module Eco module API class MicroCases # Helper to obtain all the elements of `people` anew from the _People Manager_. # @note this helper is normally used to run consecutive usecases, where data needs refresh. # @param people [Eco::API::Organization::People] the people that needs refresh. # @param include_created [Boolean] include people created during this session? (will check `:create` batch jobs). # @return [Eco::API::Organization::People] the `People` object with the data. def people_refresh(people:, include_created: true) ini = people.length if include_created session.job_groups.find_jobs(type: :create).map do |job| people = people.merge(job.people) end end created = people.length - ini msg = "Going to refresh #{people.length} people with server data" msg += " (including #{created} that were created)" if created > 0 entries = session.batch.get_people(people, silent: true) missing = people.length - entries.length logger.error("Missed to obtain #{missing} people during the refresh") if missing > 0 end end end end