanity.context.vanity_identity, :click, :controller => "home", :action => "index", :host => "") %>