ChimeSdk.configure do |config| # Configure application name for unique key and metadata of Chime SDK meetings and attendees. # Do not use '-' in this application name since it is a delimiter. config.application_name = 'ChimeSdkRailsApp' # Configure media region to host Chime SDK meetings. # Default value is 'us-east-1'. config.media_region = 'us-east-1' # Configure prefix to make unique key of Chime SDK meetings and attendees. # Default value is "#{config.application_name}-#{Rails.env}-". config.prefix = "#{config.application_name}-#{Rails.env}-" # Configure default max_results value used in list_attendees API. config.max_attendee_results = 10 # Configure whether the application creates meeting with attendee in meetings#create action. config.create_meeting_with_attendee = true # Configure whether the application creates attendee from meeting in meetings#show action. config.create_attendee_from_meeting = true # Configure whether the application creates meeting in meetings#index action by HTTP GET request. config.create_meeting_by_get_request = false end