/*global define,console*/ define(['Core/defined'], function( defined) { "use strict"; var BingMapsApi = { }; /** * The default Bing Maps API key to use if one is not provided to the * constructor of an object that uses the Bing Maps API. If this property is undefined, * Cesium's default key is used, which is only suitable for use early in development. * Please generate your own key by visiting * <a href='https://www.bingmapsportal.com/'>https://www.bingmapsportal.com/</a> * as soon as possible and prior to deployment. When Cesium's default key is used, * a message is printed to the console the first time the Bing Maps API is used. * * @type {String} */ BingMapsApi.defaultKey = undefined; var printedBingWarning = false; BingMapsApi.getKey = function(providedKey) { if (defined(providedKey)) { return providedKey; } if (!defined(BingMapsApi.defaultKey)) { if (!printedBingWarning) { console.log('This application is using Cesium\'s default Bing Maps key. Please create a new key for the application as soon as possible and prior to deployment by visiting https://www.bingmapsportal.com/, and provide your key to Cesium by setting the Cesium.BingMapsApi.defaultKey property before constructing the CesiumWidget or any other object that uses the Bing Maps API.'); printedBingWarning = true; } return 'Aj1ony_-Typ-KjG9SJWiKSHY23U1KmK7yAmZa9lDmuF2osXWkcZ22VPsqmCt0TCt'; } return BingMapsApi.defaultKey; }; return BingMapsApi; });