module Spider module TemplateBlocks def self.parse_element(el, allowed_blocks=nil, template=nil) return nil if (el.class == ::Hpricot::BogusETag) block = get_block_type(el) return nil unless (!allowed_blocks || allowed_blocks.include?(block)) return const_get(block).new(el, template, allowed_blocks) end def self.get_block_type(el, skip_attributes=false) if el.class == ::Hpricot::Text block = :Text elsif el.class == ::Hpricot::Comment block = :Comment elsif !skip_attributes && el.has_attribute?('sp:lambda') block = :Lambda elsif !skip_attributes && (el.has_attribute?('sp:if') || el.has_attribute?('sp:run-if')) block = :If elsif !skip_attributes && el.has_attribute?('sp:tag-if') block = :TagIf elsif !skip_attributes && el.has_attribute?('sp:attr-if') block = :AttrIf elsif !skip_attributes && (el.has_attribute?('sp:each') || el.has_attribute?('sp:each_index') \ || el.has_attribute?('sp:each_pair') || el.has_attribute?('sp:each_with_index')) block = :Each elsif == 'tpl:output' block = :Output elsif == 'tpl:output-assets' block = :LayoutAssets elsif == 'sp:render' block = :Render elsif == 'sp:run' block = :Run elsif == 'sp:yield' block = :Yield elsif == 'sp:pass' || == 'tpl:pass' || == 'sp:template' block = :Pass elsif == 'sp:debugger' block = :Debugger elsif == 'sp:parent-context' block = :ParentContext elsif == 'sp:recurse' block = :Recurse elsif Spider::Template.registered?( klass = Spider::Template.get_registered_class( if klass < ::Spider::Widget block = :Widget elsif klass < Spider::Tag block = :Tag else Spider.logger.error("Could not parse #{} tag") end else block = :HTML end return block end def self.parse_content(el, allowed_blocks=nil, template=nil) content_blocks = [] last_block = nil el.each_child do |ch| #Spider.logger.debug "TRAVERSING CHILD #{ch}" # Gives the preceding block the chance to "eat" the next elements next if (last_block && last_block.get_following(ch)) last_block = TemplateBlocks.parse_element(ch, allowed_blocks, template) content_blocks << last_block if (last_block) end return content_blocks end def self.compile_content(el, c='', init='', options={}) c ||= "" init ||= "" blocks = self.parse_content(el, options[:allowed_blocks], options[:template]) blocks.each do |block| compiled = block.compile(options) next unless compiled c += compiled.run_code if (compiled.run_code) init += compiled.init_code if (compiled.init_code) end return [c, init] end class Block attr_reader :el, :template, :allowed_blocks attr_accessor :doctype def initialize(el, template=nil, allowed_blocks=nil) @el = el @template = template @allowed_blocks = allowed_blocks @content_blocks = [] end def parse_content(el) TemplateBlocks.parse_content(el, @allowed_blocks, @template) end def compile_content(c='', init='', options={}) options[:allowed_blocks] ||= @allowed_blocks options[:template] ||= @template TemplateBlocks.compile_content(@el, c, init, options) end def get_following(el) return false end def escape_text(text) res = text.gsub(/_(\\*)\\\((.+?)\)/, '_\1(\2)') \ .gsub('\\', '\\\\\\').gsub("'", "\\\\'") return res end def self.vars_to_scene(str, container='self') res = "" Spider::Template.scan_scene_vars(str) do |type, val| case type when :plain res += val when :var res += "#{container}[:#{val}]" end end res end def vars_to_scene(str, container='self') self.class.vars_to_scene(str, container) end def compile_text(str) res = "" Spider::Template.scan_text(str) do |type, val, full| case type when :plain res += escape_text(val) when :escaped_expr res += "{ #{val} }" when :expr res += "'+("+vars_to_scene(val)+").to_s+'" when :gettext res += "'\n$out << _('#{escape_text(val[0])}')" if val[1] res += " #{vars_to_scene(val[1])}" end res += "\n$out << '" end end res end def inspect @el end def self.var_to_scene(var, container='self') first, rest = var.split('.', 2) if (first =~ /([^\[]+)(\[.+)/) var_name = $1 array_rest = $2 else var_name = first end if (var[0].chr == '@') scene_var = "#{container}[:#{var_name[1..-1]}]" else scene_var = var_name end scene_var += array_rest if (array_rest) scene_var += '.'+rest if (rest) return scene_var end def var_to_scene(var, container='self') self.class.var_to_scene(var, container) end end class CompiledBlock attr_accessor :init_code, :run_code def initialize(init_code, run_code) @init_code = init_code @run_code = run_code end end end end require 'spiderfw/templates/blocks/html' require 'spiderfw/templates/blocks/comment' require 'spiderfw/templates/blocks/text' require 'spiderfw/templates/blocks/each' require 'spiderfw/templates/blocks/if' require 'spiderfw/templates/blocks/tag_if' require 'spiderfw/templates/blocks/attr_if' require 'spiderfw/templates/blocks/render' require 'spiderfw/templates/blocks/yield' require 'spiderfw/templates/blocks/pass' require 'spiderfw/templates/blocks/tag' require 'spiderfw/templates/blocks/widget' require 'spiderfw/templates/blocks/run' require 'spiderfw/templates/blocks/debugger' require 'spiderfw/templates/blocks/parent_context' require 'spiderfw/templates/blocks/output' require 'spiderfw/templates/blocks/layout_assets' require 'spiderfw/templates/blocks/lambda' require 'spiderfw/templates/blocks/recurse'