module Katello class Api::V2::SyncPlansController < Api::V2::ApiController respond_to :json include Katello::Concerns::FilteredAutoCompleteSearch before_action :find_organization, :only => [:create, :index, :auto_complete_search] before_action :find_plan, :only => [:update, :show, :destroy, :sync, :add_products, :remove_products] def_param_group :sync_plan do param :name, String, :desc => N_("sync plan name"), :required => true, :action_aware => true param :interval, SyncPlan::TYPES, :desc => N_("how often synchronization should run"), :required => true, :action_aware => true param :sync_date, String, :desc => N_("start datetime of synchronization"), :required => true, :action_aware => true param :description, String, :desc => N_("sync plan description") param :enabled, :bool, :desc => N_("enables or disables synchronization"), :required => true, :action_aware => true end api :GET, "/sync_plans", N_("List sync plans") api :GET, "/organizations/:organization_id/sync_plans" param :organization_id, :number, :desc => N_("Filter sync plans by organization name or label"), :required => true param :name, String, :desc => N_("filter by name") param :sync_date, String, :desc => N_("filter by sync date") param :interval, SyncPlan::TYPES, :desc => N_("filter by interval") param_group :search, Api::V2::ApiController def index respond_for_index(:collection => scoped_search(index_relation.uniq, :name, :asc)) end def index_relation query = SyncPlan.readable.where(:organization_id => query = query.where(:name => params[:name]) if params[:name] query = query.where(:sync_date => params[:sync_date]) if params[:sync_date] query = query.where(:interval => params[:interval]) if params[:interval] query end api :GET, "/organizations/:organization_id/sync_plans/:id", N_("Show a sync plan") api :GET, "/sync_plans/:id", N_("Show a sync plan") param :organization_id, :number, :desc => N_("Filter sync plans by organization name or label") param :id, :number, :desc => N_("sync plan numeric identifier"), :required => true def show respond_for_show(:resource => @sync_plan) end api :POST, "/organizations/:organization_id/sync_plans", N_("Create a sync plan") param :organization_id, :number, :desc => N_("Filter sync plans by organization name or label"), :required => true param_group :sync_plan def create sync_date = sync_plan_params[:sync_date].to_time(:utc) unless sync_date.is_a?(Time) fail _("Date format is incorrect.") end @sync_plan = @sync_plan.sync_date = sync_date @sync_plan.organization = @organization! respond_for_show(:resource => @sync_plan) end api :PUT, "/organizations/:organization_id/sync_plans/:id", N_("Update a sync plan") api :PUT, "/sync_plans/:id", N_("Update a sync plan") param :organization_id, :number, :desc => N_("Filter sync plans by organization name or label") param :id, :number, :desc => N_("sync plan numeric identifier"), :required => true param_group :sync_plan def update sync_date = sync_plan_params.try(:[], :sync_date).try(:to_time) if !sync_date.nil? && !sync_date.is_a?(Time) fail _("Date format is incorrect.") end sync_task(::Actions::Katello::SyncPlan::Update, @sync_plan, sync_plan_params) respond_for_show(:resource => @sync_plan) end api :DELETE, "/organizations/:organization_id/sync_plans/:id", N_("Destroy a sync plan") api :DELETE, "/sync_plans/:id", N_("Destroy a sync plan") param :organization_id, :number, :desc => N_("Filter sync plans by organization name or label") param :id, :number, :desc => N_("sync plan numeric identifier") def destroy sync_task(::Actions::Katello::SyncPlan::Destroy, @sync_plan) respond_for_show(:resource => @sync_plan) end api :PUT, "/organizations/:organization_id/sync_plans/:id/add_products", N_("Add products to sync plan") param :id, String, :desc => N_("ID of the sync plan"), :required => true param :product_ids, Array, :desc => N_("List of product ids to add to the sync plan"), :required => true def add_products sync_task(::Actions::Katello::SyncPlan::AddProducts, @sync_plan, params[:product_ids]) respond_for_show end api :PUT, "/organizations/:organization_id/sync_plans/:id/remove_products", N_("Remove products from sync plan") param :id, String, :desc => N_("ID of the sync plan"), :required => true param :product_ids, Array, :desc => N_("List of product ids to remove from the sync plan"), :required => true def remove_products sync_task(::Actions::Katello::SyncPlan::RemoveProducts, @sync_plan, params[:product_ids]) respond_for_show end api :PUT, "/sync_plans/:id/sync", N_("Initiate a sync of the products attached to the sync plan") api :PUT, "/organizations/:organization_id/sync_plans/:id/sync", N_("Initiate a sync of the products attached to the sync plan") param :id, String, :desc => N_("ID of the sync plan"), :required => true def sync syncable_products = @sync_plan.products.syncable syncable_repositories = Repository.where(:product_id => syncable_products).has_url task = async_task(::Actions::BulkAction, ::Actions::Katello::Repository::Sync, syncable_repositories) respond_for_async :resource => task rescue Foreman::Exception raise HttpErrors::BadRequest, _("No products within sync plan") end protected def find_plan @sync_plan = SyncPlan.find_by(:id => params[:id]) fail HttpErrors::NotFound, _("Couldn't find sync plan '%{plan}' in organization '%{org}'") % { :plan => params[:id], :org => params[:organization_id] } if @sync_plan.nil? @organization ||= @sync_plan.organization @sync_plan end def sync_plan_params params.require(:sync_plan).permit(:name, :description, :interval, :sync_date, :product_ids, :enabled) end end end