require 'spec_helper' require 'facter/core/execution' describe Facter::Core::Execution::Base do describe "#with_env" do it "should execute the caller's block with the specified env vars" do test_env = { "LANG" => "C", "FOO" => "BAR" } subject.with_env test_env do test_env.keys.each do |key| ENV[key].should == test_env[key] end end end it "should restore pre-existing environment variables to their previous values" do orig_env = {} new_env = {} # an arbitrary sentinel value to use to temporarily set the environment vars to sentinel_value = "Abracadabra" # grab some values from the existing ENV (arbitrarily choosing 3 here) ENV.keys.first(3).each do |key| # save the original values so that we can test against them later orig_env[key] = ENV[key] # create bogus temp values for the chosen keys new_env[key] = sentinel_value end # verify that, during the 'with_env', the new values are used subject.with_env new_env do orig_env.keys.each do |key| ENV[key].should == new_env[key] end end # verify that, after the 'with_env', the old values are restored orig_env.keys.each do |key| ENV[key].should == orig_env[key] end end it "should not be affected by a 'return' statement in the yield block" do @sentinel_var = :resolution_test_foo.to_s # the intent of this test case is to test a yield block that contains a return statement. However, it's illegal # to use a return statement outside of a method, so we need to create one here to give scope to the 'return' def handy_method() ENV[@sentinel_var] = "foo" new_env = { @sentinel_var => "bar" } subject.with_env new_env do ENV[@sentinel_var].should == "bar" return end end handy_method() ENV[@sentinel_var].should == "foo" end end describe "#exec" do it "switches LANG to C when executing the command" do subject.expects(:with_env).with('LANG' => 'C') subject.exec('foo') end it "switches LC_ALL to C when executing the command" it "expands the command before running it" do subject.stubs(:`).returns '' subject.expects(:expand_command).with('foo').returns '/bin/foo' subject.exec('foo') end describe "and the command is not present" do it "raises an error when the :on_fail behavior is :raise" do subject.expects(:expand_command).with('foo').returns nil expect { subject.exec('foo') }.to raise_error(Facter::Core::Execution::ExecutionFailure) end it "returns the given value when :on_fail is set to a value" do subject.expects(:expand_command).with('foo').returns nil expect(subject.exec('foo', :on_fail => nil)).to be_nil end end describe "when command execution fails" do before do subject.expects(:`).with("/bin/foo").raises "kaboom!" subject.expects(:expand_command).with('foo').returns '/bin/foo' end it "raises an error when the :on_fail behavior is :raise" do expect { subject.exec('foo') }.to raise_error(Facter::Core::Execution::ExecutionFailure) end it "returns the given value when :on_fail is set to a value" do expect(subject.exec('foo', :on_fail => nil)).to be_nil end end it "launches a thread to wait on children if the command was interrupted" do subject.expects(:`).with("/bin/foo").raises "kaboom!" subject.expects(:expand_command).with('foo').returns '/bin/foo' Facter.stubs(:warn) Thread.expects(:new).yields Process.expects(:waitall).once subject.exec("foo", :on_fail => nil) end it "returns the output of the command" do subject.expects(:`).with("/bin/foo").returns 'hi' subject.expects(:expand_command).with('foo').returns '/bin/foo' expect(subject.exec("foo")).to eq 'hi' end it "strips off trailing newlines" do subject.expects(:`).with("/bin/foo").returns "hi\n" subject.expects(:expand_command).with('foo').returns '/bin/foo' expect(subject.exec("foo")).to eq 'hi' end end end