#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'optparse' require 'fileutils' require 'securerandom' module Raygun class Runner attr_accessor :app_name, :app_dir, :title_name, :snake_name, :camel_name, :dash_name def initialize(app_name_arg) @app_dir = File.expand_path(app_name_arg.strip.to_s) @app_name = File.basename(app_dir).gsub(/\s+/, '-') @dash_name = app_name.gsub('_', '-') @snake_name = app_name.gsub('-', '_') @camel_name = camelize(snake_name) @title_name = titleize(snake_name) end def copy_prototype FileUtils.mkdir_p(app_dir) Dir.glob(File.expand_path('../../app_prototype/*', __FILE__), File::FNM_DOTMATCH) do |f| next if %w{. ..}.include?(File.basename(f)) FileUtils.cp_r(f, app_dir) end end def rename_new_app Dir.chdir(app_dir) do { 'AppPrototype' => camel_name, 'app-prototype' => dash_name, 'app_prototype' => snake_name, 'App Prototype' => title_name }.each do |proto_name, new_name| shell "find . -type f -print | xargs #{sed_i} 's/#{proto_name}/#{new_name}/g'" end end end def configure_new_app update_ruby_version initialize_git end def update_ruby_version prototype_ruby_patch_level = File.read(File.expand_path('../../.ruby-version', __FILE__)).strip prototype_ruby_version = prototype_ruby_patch_level.match(/(\d\.\d\.\d).*/)[1] current_ruby_version = RUBY_VERSION current_ruby_patch_level = "#{RUBY_VERSION}-p#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}" Dir.chdir(app_dir) do shell "#{sed_i} 's/#{prototype_ruby_patch_level}/#{current_ruby_patch_level}/g' .rvmrc .ruby-version" shell "#{sed_i} 's/#{prototype_ruby_version}/#{current_ruby_version}/g' Gemfile" end end def initialize_git Dir.chdir(app_dir) do shell 'git init' shell 'git add -A .' shell 'git commit -m "raygun-zapped skeleton"' end end def print_plan puts puts "Creating new app #{camel_name} in directory #{app_dir}..." puts end def print_next_steps puts "Done! Next steps..." puts "" puts "# Install updated dependencies" puts "$ cd #{app_dir}" puts "$ gem install bundler" puts "$ bundle update" puts "" puts "# Prepare the database: schema and reference / sample data" puts "$ rake db:setup db:sample_data" puts "" puts "# Run the specs (they should all pass)" puts "$ rake" puts "" puts "# Run the app and check things out" puts "$ foreman start" puts "$ open" puts "" puts "Enjoy your Carbon Five flavored Rails application!" end protected def camelize(string) result = string.sub(/^[a-z\d]*/) { $&.capitalize } result.gsub(/(?:_|(\/))([a-z\d]*)/) { "#{$1}#{$2.capitalize}" } end def titleize(underscored_string) result = underscored_string.gsub(/_/, ' ') result.gsub(/\b('?[a-z])/) { $1.capitalize } end # Mac sed works differently than ubuntu sed when it comes to in-place substituion. def sed_i RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ ? "sed -i ''" : "sed -i" end # Run a shell command and raise an exception if it fails. def shell(command) %x{#{command}} raise "#{command} failed with status #{$?.exitstatus}." unless $?.success? end class << self def parse(args) raygun = nil parser = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: raygun [options] NEW_APP_DIRECTORY" opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show raygun usage") do |variable| usage_and_exit(opts) end if ARGV.size == 0 usage_and_exit(opts) else raygun = Raygun::Runner.new(ARGV.first) end end begin parser.parse! rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption usage_and_exit(parser) end raygun end def usage_and_exit(parser) puts parser exit 1 end end end end raygun = Raygun::Runner.parse(ARGV) raygun.print_plan raygun.copy_prototype raygun.rename_new_app raygun.configure_new_app raygun.print_next_steps