# frozen_string_literal: true require "active_record/store" require "store_attribute/active_record/type/typed_store" require "store_attribute/active_record/mutation_tracker" module ActiveRecord module Store module ClassMethods # :nodoc: alias_method :_orig_store_without_types, :store alias_method :_orig_store_accessor_without_types, :store_accessor # Defines store on this model. # # +store_name+ The name of the store. # # ==== Options # The following options are accepted: # # +coder+ The coder of the store. # # +accessors+ An array of the accessors to the store. # # Examples: # # class User < ActiveRecord::Base # store :settings, accessors: [:color, :homepage, login_at: :datetime], coder: JSON # end def store(store_name, options = {}) accessors = options.delete(:accessors) typed_accessors = if accessors && accessors.last.is_a?(Hash) accessors.pop else {} end _orig_store_without_types(store_name, options) store_accessor(store_name, *accessors, **typed_accessors) if accessors end # Adds additional accessors to an existing store on this model. # # +store_name+ The name of the store. # # +keys+ The array of the accessors to the store. # # +typed_keys+ The key-to-type hash of the accesors with type to the store. # # +prefix+ Accessor method name prefix # # +suffix+ Accessor method name suffix # # Examples: # # class SuperUser < User # store_accessor :settings, :privileges, login_at: :datetime # end def store_accessor(store_name, *keys, prefix: nil, suffix: nil, **typed_keys) keys = keys.flatten typed_keys = typed_keys.except(keys) _orig_store_accessor_without_types(store_name, *(keys - typed_keys.keys), prefix: prefix, suffix: suffix) typed_keys.each do |key, type| store_attribute(store_name, key, type, prefix: prefix, suffix: suffix) end end # Adds additional accessors with a type to an existing store on this model. # Type casting occurs every time you write data through accessor or update store itself # and when object is loaded from database. # # Note that if you update store explicitly then value isn't type casted. # # +store_name+ The name of the store. # # +name+ The name of the accessor to the store. # # +type+ A symbol such as +:string+ or +:integer+, or a type object # to be used for the accessor. # # +prefix+ Accessor method name prefix # # +suffix+ Accessor method name suffix # # +options+ A hash of cast type options such as +precision+, +limit+, +scale+. # # Examples: # # class MegaUser < User # store_attribute :settings, :ratio, :integer, limit: 1 # store_attribute :settings, :login_at, :datetime # # store_attribute :extra, :version, :integer, prefix: :meta # end # # u = MegaUser.new(active: false, login_at: '2015-01-01 00:01', ratio: "63.4608", meta_version: "1") # # u.login_at.is_a?(DateTime) # => true # u.login_at = DateTime.new(2015,1,1,11,0,0) # u.ratio # => 63 # u.meta_version #=> 1 # u.reload # # # After loading record from db store contains casted data # u.settings['login_at'] == DateTime.new(2015,1,1,11,0,0) # => true # # # If you update store explicitly then the value returned # # by accessor isn't type casted # u.settings['ration'] = "3.141592653" # u.ratio # => "3.141592653" # # # On the other hand, writing through accessor set correct data within store # u.ratio = "3.14.1592653" # u.ratio # => 3 # u.settings['ratio'] # => 3 # # For more examples on using types, see documentation for ActiveRecord::Attributes. def store_attribute(store_name, name, type, prefix: nil, suffix: nil, **options) _orig_store_accessor_without_types(store_name, name.to_s, prefix: prefix, suffix: suffix) _define_predicate_method(name, prefix: prefix, suffix: suffix) if type == :boolean _define_store_attribute(store_name) if !_local_typed_stored_attributes? || _local_typed_stored_attributes[store_name].empty? _store_local_stored_attribute(store_name, name, type, **options) end def _store_local_stored_attribute(store_name, key, cast_type, default: Type::TypedStore::UNDEFINED, **options) # :nodoc: cast_type = ActiveRecord::Type.lookup(cast_type, **options) if cast_type.is_a?(Symbol) _local_typed_stored_attributes[store_name][key] = [cast_type, default] end def _local_typed_stored_attributes? instance_variable_defined?(:@local_typed_stored_attributes) end def _local_typed_stored_attributes return @local_typed_stored_attributes if _local_typed_stored_attributes? @local_typed_stored_attributes = if superclass.respond_to?(:_local_typed_stored_attributes) superclass._local_typed_stored_attributes.dup.tap do |h| h.transform_values!(&:dup) end else Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = {}.with_indifferent_access }.with_indifferent_access end end def _define_store_attribute(store_name) attr_name = store_name.to_s was_type = attributes_to_define_after_schema_loads[attr_name]&.first # For Rails <6.1 use_decorator = respond_to?(:decorate_attribute_type) && method(:decorate_attribute_type).parameters.count { |type, _| type == :req } == 2 defaultik = Type::TypedStore::Defaultik.new if use_decorator decorate_attribute_type(attr_name, "typed_accessor_for_#{attr_name}") do |subtype| subtypes = _local_typed_stored_attributes[attr_name] type = Type::TypedStore.create_from_type(subtype) defaultik.type = type subtypes.each { |name, (cast_type, default)| type.add_typed_key(name, cast_type, default: default) } define_default_attribute(attr_name, defaultik.proc, type, from_user: true) type end else attribute(attr_name, default: defaultik.proc) do |subtype| subtypes = _local_typed_stored_attributes[attr_name] subtype = _lookup_cast_type(attr_name, was_type, {}) if defined?(_lookup_cast_type) type = Type::TypedStore.create_from_type(subtype) defaultik.type = type subtypes.each { |name, (cast_type, default)| type.add_typed_key(name, cast_type, default: default) } type end end end def _define_predicate_method(name, prefix: nil, suffix: nil) accessor_prefix = case prefix when String, Symbol "#{prefix}_" when TrueClass "#{name}_" else "" end accessor_suffix = case suffix when String, Symbol "_#{suffix}" when TrueClass "_#{name}" else "" end _store_accessors_module.module_eval do name = "#{accessor_prefix}#{name}#{accessor_suffix}" define_method("#{name}?") do send(name) == true end end end end end end