# Copyright (c) 2023 M.J.N. Corino, The Netherlands # # This software is released under the MIT license. # # Some parts are # Copyright 2004-2007, wxRuby development team # released under the MIT-like wxRuby2 license # Adapted for wxRuby3 ### require 'wx' module Xrc # Basic Frame Class. This creates the dialog window class SimpleFrame < Wx::Frame def initialize() super nil, :title => "XRC Dialog Sample", :pos => [50, 50], :size => [300, 300] self.icon = Wx.Icon(:sample, Wx::BITMAP_TYPE_XPM, art_path: File.join(__dir__, '..')) txt = "Choose 'Open Dialog' from the menu to see a dialog made with XRC" Wx::StaticText.new self, :label => txt, :pos => [20, 20] # Create a new menu self.menu_bar = Wx::MenuBar.new menu = Wx::Menu.new menu.append Wx::ID_OPEN, "Open Dialog" menu.append Wx::ID_EXIT, "Quit" menu_bar.append(menu,"File") # Assign the menu events evt_menu(Wx::ID_OPEN) { Xrc.SimpleDialog(self) } evt_menu(Wx::ID_EXIT) { close } end end # Dialog subclass. The components within the dialog are loaded from XRC. class SimpleDialog < Wx::Dialog def initialize(parent) # To load a layout defined in XRC into a Ruby subclass of Dialog, # first call the empty constructor. All the details of size, # title, position and so on are loaded from the XRC by the call to # load_frame_subclass. Using a non-empty constructor will cause # errors on GTK. super() # Load the dialog from XRC. We define $xml in on_init. # We could use XmlResource.get() over and over again, but # honestly, that's just too much work. $xml.load_dialog_subclass(self,parent,'SAMPLE_DIALOG') # Get the buttons. The xrcid method turns a string identifier # used in an xml file into a numeric identifier as used in # wxruby. @ok = find_window_by_id( Wx::xrcid('wxID_OK') ) @cancel = find_window_by_id( Wx::xrcid('wxID_CANCEL') ) @message = find_window_by_id( Wx::xrcid('SAMPLE_MESSAGE') ) # Bind the buttons to event handlers evt_button(@ok) { end_modal(Wx::ID_OK) } evt_button(@cancel) { end_modal(Wx::ID_CANCEL) } evt_button(@message) do Wx::message_box("And now a message from our sponsors.") end end end end module XrcSample include WxRuby::Sample if defined? WxRuby::Sample def self.describe { file: __FILE__, summary: 'wxRuby XRC example.', description: 'wxRuby example showcasing loading a dialog using XRC.' } end def self.activate # Get a new resources object xrc_file = File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), 'samples.xrc' ) $xml = Wx::XmlResource.new(xrc_file) # Show the main frame. main = Xrc::SimpleFrame.new() main.show(true) main end if $0 == __FILE__ Wx::App.run { XrcSample.activate } end end