# libgit2: the cross-platform, linkable library implementation of git. # See `README.md` for build instructions. # # This top-level CMakeLists.txt sets up configuration options and # determines which subprojects to build. cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5.1) project(libgit2 VERSION "1.6.5" LANGUAGES C) # Add find modules to the path set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake") # # Build options # # Experimental features option(EXPERIMENTAL_SHA256 "Enable experimental SHA256 support (for R&D/testing)" OFF) # Optional subsystems option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build Shared Library (OFF for Static)" ON) option(BUILD_TESTS "Build Tests using the Clar suite" ON) option(BUILD_CLI "Build the command-line interface" ON) option(BUILD_EXAMPLES "Build library usage example apps" OFF) option(BUILD_FUZZERS "Build the fuzz targets" OFF) # Suggested functionality that may not be available on a per-platform basis option(USE_THREADS "Use threads for parallel processing when possible" ON) option(USE_NSEC "Support nanosecond precision file mtimes and ctimes" ON) # Backend selection option(USE_SSH "Link with libssh2 to enable SSH support" OFF) option(USE_HTTPS "Enable HTTPS support. Can be set to a specific backend" ON) option(USE_SHA1 "Enable SHA1. Can be set to CollisionDetection(ON)/HTTPS" ON) option(USE_SHA256 "Enable SHA256. Can be set to HTTPS/Builtin" ON) option(USE_GSSAPI "Link with libgssapi for SPNEGO auth" OFF) set(USE_HTTP_PARSER "" CACHE STRING "Specifies the HTTP Parser implementation; either system or builtin.") set(REGEX_BACKEND "" CACHE STRING "Regular expression implementation. One of regcomp_l, pcre2, pcre, regcomp, or builtin.") option(USE_BUNDLED_ZLIB "Use the bundled version of zlib. Can be set to one of Bundled(ON)/Chromium. The Chromium option requires a x86_64 processor with SSE4.2 and CLMUL" OFF) # Debugging options option(USE_LEAK_CHECKER "Run tests with leak checker" OFF) option(USE_STANDALONE_FUZZERS "Enable standalone fuzzers (compatible with gcc)" OFF) option(DEBUG_POOL "Enable debug pool allocator" OFF) option(DEBUG_STRICT_ALLOC "Enable strict allocator behavior" OFF) option(DEBUG_STRICT_OPEN "Enable path validation in open" OFF) # Output options option(SONAME "Set the (SO)VERSION of the target" ON) set(LIBGIT2_FILENAME "git2" CACHE STRING "Name of the produced binary") option(DEPRECATE_HARD "Do not include deprecated functions in the library" OFF) # Compilation options option(ENABLE_WERROR "Enable compilation with -Werror" OFF) if(UNIX) # NTLM client requires crypto libraries from the system HTTPS stack if(NOT USE_HTTPS) option(USE_NTLMCLIENT "Enable NTLM support on Unix." OFF) else() option(USE_NTLMCLIENT "Enable NTLM support on Unix." ON) endif() option(ENABLE_REPRODUCIBLE_BUILDS "Enable reproducible builds" OFF) endif() if(APPLE) option(USE_ICONV "Link with and use iconv library" ON) endif() if(MSVC) # This option must match the settings used in your program, in particular if you # are linking statically option(STATIC_CRT "Link the static CRT libraries" ON) # If you want to embed a copy of libssh2 into libgit2, pass a # path to libssh2 option(EMBED_SSH_PATH "Path to libssh2 to embed (Windows)" OFF) # Enable leak checking using the debugging C runtime. option(WIN32_LEAKCHECK "Enable leak reporting via crtdbg" OFF) endif() if(WIN32) # By default, libgit2 is built with WinHTTP. To use the built-in # HTTP transport, invoke CMake with the "-DUSE_WINHTTP=OFF" argument. option(USE_WINHTTP "Use Win32 WinHTTP routines" ON) endif() if(NOT CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES AND NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Debug" CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build, options are: Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel." FORCE) endif() # Modules include(CheckLibraryExists) include(CheckFunctionExists) include(CheckSymbolExists) include(CheckStructHasMember) include(CheckPrototypeDefinition) include(AddCFlagIfSupported) include(FindPkgLibraries) include(FindThreads) include(FindStatNsec) include(Findfutimens) include(GNUInstallDirs) include(IdeSplitSources) include(FeatureSummary) include(EnableWarnings) include(DefaultCFlags) include(ExperimentalFeatures) # # Subdirectories # add_subdirectory(src) if(BUILD_TESTS) enable_testing() add_subdirectory(tests) endif() if(BUILD_EXAMPLES) add_subdirectory(examples) endif() if(BUILD_FUZZERS) if((BUILD_TESTS OR BUILD_EXAMPLES) AND NOT USE_STANDALONE_FUZZERS) message(FATAL_ERROR "Cannot build the fuzzer and the tests or examples together") endif() add_subdirectory(fuzzers) endif() # Export for people who use us as a dependency if(NOT "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" STREQUAL "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}") set(LIBGIT2_DEPENDENCY_OBJECTS ${LIBGIT2_DEPENDENCY_OBJECTS} PARENT_SCOPE) set(LIBGIT2_SYSTEM_LIBS ${LIBGIT2_SYSTEM_LIBS} PARENT_SCOPE) endif() # Summary feature_summary(WHAT ENABLED_FEATURES DESCRIPTION "Enabled features:") feature_summary(WHAT DISABLED_FEATURES DESCRIPTION "Disabled features:")