= ActiveRecordBaseWithoutTable If you find this plugin useful, please consider a donation to show your support! http://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_send-money Email address: jonathan.viney@gmail.com == Instructions * For edge Rails r7315 or above use http://svn.viney.net.nz/things/branches/active_record_base_without_table Get the power of ActiveRecord models, including validation, without having a table in the database. class Contact < ActiveRecord::BaseWithoutTable column :name, :string column :email_address, :string column :message, :text validates_presence_of :name, :email_address, :string end This model can be used just like a regular model based on a table, except it will never be saved to the database. There is a good blog post available on the plugin: http://www.kangarooit.com/developer_blog/2007/02/email-form-validation-in-ruby-on-rails.php Any bugs, questions, comments please feel free to email me: jonathan.viney@gmail.com