require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test_helper') class ActionMailer::ARSendmail attr_accessor :slept def sleep(secs) @slept ||= [] @slept << secs end end class TestARSendmail < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase def setup ActionMailer::Base.reset Email.reset Net::SMTP.reset @sm = @sm.verbose = true Net::SMTP.clear_on_start @include_c_e = ! $".grep(/config\/environment.rb/).empty? $" << 'config/environment.rb' unless @include_c_e end def teardown $".delete 'config/environment.rb' unless @include_c_e end def strip_log_prefix(line) line.gsub(/ar_sendmail .+ \d{4}: /,'') end def test_class_mailq Email.create :from => nobody, :to => '', :mail => 'body0' Email.create :from => nobody, :to => '', :mail => 'body1' last = Email.create :from => nobody, :to => '', :mail => 'body2' last_attempt_time = Time.parse('Thu Aug 10 2006 11:40:05') last.last_send_attempt = last_attempt_time.to_i out, err = capture_io do ActionMailer::ARSendmail.mailq end expected = <<-EOF -Queue ID- --Size-- ----Arrival Time---- -Sender/Recipient------- 1 5 Thu Aug 10 11:19:49 2 5 Thu Aug 10 11:19:50 3 5 Thu Aug 10 11:19:51 Last send attempt: Thu Aug 10 11:40:05 %s 2006 -- 0 Kbytes in 3 Requests. EOF expected = expected % last_attempt_time.strftime('%z') assert_equal expected, out end def test_class_mailq_empty out, err = capture_io do ActionMailer::ARSendmail.mailq end assert_equal "Mail queue is empty\n", out end def test_class_new @sm = assert_equal 60, @sm.delay assert_equal nil, @sm.once assert_equal nil, @sm.verbose assert_equal nil, @sm.batch_size @sm = :Delay => 75, :Verbose => true, :Once => true, :BatchSize => 1000 assert_equal 75, @sm.delay assert_equal true, @sm.once assert_equal true, @sm.verbose assert_equal 1000, @sm.batch_size end def test_class_parse_args_batch_size options = ActionMailer::ARSendmail.process_args %w[-b 500] assert_equal 500, options[:BatchSize] options = ActionMailer::ARSendmail.process_args %w[--batch-size 500] assert_equal 500, options[:BatchSize] end def test_class_parse_args_chdir argv = %w[-c /tmp] options = ActionMailer::ARSendmail.process_args argv assert_equal '/tmp', options[:Chdir] argv = %w[--chdir /tmp] options = ActionMailer::ARSendmail.process_args argv assert_equal '/tmp', options[:Chdir] argv = %w[-c /nonexistent] out, err = capture_io do assert_raises SystemExit do ActionMailer::ARSendmail.process_args argv end end end def test_class_parse_args_daemon argv = %w[-d] options = ActionMailer::ARSendmail.process_args argv assert_equal true, options[:Daemon] argv = %w[--daemon] options = ActionMailer::ARSendmail.process_args argv assert_equal true, options[:Daemon] end def test_class_parse_args_pidfile argv = %w[-p ./log/] options = ActionMailer::ARSendmail.process_args argv assert_equal './log/', options[:Pidfile] argv = %w[--pidfile ./log/] options = ActionMailer::ARSendmail.process_args argv assert_equal './log/', options[:Pidfile] end def test_class_parse_args_delay argv = %w[--delay 75] options = ActionMailer::ARSendmail.process_args argv assert_equal 75, options[:Delay] end def test_class_parse_args_environment assert_equal nil, ENV['RAILS_ENV'] argv = %w[-e production] options = ActionMailer::ARSendmail.process_args argv assert_equal 'production', options[:RailsEnv] assert_equal 'production', ENV['RAILS_ENV'] argv = %w[--environment production] options = ActionMailer::ARSendmail.process_args argv assert_equal 'production', options[:RailsEnv] end def test_class_parse_args_mailq options = ActionMailer::ARSendmail.process_args [] refute_includes options, :MailQ argv = %w[--mailq] options = ActionMailer::ARSendmail.process_args argv assert_equal true, options[:MailQ] end def test_class_parse_args_max_age options = ActionMailer::ARSendmail.process_args [] assert_equal 86400 * 7, options[:MaxAge] argv = %w[--max-age 86400] options = ActionMailer::ARSendmail.process_args argv assert_equal 86400, options[:MaxAge] end def test_class_parse_args_no_config_environment $".delete 'config/environment.rb' out, err = capture_io do assert_raises SystemExit do ActionMailer::ARSendmail.process_args [] end end ensure $" << 'config/environment.rb' if @include_c_e end def test_class_parse_args_once argv = %w[-o] options = ActionMailer::ARSendmail.process_args argv assert_equal true, options[:Once] argv = %w[--once] options = ActionMailer::ARSendmail.process_args argv assert_equal true, options[:Once] end def test_class_usage out, err = capture_io do assert_raises SystemExit do ActionMailer::ARSendmail.usage 'opts' end end assert_equal '', out assert_equal "opts\n", strip_log_prefix(err) out, err = capture_io do assert_raises SystemExit do ActionMailer::ARSendmail.usage 'opts', 'hi' end end assert_equal '', out assert_equal "hi\n\nopts\n", strip_log_prefix(err) end def test_cleanup e1 = Email.create :mail => 'body', :to => 'to', :from => 'from' e1.created_on = e2 = Email.create :mail => 'body', :to => 'to', :from => 'from' e3 = Email.create :mail => 'body', :to => 'to', :from => 'from' e3.last_send_attempt = out, err = capture_io do @sm.cleanup end assert_equal '', out assert_equal "expired 1 emails from the queue\n", strip_log_prefix(err) assert_equal 2, Email.records.length assert_equal [e1, e2], Email.records end def test_cleanup_disabled e1 = Email.create :mail => 'body', :to => 'to', :from => 'from' e1.created_on = e2 = Email.create :mail => 'body', :to => 'to', :from => 'from' @sm.max_age = 0 out, err = capture_io do @sm.cleanup end assert_equal '', out assert_equal 2, Email.records.length end def test_deliver email = Email.create :mail => 'body', :to => 'to', :from => 'from' out, err = capture_io do @sm.deliver [email] end assert_equal 1, Net::SMTP.deliveries.length assert_equal ['body', 'from', 'to'], Net::SMTP.deliveries.first assert_equal 0, Email.records.length assert_equal 0, Net::SMTP.reset_called, 'Reset connection on SyntaxError' assert_equal '', out assert_equal "sent email 00000000001 from from to to: \"queued\"\n", strip_log_prefix(err) end def test_log_header_setting email = Email.create :mail => "Mailer: JunkMail 1.0\r\nX-Track: 7890\r\n\r\nbody", :to => 'to', :from => 'from' @sm.log_header = 'X-Track' out, err = capture_io do @sm.deliver [email] end assert_equal 1, Net::SMTP.deliveries.length assert_equal 0, Email.records.length assert_equal 0, Net::SMTP.reset_called, 'Reset connection on SyntaxError' assert_equal '', out assert_equal "sent email 00000000001 [7890] from from to to: \"queued\"\n", strip_log_prefix(err) end def test_deliver_not_called_when_no_emails sm ={:Once => true}) sm.expects(:deliver).never end def test_deliver_auth_error Net::SMTP.on_start do e = 'try again' e.set_backtrace %w[one two three] raise e end now = email = Email.create :mail => 'body', :to => 'to', :from => 'from' out, err = capture_io do @sm.deliver [email] end assert_equal 0, Net::SMTP.deliveries.length assert_equal 1, Email.records.length assert_equal 0, Email.records.first.last_send_attempt assert_equal 0, Net::SMTP.reset_called assert_equal 1, @sm.failed_auth_count assert_equal [60], @sm.slept assert_equal '', out assert_equal "authentication error, retrying: try again\n", strip_log_prefix(err) end def test_deliver_auth_error_recover email = Email.create :mail => 'body', :to => 'to', :from => 'from' @sm.failed_auth_count = 1 out, err = capture_io do @sm.deliver [email] end assert_equal 0, @sm.failed_auth_count assert_equal 1, Net::SMTP.deliveries.length end def test_deliver_auth_error_twice Net::SMTP.on_start do e = 'try again' e.set_backtrace %w[one two three] raise e end @sm.failed_auth_count = 1 out, err = capture_io do assert_raises Net::SMTPAuthenticationError do @sm.deliver [] end end assert_equal 2, @sm.failed_auth_count assert_equal "authentication error, giving up: try again\n", strip_log_prefix(err) end def test_deliver_4xx_error Net::SMTP.on_send_message do e = 'try again' e.set_backtrace %w[one two three] raise e end now = email = Email.create :mail => 'body', :to => 'to', :from => 'from' out, err = capture_io do @sm.deliver [email] end assert_equal 0, Net::SMTP.deliveries.length assert_equal 1, Email.records.length assert_operator now, :<=, Email.records.first.last_send_attempt assert_equal 1, Net::SMTP.reset_called, 'Reset connection on SyntaxError' assert_equal '', out assert_equal "error sending email 1: \"try again\"(Net::SMTPSyntaxError):\n\tone\n\ttwo\n\tthree\n", strip_log_prefix(err) end def test_deliver_5xx_error Net::SMTP.on_send_message do e = 'unknown recipient' e.set_backtrace %w[one two three] raise e end now = email = Email.create :mail => 'body', :to => 'to', :from => 'from' out, err = capture_io do @sm.deliver [email] end assert_equal 0, Net::SMTP.deliveries.length assert_equal 0, Email.records.length assert_equal 1, Net::SMTP.reset_called, 'Reset connection on SyntaxError' assert_equal '', out assert_equal "5xx error sending email 1, removing from queue: \"unknown