$:.unshift File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) require 'rubygems' require 'term/ansicolor' require 'net/http' require 'systemu' require 'grit' require 'thor' require 'bard/error' require 'bard/git' require 'bard/io' require 'bard/check' require 'bard/ssh_delegation' class Bard < Thor include BardGit include BardIO VERSION = File.read(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "../../VERSION")).chomp method_options %w( verbose -v ) => :boolean desc "check [PROJECT_PATH]", "check current project and environment for missing dependencies and common problems" def check(project_path = nil) project_path = "." if project_path.nil? and File.directory? ".git" and File.exist? "config/environment.rb" check_dependencies check_project project_path if project_path end desc "pull", "pull changes to your local machine" def pull ensure_sanity! warn NonFastForwardError unless fast_forward_merge? run_crucial "git pull --rebase origin integration" prepare_environment changed_files(@common_ancestor, "origin/integration") end desc "push", "push local changes out to the remote" def push ensure_sanity! raise SubmoduleDirtyError if submodule_dirty? raise SubmoduleUnpushedError if submodule_unpushed? raise NonFastForwardError unless fast_forward_merge? run_crucial "git push origin integration", true run_crucial_via_bard "bard stage" end desc "deploy", "pushes, merges integration branch into master and deploys it to production" def deploy invoke :push run_crucial "git fetch origin" run_crucial "git checkout master" run_crucial "git pull --rebase origin master" raise MasterNonFastForwardError if not fast_forward_merge? "master", "integration" run_crucial "git merge integration" run_crucial "git push origin master" run_crucial "git checkout integration" run_crucial_via_bard "cap deploy" end desc "stage", "!!! INTERNAL USE ONLY !!! reset HEAD to integration, update submodules, run migrations, install gems, restart server" def stage check_dependencies ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = "staging" run_crucial "git fetch" run_crucial "git reset --hard origin/integration" prepare_environment end private def ensure_sanity! check_dependencies raise NotInProjectRootError unless File.directory? ".git" raise NotOnIntegrationError unless current_branch == "integration" raise WorkingTreeDirtyError unless `git status`.include? "working directory clean" end def prepare_environment(changed_files = nil) if changed_files.nil? or changed_files.any? { |f| f =~ %r(^config/environment.+) } run_crucial "rake gems:install" end if changed_files.nil? or changed_files.any? { |f| f =~ %r(^db/migrate/.+) } run_crucial "rake db:migrate" run_crucial "rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test" unless ENV['RAILS_ENV'] == 'staging' end run_crucial "git submodule sync" run_crucial "git submodule init" run_crucial "git submodule update --merge" run_crucial "git submodule foreach 'git checkout `git name-rev --name-only HEAD`'" system "touch tmp/restart.txt" end end