# ******************************************************************************* # OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) 2008-2021, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # (3) Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of any contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission from the respective party. # # (4) Other than as required in clauses (1) and (2), distributions in any form # of modifications or other derivative works may not use the "OpenStudio" # trademark, "OS", "os", or any other confusingly similar designation without # specific prior written permission from Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) AND ANY CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S), ANY CONTRIBUTORS, THE # UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, OR THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, NOR ANY OF # THEIR EMPLOYEES, BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT # OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ******************************************************************************* # start the measure class AdjustThermostatSetpointsByDegrees < OpenStudio::Measure::ModelMeasure # define the name that a user will see def name return 'Adjust Thermostat Setpoints by Degrees' end # human readable description def description return 'This measure adjusts heating and cooling setpoints by a user specified number of degrees. This is applied throughout the entire building.' end # human readable description of modeling approach def modeler_description return 'This measure will clone all of the schedules that are used as heating and cooling setpoints for thermal zones. The clones are hooked up to the thermostat in place of the original schedules. Then the schedules are adjusted by the specified values. There is a checkbox to determine if the thermostat for design days should be altered.' end # define the arguments that the user will input def arguments(model) args = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgumentVector.new # make an argument for adjustment to cooling setpoint cooling_adjustment = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('cooling_adjustment', true) cooling_adjustment.setDisplayName('Degrees Fahrenheit to Adjust Cooling Setpoint By') cooling_adjustment.setDefaultValue(1.0) args << cooling_adjustment # make an argument for adjustment to heating setpoint heating_adjustment = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('heating_adjustment', true) heating_adjustment.setDisplayName('Degrees Fahrenheit to Adjust heating Setpoint By') heating_adjustment.setDefaultValue(-1.0) args << heating_adjustment # make an argument for adjustment to heating setpoint alter_design_days = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeBoolArgument('alter_design_days', true) alter_design_days.setDisplayName('Alter Design Day Thermostats') alter_design_days.setDefaultValue(false) args << alter_design_days return args end # define what happens when the measure is run def run(model, runner, user_arguments) super(model, runner, user_arguments) # use the built-in error checking if !runner.validateUserArguments(arguments(model), user_arguments) return false end # assign the user inputs to variables cooling_adjustment = runner.getDoubleArgumentValue('cooling_adjustment', user_arguments) heating_adjustment = runner.getDoubleArgumentValue('heating_adjustment', user_arguments) alter_design_days = runner.getBoolArgumentValue('alter_design_days', user_arguments) # ruby test to see if first charter of string is uppercase letter if cooling_adjustment < 0 runner.registerWarning('Lowering the cooling setpoint will increase energy use.') elsif cooling_adjustment.abs > 500 runner.registerError("#{cooling_adjustment} is a larger than typical setpoint adjustment") return false elsif cooling_adjustment.abs > 50 runner.registerWarning("#{cooling_adjustment} is a larger than typical setpoint adjustment") end if heating_adjustment > 0 runner.registerWarning('Raising the heating setpoint will increase energy use.') elsif heating_adjustment.abs > 500 runner.registerError("#{heating_adjustment} is a larger than typical setpoint adjustment") return false elsif heating_adjustment.abs > 50 runner.registerWarning("#{heating_adjustment} is a larger than typical setpoint adjustment") end # setup OpenStudio units that we will need temperature_ip_unit = OpenStudio.createUnit('F').get temperature_si_unit = OpenStudio.createUnit('C').get # define starting units cooling_adjustment_ip = OpenStudio::Quantity.new(cooling_adjustment, temperature_ip_unit) heating_adjustment_ip = OpenStudio::Quantity.new(heating_adjustment, temperature_ip_unit) # push schedules to hash to avoid making unnecessary duplicates clg_set_schs = {} htg_set_schs = {} # get thermostats and setpoint schedules thermostats = model.getThermostatSetpointDualSetpoints thermostats.each do |thermostat| # setup new cooling setpoint schedule clg_set_sch = thermostat.coolingSetpointTemperatureSchedule if !clg_set_sch.empty? # clone of not alredy in hash if clg_set_schs.key?(clg_set_sch.get.name.to_s) new_clg_set_sch = clg_set_schs[clg_set_sch.get.name.to_s] else new_clg_set_sch = clg_set_sch.get.clone(model) new_clg_set_sch = new_clg_set_sch.to_Schedule.get new_clg_set_sch_name = new_clg_set_sch.setName("#{new_clg_set_sch.name} adjusted by #{cooling_adjustment_ip}") # add to the hash clg_set_schs[clg_set_sch.get.name.to_s] = new_clg_set_sch end # hook up clone to thermostat thermostat.setCoolingSetpointTemperatureSchedule(new_clg_set_sch) else runner.registerWarning("Thermostat '#{thermostat.name}' doesn't have a cooling setpoint schedule") end # setup new heating setpoint schedule htg_set_sch = thermostat.heatingSetpointTemperatureSchedule if !htg_set_sch.empty? # clone of not already in hash if htg_set_schs.key?(htg_set_sch.get.name.to_s) new_htg_set_sch = htg_set_schs[htg_set_sch.get.name.to_s] else new_htg_set_sch = htg_set_sch.get.clone(model) new_htg_set_sch = new_htg_set_sch.to_Schedule.get new_htg_set_sch_name = new_htg_set_sch.setName("#{new_htg_set_sch.name} adjusted by #{heating_adjustment_ip}") # add to the hash htg_set_schs[htg_set_sch.get.name.to_s] = new_htg_set_sch end # hook up clone to thermostat thermostat.setHeatingSetpointTemperatureSchedule(new_htg_set_sch) else runner.registerWarning("Thermostat '#{thermostat.name}' doesn't have a heating setpoint schedule.") end end # setting up variables to use for initial and final condition clg_sch_set_values = [] # may need to flatten this htg_sch_set_values = [] # may need to flatten this final_clg_sch_set_values = [] final_htg_sch_set_values = [] # consider issuing a warning if the model has un-conditioned thermal zones (no ideal air loads or hvac) zones = model.getThermalZones zones.each do |zone| # if you have a thermostat but don't have ideal air loads or zone equipment then issue a warning if !zone.thermostatSetpointDualSetpoint.empty? && !zone.useIdealAirLoads && (zone.equipment.size <= 0) runner.registerWarning("Thermal zone '#{zone.name}' has a thermostat but does not appear to be conditioned.") end end # make cooling schedule adjustments and rename. Put in check to skip and warn if schedule not ruleset clg_set_schs.each do |k, v| # old name and new object for schedule if !v.to_ScheduleRuleset.empty? # array to store profiles in profiles = [] schedule = v.to_ScheduleRuleset.get # push default profiles to array default_rule = schedule.defaultDaySchedule profiles << default_rule # push profiles to array rules = schedule.scheduleRules rules.each do |rule| day_sch = rule.daySchedule profiles << day_sch end # add design days to array if alter_design_days == true summer_design = schedule.summerDesignDaySchedule winter_design = schedule.winterDesignDaySchedule profiles << summer_design # profiles << winter_design end profiles.each do |sch_day| day_time_vector = sch_day.times day_value_vector = sch_day.values clg_sch_set_values << day_value_vector sch_day.clearValues for i in 0..(day_time_vector.size - 1) v_si = OpenStudio::Quantity.new(day_value_vector[i], temperature_si_unit) v_ip = OpenStudio.convert(v_si, temperature_ip_unit).get target_v_ip = v_ip + cooling_adjustment_ip target_temp_si = OpenStudio.convert(target_v_ip, temperature_si_unit).get sch_day.addValue(day_time_vector[i], target_temp_si.value) end final_clg_sch_set_values << sch_day.values end else runner.registerWarning("Schedule '#{k}' isn't a ScheduleRuleset object and won't be altered by this measure.") v.remove # remove un-used clone end end # make heating schedule adjustments and rename. Put in check to skip and warn if schedule not ruleset htg_set_schs.each do |k, v| # old name and new object