#!/usr/bin/env rspec -cfd require_relative '../spec_helper' require 'arborist/monitor_runner' require 'arborist/node/root' describe Arborist::MonitorRunner do let( :req_socket ) { instance_double(ZMQ::Socket::Req) } let( :reactor ) { instance_double(CZTop::Reactor) } let( :runner ) { described_class.new } let( :monitor_class ) { Class.new(Arborist::Monitor) } let( :mon1 ) { monitor_class.new("testing monitor1", :testing) } let( :mon2 ) { monitor_class.new("testing monitor2", :testing) { splay 10 } } let( :mon3 ) { monitor_class.new("testing monitor3", :testing) } let( :monitors ) {[ mon1, mon2, mon3 ]} let( :node_tree ) {{ 'router' => { 'addresses' => ['', ''] }, 'server' => { 'addresses' => [''] } }} let( :ping_monitor_data ) {{ 'router' => {'ping' => { 'rtt' => 22 }}, 'server' => {'ping' => { 'rtt' => 8 }}, }} before( :each ) do allow( CZTop::Reactor ).to receive( :new ).and_return( reactor ) allow( Thread ).to receive( :new ).and_yield allow( reactor ).to receive( :register ) allow( reactor ).to receive( :unregister ) allow( reactor ).to receive( :add_periodic_timer ). with( described_class::THREAD_CLEANUP_INTERVAL ) end it "can load monitors from an enumerator that yields Arborist::Monitors" do runner.load_monitors([ mon1, mon2, mon3 ]) expect( runner.monitors ).to include( mon1, mon2, mon3 ) end describe "a runner with loaded monitors" do it "registers its monitors to run on an interval and starts the ZMQ loop when run" do runner.monitors.replace([ mon1 ]) expect( reactor ).to receive( :add_periodic_timer ).with( mon1.interval ) expect( reactor ).to receive( :start_polling ).with( ignore_interrupts: true ) runner.run end it "delays registration of its interval timer if a monitor has a splay" do runner.monitors.replace([ mon2 ]) expect( reactor ).to receive( :add_oneshot_timer ). with( a_value_between(0, mon2.splay) ).and_yield expect( reactor ).to receive( :add_periodic_timer ).with( mon2.interval ) expect( reactor ).to receive( :start_polling ).with( ignore_interrupts: true ) runner.run end it "can run a monitor using async ZMQ IO" do # Set up the monitor's execution block with fixtured data mon1.exec do |nodes| ping_monitor_data end expect( reactor ).to receive( :event_enabled? ).with( runner.client.tree_api, :write ). at_least( :once ). and_return( true ) search_request = instance_double( CZTop::Message ) search_response = Arborist::TreeAPI.successful_response( node_tree ) update_request = instance_double( CZTop::Message ) update_response = Arborist::TreeAPI.successful_response( nil ) expect( CZTop::Message ).to receive( :new ).and_return( search_request, update_request ) expect( search_request ).to receive( :send_to ).with( runner.client.tree_api ) expect( update_request ).to receive( :send_to ).with( runner.client.tree_api ) expect( CZTop::Message ).to receive( :receive_from ).with( runner.client.tree_api ). and_return( search_response, update_response ) expect( reactor ).to receive( :disable_events ).with( runner.client.tree_api, :write ) runner.run_monitor( mon1 ) # trigger the search request search_event = instance_double( CZTop::Reactor::Event, writable?: true, socket: runner.client.tree_api ) runner.handle_io_event( search_event ) # trigger the update request update_event = instance_double( CZTop::Reactor::Event, writable?: true, socket: runner.client.tree_api ) runner.handle_io_event( update_event ) end it "manages the communication between the monitor and the manager" do monitor = Arborist::Monitor.new do description 'test monitor' key :test every 20 match type: 'host' use :addresses exec 'fping', '-e', '-t', '150' end nodes = { 'test1' => {}, 'test2' => {} } monitor_results = { 'test1' => {ping: {rtt: 1}}, 'test2' => {ping: {rtt: 8}} } expect( runner ).to receive( :search ). with( {type: 'host'}, false, [:addresses], {} ). and_yield( nodes ) expect( monitor ).to receive( :run ).with( nodes ). and_return( monitor_results ) expect( runner ).to receive( :update ).with( { "test1"=>{:ping=>{:rtt=>1}}, "test2"=>{:ping=>{:rtt=>8}} }, :test ) runner.run_monitor( monitor ) end it "sets an error condition if the monitor raises an exception" do monitor = Arborist::Monitor.new do description 'test monitor' key :test every 20 match type: 'host' use :addresses exec do |nodes| raise "boom!" end end nodes = { 'test' => {} } expect( runner ).to receive( :search ). with( {type: 'host'}, false, [:addresses], {} ). and_yield( nodes ) expect( runner ).to receive( :update ).with( {"test" => {error: 'Exception while running "test monitor" monitor: RuntimeError: boom!'}}, :test ) runner.run_monitor( monitor ) end it "skips the monitor execution if no nodes were returned in the search" do monitor = Arborist::Monitor.new do description 'test monitor' key :test every 20 match type: 'host' use :addresses exec 'fping', '-e', '-t', '150' end nodes = {} expect( runner ).to receive( :search ). with( {type: 'host'}, false, [:addresses], {} ). and_yield( nodes ) expect( runner ).to_not receive( :update ) runner.run_monitor( monitor ) end end end