# require 'active_rdf' # Manages namespace abbreviations and expansions class Namespace @@namespaces = Hash.new @@inverted_namespaces = Hash.new # registers a namespace prefix and its associated expansion (full URI) # e.g. :rdf and 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#' def self.register(prefix, fullURI) raise ActiveRdfError, 'prefix nor uri can be empty' if (prefix.to_s.empty? or fullURI.to_s.empty?) # raise ActiveRdfError, "namespace uri should end with # or /" unless /\/|#/ =~ fullURI.to_s[-1..-1] ActiveRdfLogger::log_info(self) { "Namespace: registering #{fullURI} to #{prefix}" } @@namespaces[prefix.to_sym] = fullURI.to_s @@inverted_namespaces[fullURI.to_s] = prefix.to_sym # enable namespace lookups through FOAF::name # if FOAF defined, add to it if Object.const_defined?(prefix.to_s.upcase) ns = Object.const_get(prefix.to_s.upcase) else # otherwise create a new module for it ns = Module.new Object.const_set(prefix.to_s.upcase, ns) end # catch FOAF::name or all other lookups class << ns def method_missing(method, *args) Namespace.lookup(self.to_s.downcase.to_sym, method) end def const_missing(klass) ObjectManager.construct_class(Namespace.lookup(self.to_s.downcase.to_sym, klass)) end # make some builtin methods private because lookup doesn't work otherwise # on e.g. RDF::type and FOAF::name [:type, :name, :id].each {|m| private(m) } end # return the namespace proxy object ns end # returns a resource whose URI is formed by concatenation of prefix and localname def self.lookup(prefix, localname, resource_type = RDFS::Resource) resource_type.new(expand(prefix, localname)) end # returns URI (string) formed by concatenation of prefix and localname def self.expand(prefix, localname) @@namespaces[prefix.to_sym].to_s + localname.to_s end # returns prefix (if known) for the non-local part of the URI, # or nil if prefix not registered def self.prefix(resource) # get string representation of resource uri uri = if(resource.respond_to?(:uri)) resource.uri.to_s else resource.to_s end # uri.to_s gives us the uri of the resource (if resource given) # then we find the last occurrence of # or / (heuristical namespace # delimitor) delimiter = uri.rindex(/#|\//) # if delimiter not found, URI cannot be split into (non)local-part return uri if delimiter.nil? # extract non-local part (including delimiter) nonlocal = uri[0..delimiter] @@inverted_namespaces[nonlocal] end # returns local-part of URI def self.localname(resource) # get string representation of resource uri uri = if(resource.respond_to?(:uri)) resource.uri.to_s else resource.to_s end delimiter = uri.rindex(/#|\//) if delimiter.nil? or delimiter == uri.size-1 uri else uri[delimiter+1..-1] end end # returns currently registered namespace abbreviations (e.g. :foaf, :rdf) def self.abbreviations @@namespaces.keys end end Namespace.register(:rdf, 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#') Namespace.register(:rdfs, 'http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#') Namespace.register(:owl, 'http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#')