module Architect4r module Core module NodeMethods extend ActiveSupport::Concern module InstanceMethods def create_node(properties) # Send request response ='/node'), :headers => { 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, :body => properties.to_json) # Evaluate response response.code == 201 ? JSON.parse(response.body) : nil end def get_node(id) # Example response for a node # extensions: {} # # paged_traverse: http://localhost:7475/db/data/node/0/paged/traverse/{returnType}{?pageSize,leaseTime} # self: http://localhost:7475/db/data/node/0 # property: http://localhost:7475/db/data/node/0/properties/{key} # data: {} # # incoming_typed_relationships: http://localhost:7475/db/data/node/0/relationships/in/{-list|&|types} # outgoing_typed_relationships: http://localhost:7475/db/data/node/0/relationships/out/{-list|&|types} # incoming_relationships: http://localhost:7475/db/data/node/0/relationships/in # all_relationships: http://localhost:7475/db/data/node/0/relationships/all # create_relationship: http://localhost:7475/db/data/node/0/relationships # traverse: http://localhost:7475/db/data/node/0/traverse/{returnType} # properties: http://localhost:7475/db/data/node/0/properties # all_typed_relationships: http://localhost:7475/db/data/node/0/relationships/all/{-list|&|types} # outgoing_relationships: http://localhost:7475/db/data/node/0/relationships/out # Handle cases where id might be a url response = Typhoeus::Request.get(node_url(id), :headers => { 'Accept' => 'application/json' }) response.code == 200 ? JSON.parse(response.body) : nil end def update_node(id, properties) # Handle urls url = id.to_i == 0 ? id : node_url(id) # Append the properties url += "/properties" response = Typhoeus::Request.put(url, :headers => { 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, :body => properties.to_json) response.code == 204 ? true : false end def delete_node(id) # Delete all relationships get_node_relationships(id, :all).each do |rel| delete_relationship(rel) end # Delete node itself response = Typhoeus::Request.delete(node_url(id), :headers => { 'Accept' => 'application/json' }) response.code == 204 ? true : false end def root get_node(get('/')['reference_node']) end end end end end