for schedule if !v.to_ScheduleRuleset.empty? # array to store profiles in profiles = [] schedule = v.to_ScheduleRuleset.get # push default profiles to array default_rule = schedule.defaultDaySchedule profiles << default_rule # push profiles to array rules = schedule.scheduleRules rules.each do |rule| day_sch = rule.daySchedule profiles << day_sch end # add design days to array if alter_design_days == true summer_design = schedule.summerDesignDaySchedule winter_design = schedule.winterDesignDaySchedule # profiles << summer_design profiles << winter_design end profiles.each do |sch_day| day_time_vector = sch_day.times day_value_vector = sch_day.values htg_sch_set_values << day_value_vector sch_day.clearValues for i in 0..(day_time_vector.size - 1) v_si = OpenStudio::Quantity.new(day_value_vector[i], temperature_si_unit) v_ip = OpenStudio.convert(v_si, temperature_ip_unit).get target_v_ip = v_ip + heating_adjustment_ip target_temp_si = OpenStudio.convert(target_v_ip, temperature_si_unit).get sch_day.addValue(day_time_vector[i], target_temp_si.value) end final_htg_sch_set_values << sch_day.values end else runner.registerWarning("Schedule '#{k}' isn't a ScheduleRuleset object and won't be altered by this measure.") v.remove # remove un-used clone end end # get min and max heating and cooling and convert to IP clg_sch_set_values = clg_sch_set_values.flatten htg_sch_set_values = htg_sch_set_values.flatten # set NA flag if can't get values for schedules (e.g. if all compact) applicable_flag = false # get min and max if values exist if !clg_sch_set_values.empty? min_clg_si = OpenStudio::Quantity.new(clg_sch_set_values.min, temperature_si_unit) max_clg_si = OpenStudio::Quantity.new(clg_sch_set_values.max, temperature_si_unit) min_clg_ip = OpenStudio.convert(min_clg_si, temperature_ip_unit).get max_clg_ip = OpenStudio.convert(max_clg_si, temperature_ip_unit).get applicable_flag = true else min_clg_ip = 'NA' max_clg_ip = 'NA' end # get min and max if values exist if !htg_sch_set_values.empty? min_htg_si = OpenStudio::Quantity.new(htg_sch_set_values.min, temperature_si_unit) max_htg_si = OpenStudio::Quantity.new(htg_sch_set_values.max, temperature_si_unit) min_htg_ip = OpenStudio.convert(min_htg_si, temperature_ip_unit).get max_htg_ip = OpenStudio.convert(max_htg_si, temperature_ip_unit).get applicable_flag = true else min_htg_ip = 'NA' max_htg_ip = 'NA' end # not applicable if no schedules can be altered if applicable_flag == false runner.registerAsNotApplicable('No thermostat schedules in the models could be altered.') end # reporting initial condition of model starting_spaces = model.getSpaces runner.registerInitialCondition("Initial cooling setpoints used in the model range from #{min_clg_ip} to #{max_clg_ip}. Initial heating setpoints used in the model range from #{min_htg_ip} to #{max_htg_ip}.") # get min and max heating and cooling and convert to IP for final final_clg_sch_set_values = final_clg_sch_set_values.flatten final_htg_sch_set_values = final_htg_sch_set_values.flatten if !clg_sch_set_values.empty? final_min_clg_si = OpenStudio::Quantity.new(final_clg_sch_set_values.min, temperature_si_unit) final_max_clg_si = OpenStudio::Quantity.new(final_clg_sch_set_values.max, temperature_si_unit) final_min_clg_ip = OpenStudio.convert(final_min_clg_si, temperature_ip_unit).get final_max_clg_ip = OpenStudio.convert(final_max_clg_si, temperature_ip_unit).get else final_min_clg_ip = 'NA' final_max_clg_ip = 'NA' end # get min and max if values exist if !htg_sch_set_values.empty? final_min_htg_si = OpenStudio::Quantity.new(final_htg_sch_set_values.min, temperature_si_unit) final_max_htg_si = OpenStudio::Quantity.new(final_htg_sch_set_values.max, temperature_si_unit) final_min_htg_ip = OpenStudio.convert(final_min_htg_si, temperature_ip_unit).get final_max_htg_ip = OpenStudio.convert(final_max_htg_si, temperature_ip_unit).get else final_min_htg_ip = 'NA' final_max_htg_ip = 'NA' end # reporting final condition of model finishing_spaces = model.getSpaces runner.registerFinalCondition("Final cooling setpoints used in the model range from #{final_min_clg_ip} to #{final_max_clg_ip}. Final heating setpoints used in the model range from #{final_min_htg_ip} to #{final_max_htg_ip}.") return true end end # this allows the measure to be used by the application AdjustThermostatSetpointsByDegrees.new.registerWithApplication