require 'wagn/application' WAGN_SEED_TABLES = %w{ cards card_actions card_acts card_changes card_references } WAGN_SEED_PATH = File.join( ENV['DECKO_SEED_REPO_PATH'] || [Cardio.gem_root, 'db', 'seed'], 'new' ) def prepare_migration Card::Cache.reset_global Card.config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries = false Card.reset_column_information # this is needed in production mode to insure core db Card::Reference.reset_column_information # structures are loaded before schema_mode is set end namespace :wagn do desc 'create a wagn database from scratch, load initial data' task :seed do ENV['SCHEMA'] ||= "#{Cardio.gem_root}/db/schema.rb" puts 'dropping' # FIXME: this should be an option, but should not happen on standard # creates! begin Rake::Task['db:drop'].invoke rescue puts 'not dropped' end puts 'creating' Rake::Task['db:create'].invoke puts 'loading schema' Rake::Task['db:schema:load'].invoke Rake::Task['wagn:load'].invoke end desc 'clear and load fixtures with existing tables' task :reseed do ENV['SCHEMA'] ||= "#{Cardio.gem_root}/db/schema.rb" Rake::Task['wagn:clear'].invoke Rake::Task['wagn:load'].invoke end desc 'empty the card tables' task :clear do conn = ActiveRecord::Base.connection puts 'delete all data in bootstrap tables' WAGN_SEED_TABLES.each do |table| conn.delete "delete from #{table}" end end desc 'Load bootstrap data into database' task :load do require 'decko/engine' puts 'update card_migrations' Rake::Task['wagn:assume_card_migrations'].invoke if Rails.env == 'test' && !ENV['GENERATE_FIXTURES'] puts 'loading test fixtures' Rake::Task['db:fixtures:load'].invoke else puts 'loading bootstrap' Rake::Task['wagn:bootstrap:load'].invoke end puts 'set symlink for assets' Rake::Task['wagn:update_assets_symlink'].invoke end desc 'update wagn gems and database' task :update do ENV['NO_RAILS_CACHE'] = 'true' # system 'bundle update' if Wagn.paths['tmp'].existent FileUtils.rm_rf Wagn.paths['tmp'].first, secure: true end Dir.mkdir Wagn.paths['tmp'].first Rake::Task['wagn:migrate'].invoke # FIXME remove tmp dir / clear cache puts 'set symlink for assets' Rake::Task['wagn:update_assets_symlink'].invoke end desc 'reset cache' task reset_cache: :environment do Card::Cache.reset_global end desc 'set symlink for assets' task :update_assets_symlink do assets_path = File.join(Rails.public_path, 'assets') if Rails.root.to_s != Wagn.gem_root and not File.exists? assets_path FileUtils.rm assets_path if File.symlink? assets_path FileUtils.ln_s(Decko::Engine.paths['gem-assets'].first, assets_path) end end desc 'migrate structure and cards' task migrate: :environment do ENV['NO_RAILS_CACHE'] = 'true' ENV['SCHEMA'] ||= "#{Cardio.gem_root}/db/schema.rb" stamp = ENV['STAMP_MIGRATIONS'] puts 'migrating structure' Rake::Task['wagn:migrate:structure'].invoke if stamp Rake::Task['wagn:migrate:stamp'].invoke :structure end puts 'migrating core cards' Card::Cache.reset_global Rake::Task['wagn:migrate:core_cards'].execute #not invoke because we don't want to reload environment if stamp Rake::Task['wagn:migrate:stamp'].reenable Rake::Task['wagn:migrate:stamp'].invoke :core_cards end puts 'migrating deck cards' Rake::Task['wagn:migrate:deck_cards'].execute #not invoke because we don't want to reload environment if stamp Rake::Task['wagn:migrate:stamp'].reenable Rake::Task['wagn:migrate:stamp'].invoke :deck_cards end Card::Cache.reset_global end desc 'insert existing card migrations into schema_migrations_cards to avoid re-migrating' task :assume_card_migrations do require 'decko/engine' Cardio.assume_migrated_upto_version :core_cards end namespace :migrate do desc 'migrate cards' task cards: :environment do Rake::Task['wagn:migrate:core_cards'].invoke Rake::Task['wagn:migrate:deck_cards'].execute end desc 'migrate structure' task structure: :environment do ENV['SCHEMA'] ||= "#{Cardio.gem_root}/db/schema.rb" Cardio.schema_mode(:structure) do paths = ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_paths = Cardio.migration_paths(:structure) ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrate paths Rake::Task['db:_dump'].invoke # write schema.rb end end desc 'migrate core cards' task core_cards: :environment do require 'card/core_migration' Card::Cache.reset_global ENV['SCHEMA'] ||= "#{Cardio.gem_root}/db/schema.rb" prepare_migration paths = Cardio.migration_paths(:core_cards) verbose = ENV['VERBOSE'] ? ENV['VERBOSE'] == 'true' : true version = ENV['VERSION'] ? ENV['VERSION'].to_i : nil ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_paths = paths Cardio.schema_mode :core_cards do ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = verbose ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrate paths, version end end desc 'migrate deck cards' task deck_cards: :environment do require 'card/migration' Card::Cache.reset_global ENV['SCHEMA'] ||= "#{Cardio.gem_root}/db/schema.rb" prepare_migration paths = ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_paths = Cardio.migration_paths(:deck_cards) Cardio.schema_mode(:deck_cards) do ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = ENV['VERBOSE'] ? ENV['VERBOSE'] == 'true' : true ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrate paths, ENV['VERSION'] ? ENV['VERSION'].to_i : nil end end # maybe we should move this to a method? desc 'write the version to a file (not usually called directly)' task :stamp, :type do |t, args| ENV['SCHEMA'] ||= "#{Cardio.gem_root}/db/schema.rb" Cardio.config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries = false stamp_file = Cardio.schema_stamp_path(args[:type]) Cardio.schema_mode args[:type] do version = ActiveRecord::Migrator.current_version if version.to_i > 0 and file = open(stamp_file, 'w') puts ">> writing version: #{version} to #{stamp_file}" file.puts version end end end end namespace :emergency do task rescue_watchers: :environment do follower_hash = { |h, v| h[v] = [] } Card.where('right_id' => 219).each do |watcher_list| watcher_list.include_set_modules if watcher_list.left watching = watcher_list.item_names.each do |user| follower_hash[user] << watching end end end {codename: 'following'}).each do |following| Card::Auth.as_bot do following.update_attributes! content: '' end end follower_hash.each do |user, items| if card=Card.fetch(user) and card.account do following = card.fetch trait: 'following', new: {} following.items = items end end end end end namespace :bootstrap do desc 'rid template of unneeded cards, acts, actions, changes, and references' task clean: :environment do Card::Cache.reset_global clear_history delete_unwanted_cards Card.empty_trash correct_time_and_user_stamps Card::Cache.reset_global end desc 'dump db to bootstrap fixtures' task dump: :environment do Card::Cache.reset_global # FIXME temporarily taking this out!! Rake::Task['wagn:bootstrap:copy_mod_files'].invoke if RUBY_VERSION !~ /^(2|1\.9)/ YAML::ENGINE.yamler = 'syck' end # use old engine while we're supporting ruby 1.8.7 because it can't support Psych, # which dumps with slashes that syck can't understand WAGN_SEED_TABLES.each do |table| i = '000', "#{table}.yml"), 'w') do |file| data = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all( "select * from #{table}" ) file.write YAML::dump( data.inject({}) do |hash, record| record['trash'] = false if record.has_key? 'trash' record['draft'] = false if record.has_key? 'draft' if record.has_key? 'content' record['content'] = record['content'].gsub /\u00A0/, ' ' # sych was handling nonbreaking spaces oddly. would not be needed with psych. end hash["#{table}_#{i.succ!}"] = record hash end) end end end desc 'copy files from template database to standard mod and update cards' task copy_mod_files: :environment do source_files_dir = "#{Wagn.root}/files" # mark mod files as mod files Card::Auth.as_bot do ['in', 'Image', 'File'], ne: '').each do |card| if card.mod_file? || card.codename == 'new_file' || card.codename == 'new_image' puts "skipping #{}: already in code" next else puts "working on #{}" end raise 'need codename for file' unless card.codename.present? files = {original: card.attachment.path} card.attachment.versions.each_key do |version| files[version] = card.attachment.path(version) end # make card a mod file card mod_name = (l = card.left) && l.type_id==Card::SkinID ? '06_bootstrap' : '05_standard' card.update_column :db_content, card.attachment.db_content(mod: mod_name) card.last_action.change_for(2).first.update_column :value, card.attachment.db_content(mod: mod_name) card.expire card = Card.fetch target_dir = card.store_dir files.each do |version, path| FileUtils.cp path, card.attachment.path(version) end end end end desc 'load bootstrap fixtures into db' task load: :environment do # FIXME: shouldn't we be more standard and use seed.rb for this code? Rake.application.options.trace = true puts "bootstrap load starting #{WAGN_SEED_PATH}" require 'active_record/fixtures' ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.create_fixtures WAGN_SEED_PATH, WAGN_SEED_TABLES end end end def correct_time_and_user_stamps conn = ActiveRecord::Base.connection who_and_when = [ Card::WagnBotID, ] card_sql = "update cards set creator_id=%1$s, created_at='%2$s', updater_id=%1$s, updated_at='%2$s'" conn.update(card_sql % who_and_when) conn.update("update card_acts set actor_id=%s, acted_at='%s'" % who_and_when) end def delete_unwanted_cards Card::Auth.as_bot do if ignoramus = Card['*ignore'] ignoramus.item_cards.each do |card| card.delete! end end Card::Cache.reset_global # FIXME: can this be associated with the machine module somehow? %w{ machine_input machine_output }.each do |codename|>{:codename=>codename }).each do |card| FileUtils.rm_rf File.join('files', ), :secure=>true card.delete! end end end end def clear_history Card::Action.delete_old Card::Change.delete_actionless conn = ActiveRecord::Base.connection conn.execute( "truncate card_acts" ) conn.execute( "truncate sessions" ) act = Card::Act.create! actor_id: Card::WagnBotID, :card_id=>Card::WagnBotID Card::Action.find_each do |action| action.update_attributes!(:card_act_id=> end end