require 'thor' require 'lotus/environment' require 'lotus/version' module Lotus class Cli < Thor include Thor::Actions desc 'version', 'prints Lotus version' def version puts "v#{ Lotus::VERSION }" end desc 'server', 'starts a lotus server' method_option :port, aliases: '-p', desc: 'The port to run the server on, ' method_option :server, desc: 'choose a specific Rack::Handler, e.g. webrick, thin etc' method_option :rackup, desc: 'a rackup configuration file path to load (' method_option :host, desc: 'the host address to bind to' method_option :debug, desc: 'turn on debug output' method_option :warn, desc: 'turn on warnings' method_option :daemonize, desc: 'if true, the server will daemonize itself (fork, detach, etc)' method_option :pid, desc: 'path to write a pid file after daemonize' method_option :environment, desc: 'path to environment configuration (config/environment.rb)' method_option :code_reloading, desc: 'code reloading', type: :boolean, default: true method_option :help, aliases: '-h', desc: 'displays the usage message' def server if options[:help] invoke :help, ['server'] else require 'lotus/commands/server' end end desc 'console', 'starts a lotus console' method_option :environment, desc: 'path to environment configuration (config/environment.rb)' method_option :engine, desc: 'choose a specific console engine: irb/pry/ripl (irb)' method_option :help, aliases: '-h', desc: 'displays the usage method' def console if options[:help] invoke :help, ['console'] else require 'lotus/commands/console' end end desc 'routes', 'prints routes' method_option :environment, desc: 'path to environment configuration (config/environment.rb)' method_option :help, aliases: '-h', desc: 'displays the usage method' def routes if options[:help] invoke :help, ['routes'] else require 'lotus/commands/routes' end end desc 'new', 'generates a new application' method_option :database, aliases: ['-d', '--db'], desc: 'application database (filesystem/memory/postgresql/sqlite3/mysql)', type: :string, default: 'filesystem' method_option :architecture, aliases: ['-a', '--arch'], desc: 'application architecture (container/app)', type: :string, default: 'container' method_option :application, desc: 'application name', type: :string, default: 'web' method_option :application_base_url, desc: 'application base url', type: :string, default: '/' method_option :path, desc: 'path', type: :string method_option :test, desc: 'application test framework (rspec/minitest)', type: :string, default: 'minitest' method_option :lotus_head, desc: 'use Lotus HEAD', type: :boolean, default: false method_option :help, aliases: '-h', desc: 'displays the usage method' def new(name = nil) if options[:help] || name.nil? invoke :help, ['new'] else require 'lotus/commands/new', environment, self).start end end desc 'generate', 'generates app, action, model, mailer or migration' method_option :application_base_url, desc: 'application base url', type: :string method_option :path, desc: 'applications path', type: :string method_option :url, desc: 'relative URL for action', type: :string method_option :method, desc: "HTTP method for action. Upper/lower case is ignored. Must be one of GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, TRACE.", type: :string, default: 'GET' method_option :skip_view, desc: 'skip the creation of view and templates (only for action)', type: :boolean, default: false method_option :help, aliases: '-h', desc: 'displays the usage method' # @since 0.3.0 # @api private def generate(type = nil, app_name = nil, name = nil) if options[:help] || (type.nil? && app_name.nil? && name.nil?) invoke :help, ['generate'] else require 'lotus/commands/generate', app_name, name, environment, self).start end end require 'lotus/commands/db' register Lotus::Commands::DB, 'db', 'db [SUBCOMMAND]', 'manage set of DB operations' private def environment end end end