- Fix template loading on Edge Rails and on Rails 2.1.0 0.3.1 - Fix migration issue with Rails 2.1.0 using timestamps. 0.3.0 - Fixed script/destroy not removing the routes [From Jeff Dean] - gem includes the Rails generator files [From Jeff Dean] - Fixed readding the route to config/routes.rb in the script/destroy task [From Jeff Dean] - Github now properly formats readme [From Jeff Dean] - Updated the gemspec so rdoc includes it and updated it to add installation and setup instructions [From Jeff Dean] - Removed sample route from generator [From Jeff Dean] 0.2.1 - Fixed ActionMailer rendering in Rails 1.99.0 0.2.0 - Works with edge Rails - Removed Desert::Plugin#up_to_date? - Removed Migrator#latest_version 0.1.1 - Works with edge Rails - Fixed double loading issue with not fully expanded load_paths. 0.1.0 - Fixed [#13346] ActionController::Base.helper raises error when helper is only in plugin - Desert does not require files that have been required before Desert was loaded