recipient\"(Net::SMTPFatalError):\n\tone\n\ttwo\n\tthree\n", strip_log_prefix(err) end def test_deliver_errno_epipe Net::SMTP.on_send_message do raise Errno::EPIPE end now = email = Email.create :mail => 'body', :to => 'to', :from => 'from' out, err = capture_io do @sm.deliver [email] end assert_equal 0, Net::SMTP.deliveries.length assert_equal 1, Email.records.length assert_operator now, :>=, Email.records.first.last_send_attempt assert_equal 0, Net::SMTP.reset_called, 'Reset connection on SyntaxError' assert_equal '', out assert_equal '', err end def test_deliver_server_busy Net::SMTP.on_send_message do e = 'try again' e.set_backtrace %w[one two three] raise e end now = email = Email.create :mail => 'body', :to => 'to', :from => 'from' out, err = capture_io do @sm.deliver [email] end assert_equal 0, Net::SMTP.deliveries.length assert_equal 1, Email.records.length assert_operator now, :>=, Email.records.first.last_send_attempt assert_equal 0, Net::SMTP.reset_called, 'Reset connection on SyntaxError' assert_equal [60], @sm.slept assert_equal '', out assert_equal "server too busy, sleeping 60 seconds\n", strip_log_prefix(err) end def test_deliver_syntax_error Net::SMTP.on_send_message do Net::SMTP.on_send_message # clear e = 'blah blah blah' e.set_backtrace %w[one two three] raise e end now = email1 = Email.create :mail => 'body', :to => 'to', :from => 'from' email2 = Email.create :mail => 'body', :to => 'to', :from => 'from' out, err = capture_io do @sm.deliver [email1, email2] end assert_equal 1, Net::SMTP.deliveries.length, 'delivery count' assert_equal 1, Email.records.length assert_equal 1, Net::SMTP.reset_called, 'Reset connection on SyntaxError' assert_operator now, :<=, Email.records.first.last_send_attempt assert_equal '', out assert_equal "error sending email 1: \"blah blah blah\"(Net::SMTPSyntaxError):\n\tone\n\ttwo\n\tthree\nsent email 00000000002 from from to to: \"queued\"\n", strip_log_prefix(err) end def test_deliver_timeout Net::SMTP.on_send_message do e = 'timed out' e.set_backtrace %w[one two three] raise e end now = email = Email.create :mail => 'body', :to => 'to', :from => 'from' out, err = capture_io do @sm.deliver [email] end assert_equal 0, Net::SMTP.deliveries.length assert_equal 1, Email.records.length assert_operator now, :>=, Email.records.first.last_send_attempt assert_equal 1, Net::SMTP.reset_called, 'Reset connection on Timeout' assert_equal '', out assert_equal "error sending email 1: \"timed out\"(Timeout::Error):\n\tone\n\ttwo\n\tthree\n", strip_log_prefix(err) end def test_deliver_without_locking email = Email.create :mail => 'body', :to => 'to', :from => 'from' assert_equal false, @sm.locking_enabled? out, err = capture_io do @sm.deliver([ email ]) end assert_equal 1, Net::SMTP.deliveries.length end def test_deliver_with_locking_acquired email = Email.create :mail => 'body', :to => 'to', :from => 'from' Email.any_instance.stubs(:lock_with_expiry).returns(true) Email.any_instance.expects(:unlock) assert_equal true, @sm.locking_enabled? out, err = capture_io do @sm.deliver([ email ]) end assert_equal 1, Net::SMTP.deliveries.length end def test_deliver_with_locking_not_acquired email = Email.create :mail => 'body', :to => 'to', :from => 'from' Email.any_instance.stubs(:lock_with_expiry).returns(false) Email.any_instance.expects(:unlock).never assert_equal true, @sm.locking_enabled? out, err = capture_io do @sm.deliver([ email ]) end assert_equal 0, Net::SMTP.deliveries.length end def test_do_exit out, err = capture_io do assert_raises SystemExit do @sm.do_exit end end assert_equal '', out assert_equal "caught signal, shutting down\n", strip_log_prefix(err) end def test_log out, err = capture_io do @sm.log 'hi' end assert_equal "hi\n", strip_log_prefix(err) end def test_find_emails email_data = [ { :mail => 'body0', :to => '', :from => nobody }, { :mail => 'body1', :to => '', :from => nobody }, { :mail => 'body2', :to => '', :from => nobody }, ] emails = do |email_data| Email.create email_data end tried = Email.create :mail => 'body3', :to => '', :from => nobody tried.last_send_attempt = - 258 found_emails = [] out, err = capture_io do found_emails = @sm.find_emails end assert_equal emails, found_emails assert_equal '', out assert_equal "found 3 emails to send\n", strip_log_prefix(err) end def test_smtp_settings ActionMailer::Base.server_settings[:address] = 'localhost' assert_equal 'localhost', @sm.smtp_settings[:address] end def nobody '' end end