# Secret Handshake > There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand > binary, and those who don't. You and your fellow cohort of those in the "know" when it comes to binary decide to come up with a secret "handshake". ``` 1 = wink 10 = double blink 100 = close your eyes 1000 = jump 10000 = Reverse the order of the operations in the secret handshake. ``` Given a decimal number, convert it to the appropriate sequence of events for a secret handshake. Here's a couple of examples: Given the input 3, the function would return the array ["wink", "double blink"] because 3 is 11 in binary. Given the input 19, the function would return the array ["double blink", "wink"] because 19 is 10011 in binary. Notice that the addition of 16 (10000 in binary) has caused the array to be reversed. * * * * To run the code in this exercise, you will only need to have [CommandBox CLI installed](https://ortus.gitbooks.io/commandbox-documentation/content/setup/installation.html). This binary runs CFML code from the command line. To run the tests, `cd` into the exercise folder and run the following: ```bash box task run TestRunner # Or start up a test watcher that will rerun when files change box task run TestRunner --:watcher ``` The tests leverage a library called TestBox which supports xUnit and BDD style of testing. All test suites will be written in the [BDD style](https://testbox.ortusbooks.com/content/primers/bdd/specs.html) which uses closures to define test specs. You won't need to worry about installing TestBox. The CLI test runner will take care of that for you. You just need to be connected to the internet the first time you run it. You can read more about it here: [https://testbox.ortusbooks.com/content/](https://testbox.ortusbooks.com/content/) ## Source Bert, in Mary Poppins [http://www.imdb.com/character/ch0011238/quotes](http://www.imdb.com/character/ch0011238/quotes) ## Submitting Incomplete Solutions It's possible to submit an incomplete solution so you can see how others have completed the exercise.