= ey_cloud_awareness
This gem makes it a little easier to live on the EngineYard cloud:
* allow your instances to get information about the app_master, db_master, utility workers, etc. in its EngineYard environment
* automatically map cap tasks to all your instances
* automatically update your ssh aliases
We use it over at http://brighterplanet.com.
== /etc/chef/dna.json must be readable
This gem depends on
being READABLE and containing certain attributes as named by EngineYard. You might have to add:
sudo 'chmod a+r /etc/chef/dna.json'
to your before_restart.rb hook.
== Using the commandline tool directly
Running this command only works from EngineYard AppCloud Amazon EC2 instances.
* SSH into one of your EngineYard AppCloud Amazon EC2 instances.
* Run sudo gem install ey_cloud_awareness --no-rdoc --no-ri to make sure the gem binary is installed somewhere in your path.
* Run sudo chmod a+r /etc/chef/dna.json to make sure everybody can read the EngineYard DNA information.
* Run ey_cloud_awareness and you should get back a JSON-encoded hash of instance, environment, app, and other metadata.
It returns a cleaned-up combination of Amazon EC2 and EngineYard metadata.
== Capistrano
Put this in your config/deploy.rb (or your Capfile):
# don't miss this line just because it's at the top
load "#{Gem.searcher.find('ey_cloud_awareness').full_gem_path}/lib/ey_cloud_awareness/capistrano_tasks.rb"
task :my_production do
role :app_master, 'my_app.com'
find_and_execute_task 'eyc_setup' # gets a fresh list of your environment's instances and sets roles
task :my_staging do
role :app_master, 'staging.my_app.com'
find_and_execute_task 'eyc_setup' # gets a fresh list of your environment's instances and sets roles
# add more tasks if you have more cloud environments
If you want to use EngineYard tasks like
cap my_production monit:status
cap my_production deploy:web:disable
cap my_production deploy:web:enable
cap my_production passenger:restart
cap my_production nginx:restart
then you should make sure the tasks look like
require 'eycap/recipes'
ssh_options[:compression] = false
set :user, 'deploy'
set :runner, 'deploy'
task :my_production do
role :app_master, 'my_app.com'
find_and_execute_task 'eyc_setup'
set :rails_env, 'production' # required for eycap
set :deploy_to, '/data/my_app' # required for eycap too
task :my_staging do
role :app_master, 'staging.my_app.com'
find_and_execute_task 'eyc_setup'
set :rails_env, 'production' # required for eycap
set :deploy_to, '/data/my_app' # required for eycap too
== SSH into your instances
You can easily create SSH aliases like...
ssh my_production-app_master
using the following task:
cap my_production eyc:ssh
cap my_staging eyc:ssh
That will magically update ~/.ssh/config with aliases like
ssh my_production-db_master
ssh my_production-app_master
ssh my_production-app0
ssh my_production-app1
ssh my_production-app2
ssh my_production-util0
ssh my_production-util1
ssh my_staging-app_master
ssh my_staging-db_master
Unfortunately, the counters are arbitrary and so the assignment of util0 versus util1, etc. may change every time you update your .ssh/config file with this task.
Once you've done the quickstart, try:
cap my_production eyc:app_servers # gets a list of your app instances, including app_master
cap my_production eyc:utilities # ditto for utility instances
cap my_production eyc:db_servers # ditto for db instances
cap my_production eyc:all # gets a list of all your instances
== Making your instances aware of each other
You can use EngineYardCloudInstance to pull up information on other instances in an environment:
>> db_master = EngineYardCloudInstance.db_master
=> #
>> db_master.dns_name
=> "ec2-67-201-47-30.compute-1.amazonaws.com"
You can also inspect the whole set of metadata itself. This may change over time:
>> pp db_master.data
=> {:block_device_mapping=>
:instance_state=>{:code=>"16", :name=>"running"},
== A note on caching and network needs
I tried to be smart about caching the results of network calls.
Stuff like the present instance id, which is pulled from an EC2 metadata server, is stored in
Please let me know if this causes problems.
== Copyright
Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 Seamus Abshere. See LICENSE for details.