module ShouldaExt # :nodoc: module Matchers # :nodoc: CALLBACK_EVENTS = [:before, :after, :after_commit_on] CALLBACK_TYPES = [:create, :update, :destroy, :save] # Test if create, update, destroy, or save callbacks were triggered. # Examples: # # context "doing nothing to a record" do # subject { :title => 'blog title' } # should_not trigger_callbacks # end # # context "creating a record" do # subject { Blog.create! :title => 'blog title' } # should trigger_callbacks.for :create # should_not trigger_callbacks.for :update, :destroy # end # def trigger_callbacks end class TriggerCallbackMatcher module ActiveRecordHooks # :nodoc: def self.included(base) class << base def inherited_with_hooks(subclass) inherited_without_hooks(subclass) ActiveRecordHooks.attach_to subclass end alias_method_chain :inherited, :hooks end end def self.attach_to(model) puts "Attaching trigger_callback test hooks in #{}" class << model attr_accessor :callback_tester_attrs end model.class_eval do @callback_tester_attrs = [] CALLBACK_EVENTS.each do |ce| CALLBACK_TYPES.each do |ct| callback_name = :"#{ce}_#{ct}" callback_attr = :"called_#{callback_name}" callback_method, has_on_option = (ce.to_s =~ /_on/ ? [ce.to_s.gsub('_on',''), true] : [callback_name, false]) @callback_tester_attrs << callback_attr attr_accessor callback_attr send( callback_method, (has_on_option ? {:on => ct} : {})) { instance_variable_set(:"@#{callback_attr}", true) } define_method :"#{callback_attr}?" do !!instance_variable_get(:"@#{callback_attr}") end end # - each end # - each end # - class_eval end def reset_callback_flags! self.class.callback_tester_attrs.each do |attr| send("#{attr}=", false) end end end # - ActiveRecordHooks # Attach the ActiveRecord callback hooks needed for using # the trigger_callbacks matcher def self.attach_active_record_callback_hooks! puts "Attaching callback hooks into ActiveRecord" ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.each do |model| TriggerCallbackMatcher::ActiveRecordHooks.attach_to model end ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, TriggerCallbackMatcher::ActiveRecordHooks end # Define the set of callback types (create, update, destroy, save) to test def for(*callback_types) @callback_types = Array.wrap(callback_types) @any_callbacks = false self end # Check to see if any of the callback types have been triggered def any @callback_types = CALLBACK_TYPES @any_callbacks = true self end def failure_message "Expected #{@subject} #{expectation}:" end def negative_failure_message "Did not expect #{@subject} #{expectation}:" end def description "check that #{@callback_types.join(', ')} callbacks were called" end def expectation @expectations.join("\n") end def matches?(subject) @subject = subject @expectations = [] result = !@any_callbacks @callback_types.each do |ct| CALLBACK_EVENTS.each do |ce| called = @subject.send(:"called_#{ce}_#{ct}?") if @any_callbacks result ||= called else result &&= called end @expectations << "#{ce}_#{ct} callbacks to be triggered" end end result end end # - TriggerCallbackMatcher end # - Matchers end # - ShouldaExt