require "numru/dcl" require "numru/misc" require "date" # needs ruby >= 1.8 for DateTime class module NumRu module DCLExt module_function @@datetime_ax_options = ['yax', false, 'true => y-axis, false => x-axis'], ['cside', nil, '"b", "t", "l", "r", nil (=>left/bottom), or false (=>right/top)'], ['dtick1', 1, 'small tick interval in hours'], ['dtick2', nil, 'large tick (with hour labels) interval in hours'], ['year', false, 'true => add year to date label'], ['month', true, 'true => add month to date label'] ) def datetime_ax(date_from, date_to, options=nil) # date_from [a DateTime] : start on this date&time # date_to [a DateTime] : end on this date&time opt = @@datetime_ax_options.interpret(options) yax = opt['yax'] xax = !yax if xax xy='x' else xy='y' end if opt['cside'] cside = opt['cside'] elsif opt['cside'].nil? if xax cside='b' else cside='l' end else if xax cside='t' else cside='r' end end if opt['year'] datefmt = '%Y/%m/%d' elsif opt['month'] datefmt = '%m/%d' else datefmt = '%d' end # < window parameters > ux1,ux2,uy1,uy2 = DCL.sgqwnd if xax u1, u2 = ux1, ux2 else u1, u2 = uy1, uy2 end loffset_save = DCL.uzpget('loffset') xyfact_save = DCL.uzpget(xy+'fact') xyoffset_save = DCL.uzpget(xy+'offset') tu1 = date_from.day_fraction.to_f range_day = date_to - date_from # time btwn start and end (in days) tu2 = tu1 + range_day # < axis in hours > DCL.uzpset('loffset',true) DCL.uzpset(xy+'fact',24.0) DCL.uzpset(xy+'offset',(tu1-u1)*24) dtick1 = opt['dtick1'] if opt['dtick2'] dtick2 = opt['dtick2'] else if range_day >= 4 dtick2 = 24 elsif range_day >= 2 dtick2 = 12 elsif range_day >= 1 dtick2 = 6 elsif range_day >= 0.5 dtick2 = 3 elsif range_day >= 0.25 dtick2 = 2 else dtick2 = 1 end end str_hour = (tu1*24).ceil end_hour = (tu2*24).floor h1 = str_hour + (-str_hour % dtick1) (h1..end_hour).step(dtick1){|i| tick1.push(i)} h2 = str_hour + (-str_hour % dtick2) (h2..end_hour).step(dtick2) do |i| tick2.push(i) labels.push((i%24).to_s) end if xax DCL.uxaxlb(cside, tick1, tick2, labels, 2) else irotl_save = DCL.uzpget('irotly'+cside) icent_save = DCL.uzpget('icenty'+cside) DCL.uzpset('irotly'+cside,1) DCL.uzpset('icenty'+cside,0) DCL.uyaxlb(cside, tick1, tick2, labels, 2) end # < labels in days > if DCL.uzpget('label'+xy+cside) DCL.uzpset(xy+'fact',1.0) DCL.uzpset(xy+'offset',0.0) str_day = tu1.floor end_day = tu2.floor (str_day..end_day).step(1) do |i| u = i.to_f + 0.5 + (u1- tu1) u = (u1+u+0.5)/2 if u < u1 u = (u2+u-0.5)/2 if u > u2 pos.push(u) str = (date_from+i).strftime(datefmt) str.sub!(/^0/,'') if !opt['year'] && opt['month'] labels.push(str) end if xax DCL.uxsaxz(cside,DCL.uzpget('roffx'+cside)) DCL.uxplbl(cside,1,pos,labels,10) else DCL.uysaxz(cside,DCL.uzpget('roffy'+cside)) DCL.uyplbl(cside,1,pos,labels,10) # DCL.uzpset('irotly'+cside,irotl_save) # DCL.uzpset('icenty'+cside,icent_save) end end if xax else DCL.uzpset('irotly'+cside,irotl_save) DCL.uzpset('icenty'+cside,icent_save) end # < to finish > DCL.uzpset('loffset',loffset_save) DCL.uzpset(xy+'fact',xyfact_save) DCL.uzpset(xy+'offset',xyoffset_save) end end end ######## test program ###### if $0 == __FILE__ include NumRu iws = (ARGV[0] || (puts ' WORKSTATION ID (I) ? ;'; DCL.sgpwsn; gets)).to_i DCL.swpset('ldump',true) if iws==4 DCL.gropn iws DCL.sldiv('y',2,1) date_from = DateTime.parse('2005-06-30 17:00') date_to = DateTime.parse('2005-07-01 5:00') date_from2 = DateTime.parse('2005-06-29 17:00') date_to2 = DateTime.parse('2005-07-02 5:00') any_offst = 10 DCL.grfrm DCL.grswnd(0.0, date_to-date_from, any_offst, date_to2-date_from2+any_offst) DCL.grsvpt(0.2, 0.8, 0.2, 0.8) DCL.grstrn(1) DCL.grstrf DCLExt.datetime_ax(date_from, date_to, 'year'=>true) DCLExt.datetime_ax(date_from, date_to, 'cside'=>'t', 'year'=>true) DCLExt.datetime_ax(date_from2, date_to2, 'yax'=>true) DCLExt.datetime_ax(date_from2, date_to2, 'yax'=>true, 'cside'=>'r') DCL.uxsttl('b','TIME AND DATE',0.0) DCL.uysttl('l','TIME AND DATE',0.0) DCL.grfrm DCL.grswnd(0.0, date_to-date_from, 0, date_to2-date_from2) DCL.grsvpt(0.2, 0.8, 0.2, 0.8) DCL.grstrn(1) DCL.grstrf DCL.uzpset('inner',-1) DCLExt.datetime_ax(date_from, date_to, 'dtick2'=>2) DCLExt.datetime_ax(date_from, date_to, 'cside'=>'t', 'dtick2'=>2) DCL.uzpset('inner',1) DCLExt.datetime_ax(date_from2, date_to2, 'yax'=>true, 'dtick1'=>2, 'dtick2'=>24) DCLExt.datetime_ax(date_from2, date_to2, 'yax'=>true, 'cside'=>'r', 'dtick1'=>2, 'dtick2'=>24) DCL.uxsttl('b','TIME AND DATE',0.0) DCL.uysttl('l','TIME AND DATE',0.0) DCL.grcls end