require 'spec_helper' describe ShippingEasy::Signature do let(:api_secret) { "ABC12345" } let(:method) { :post } let(:path) { "/api/orders" } let(:params) { { test_param: "ABCDE", api_key: "123", api_signature: "XXX" } } let(:request_body) { { orders: { name: "Flip flops", cost: "10.00", shipping_cost: "2.00" } }.to_json.to_s } let(:method) { :post } let(:options) { {api_secret: api_secret, method: method, path: path, params: params, body: request_body} } subject { } describe "#initialize" do specify { subject.api_secret.should == api_secret } specify { subject.method.should == "POST" } specify { subject.path.should == path } specify { subject.body.should == request_body } specify { subject.params[:api_signature].should be_nil } it "does not modify the input hash" do expect(subject).to_not be_nil expect(options).to have_key(:api_secret) expect(options).to have_key(:method) expect(options).to have_key(:path) expect(options).to have_key(:params) end it "does not modify the passed in params hash" do expect(subject).to_not be_nil expect(params).to have_key :test_param expect(params).to have_key :api_key expect(params).to have_key :api_signature end it "the exposed params hash does not contain the api_signature" do params_without_signature = params.reject{|k,v| k == :api_signature} expect(subject.params).to eq params_without_signature end end describe "#plaintext" do specify { expect(subject.plaintext).to eq("POST&/api/orders&api_key=123&test_param=ABCDE&{\"orders\":{\"name\":\"Flip flops\",\"cost\":\"10.00\",\"shipping_cost\":\"2.00\"}}")} end describe "#encrypted" do specify { expect(subject.encrypted).to eq(OpenSSL::HMAC::hexdigest("sha256", api_secret, subject.plaintext))} end describe "#to_s" do specify { expect(subject.to_s).to eq(subject.encrypted)} end describe "#==" do let(:duplicate_signature) { api_secret, method: method, path: path, params: params, body: request_body) } specify { expect(subject == OpenSSL::HMAC::hexdigest("sha256", api_secret, subject.plaintext)).to be_truthy } specify { expect(subject == OpenSSL::HMAC::hexdigest("sha256", "BADSECRET", subject.plaintext)).to be_falsey } specify { expect(subject == duplicate_signature).to be_truthy } end end