# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is loosely based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/) and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## Next ### User-facing #### Added - \#248 Add support for modifying the configuration of Shielded VM [lcy0321] - \#244 Add accelerator (GPU) configuration [johanvdhaegen] - \#216 Add support for Windows hosts through WinRM [dvanbrug] #### Fixed - \#246 Fix config override during metadata merge [mavin] - \#249 Fix shielded API failures on non-shielded VM's [temikus] - \#227 Fix additional disks being auto-deleted unless a disk type is specified [chrisgavin] ### Development #### Fixed - \#247 chore: Update Gemfile with new `vagrant-spec` branch name [mavin] - \#241 Fix unfortunate CI `on:` trigger typo [temikus] - \#240 Update development environment, add CI functionality [Temikus] - \#239 Remove old fixup in Gemfile [Temikus] - \#237 Bump image size for test skeleton [Temikus] ## 2.5.0 (September 2019) ### User-facing #### Added - \#222 Added internal IP support [andrewh1978] #### Deprecated - \#220 Deprecated google_client_email parameter, as it's no longer needed or supported by fog-google [temikus] ### Development #### Added - \#223 Set up unit test GitHub Action worflow [temikus] #### Fixed - \#225 Locked the vagrant dep to 2.2.4 due to bundler issues on 2.2.5 [temikus] ## 2.4.0 (April 2019) ### User-facing #### Added - \#213 Implemented Application Default Credentials authentication [mavin] #### Fixed - \#214 Set a default zone only if `default` network is used [mavin] - \#215 Allow tags,labels and additional_disks to be merged with multiple configs [mavin] ### Development - \#213 Bumped dependencies [mavin] - fog-google version to 1.9.0 ## 2.3.0 (February 2019) ### User-facing - \#210 Allow adding additional disks to the instances. [whynick1] ### Development - \#211 Rspec-its is now explicitly required for unit tests. [temikus] ## 2.2.1 (October 2018) ### User-facing - \#206 Fix image selection logic - Plugin no longer traces back with `image_family` config option. [temikus] ### Development - \#206 Bumped dependencies. [temikus] - fog-google version to 1.8.1 - vagrant & vagrant-spec are now pointing to new upstream Hashicorp org repos ## 2.2.0 (June 2018) #### Fixed * Bumped fog-google to v1.4. This is a necessary upstream update to work properly with Ruby 2.4+ on some platforms. ## 2.1.0 (May 2018) * Add new configuration option `image_project_id` to allow using GCE images from other projects. [seanmalloy] * Add new configuration option `network_project_id` to allow using GCP Shared VPC networks. [seanmalloy] * Add new configuration option `service_account` to allow setting the IAM service account on instances. [seanmalloy] * Deprecate configuration option `service_accounts`. Use `scopes` configuration option instead. [seanmalloy] ## 2.0.0 (March 2018) * Update to use fog-google gem v1 * Add new configuration option `labels` for setting [labels](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/labeling-resources) on GCE instances * Fix disk cleanup issue causing the disk to be marked as created before insertion * Test environment fixups to avoid 'Encoded files can't be read outside of the Vagrant installer.' * Breaking changes: * Drop support for configuration option `google_key_location`(GCP P12 key) * `image` parameter no longer defaults to an arbitrary image and must be specified at runtime * Rsync behavior now consistent with Vagrant's default, removed old rsync code ## 1.0.0 (July 2017) ## 0.2.5 (October 2016) ## 0.2.4 (April 2016) ## 0.2.3 (January 2016) ## 0.2.2 (October 2015) * Cleanup instance and disks on backend failures [p0deje] * Refactoring ssh warnings into separate action [temikus] * Refactoring disk type detection logic [temikus] * Miscellaneous doc updates and minor fixes [mbrukman, temikus] ## 0.2.1 (July 2015) * Temporarily reverted the old SyncedFolders behaviour. (See #94) ## 0.2.0 (July 2015) * Added support for service account definitions [tcr] * Added support for preemptible instances [jcdang] * Implemented auto_restart and on_host_maintenance options [jcdang] * Implemented vagrant halt and reload actions [temikus] * Added support for IP address specification by name [temikus] * Instance name now defaults to time + uuid [temikus] * Removed legacy rsync code, switched to Vagrant built-in SyncedFolders [temikus] * Switched to fog-google metagem [temikus] * Added a linter and custom acceptance tests [temikus] * Updated documentation and examples [mbrukman, temikus] * Miscellaneous UI/UX updates and bugfixes [temikus] ## 0.1.5 (May 2015) * Added support for JSON private keys [temikus] * Added disk_type parameter support [temikus] * Added acceptance tests [temikus] * Added can_ip_forward, external_ip, autodelete_disk and disk_name parameters support [phueper] * Added support for user specified rsync excludes [patkar] * Miscellaneous bugfixes [mbrukman, beauzeaux, iceydee, mklbtz, temikus] ## 0.1.4 (October 2014) * Add option for disk size [franzs] * Add tags [ptone] * Updated default for latest Debian image ## 0.1.3 (July 2014) * Updated all image references * Fixed fog deprecation warning * Updated example box `google.box` * Got spec tests passing again ## 0.1.1 (October 11, 2013) * Fixed bug with instance ready/SSH ## 0.1.0 (August 14, 2013) * Initial release.