#!/usr/bin/env rake #-- # Ruby/EventMachine # http://rubyeventmachine.com # Copyright (C) 2006-07 by Francis Cianfrocca # # This program is copyrighted free software. You may use it under # the terms of either the GPL or Ruby's License. See the file # COPYING in the EventMachine distribution for full licensing # information. # # $Id$ #++ ### OLD RAKE: ### # # The tasks and external gemspecs we used to generate binary gems are now # # obsolete. Use Patrick Hurley's gembuilder to build binary gems for any # # desired platform. # # To build a binary gem on Win32, ensure that the include and lib paths # # both contain the proper references to OPENSSL. Use the static version # # of the libraries, not the dynamic, otherwise we expose the user to a # # runtime dependency. # # # To build a binary gem for win32, first build rubyeventmachine.so # # using VC6 outside of the build tree (the normal way: ruby extconf.rb, # # and then nmake). Then copy rubyeventmachine.so into the lib directory, # # and run rake gemwin32. # require 'rubygems' unless defined?(Gem) require 'rake' unless defined?(Rake) Package = false # Build zips and tarballs? Dir.glob('tasks/*.rake').each { |r| Rake.application.add_import r } MAKE = ENV['MAKE'] || if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin/ # mingw uses make. 'nmake' else 'make' end desc "Build gemspec, then build eventmachine, then run tests." task :default => [:build, :test] desc "Build extension (or EVENTMACHINE_LIBRARY) and place in lib" build_task = 'ext:build' build_task = 'java:build' if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /java/ task :build => build_task do |t| Dir.glob('{ext,java/src,ext/fastfilereader}/*.{so,bundle,dll,jar}').each do |f| mv f, "lib" end end task :dummy_build require 'rake/testtask' Rake::TestTask.new(:test) do |t| t.pattern = 'tests/**/test_*.rb' t.warning = true end # Basic clean definition, this is enhanced by imports aswell. task :clean do chdir 'ext' do sh "#{MAKE} clean" if test ?e, 'Makefile' end chdir 'ext/fastfilereader' do sh "#{MAKE} clean" if test ?e, 'Makefile' end Dir.glob('**/Makefile').each { |file| rm file } Dir.glob('**/*.{o,so,bundle,class,jar,dll,log}').each { |file| rm file } Dir.glob('ext/**/conftest.dSYM').each{ |file| rm_rf file } end Spec = Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = "eventmachine" s.summary = "Ruby/EventMachine library" s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY s.has_rdoc = true s.rdoc_options = %w(--title EventMachine --main README --line-numbers -x lib/em/version -x lib/emva -x lib/evma/ -x lib/jeventmachine) s.extra_rdoc_files = Dir['README,docs/*'] excludes = %w(.gitignore) s.files = `git ls-files`.split("\n") - excludes rescue Errno::ENOENT s.require_path = 'lib' # TODO / XXX - should we enable this? rubygems fails the install if anything # is broken. What we could do is CI submission, though, and always terminate # with a positive code... # s.test_file = "tests/testem.rb" # XXX Using rake to compile extensions breaks when you have multiple ruby installations # and your path isn't set. We can switch back to this once the Gem.exec patch is merged. # s.extensions = "Rakefile" s.extensions = ["ext/extconf.rb", "ext/fastfilereader/extconf.rb"] s.author = "Francis Cianfrocca" s.email = "garbagecat10@gmail.com" s.rubyforge_project = 'eventmachine' s.homepage = "http://rubyeventmachine.com" # Pulled in from readme, as code to pull from readme was not working! # Might be worth removing as no one seems to use gem info anyway. s.description = <<-EOD EventMachine implements a fast, single-threaded engine for arbitrary network communications. It's extremely easy to use in Ruby. EventMachine wraps all interactions with IP sockets, allowing programs to concentrate on the implementation of network protocols. It can be used to create both network servers and clients. To create a server or client, a Ruby program only needs to specify the IP address and port, and provide a Module that implements the communications protocol. Implementations of several standard network protocols are provided with the package, primarily to serve as examples. The real goal of EventMachine is to enable programs to easily interface with other programs using TCP/IP, especially if custom protocols are required. EOD require 'lib/em/version' s.version = EventMachine::VERSION end if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin/ Spec.platform = 'x86-mswin32-60' Spec.files += %w[ lib/rubyeventmachine.so lib/fastfilereaderext.so ] Spec.extensions = nil elsif RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /java/ Spec.platform = 'java' Spec.files += %w[ lib/em_reactor.jar ] Spec.extensions = nil end # this is a hack right now, it requires installing msysgit in the global path so it can use tar/curl/etc. namespace :win32 do task :check_git do unless `git` =~ /rebase/ raise 'git not found, install msys git into the GLOBAL PATH: http://msysgit.googlecode.com/files/Git-1.6.2-preview20090308.exe' end end task :check_vc6 do begin raise unless `nmake 2>&1` =~ /Microsoft/ rescue raise 'VC6 not found, please run c:\vc\setvc.bat vc6' end end task :check_perl do unless `perl --version` =~ /ActiveState/ raise 'ActiveState perl required to build OpenSSL: http://downloads.activestate.com/ActivePerl/Windows/5.10/ActivePerl-' end end task :build_openssl => [:check_git, :check_perl, :check_vc6] do mkdir_p 'build' chdir 'build' do unless File.exists?('openssl-0.9.8j') sh 'curl http://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-0.9.8j.tar.gz > openssl.tar.gz' sh 'tar zxvf openssl.tar.gz' rescue nil # fails because of symlinks end mkdir_p 'local' chdir 'openssl-0.9.8j' do sh "perl Configure VC-WIN32 --prefix=\"../local/\"" sh 'ms\do_ms.bat' sh 'nmake -f ms\nt.mak install' end chdir '../ext' do sh 'git clean -fd .' end mv 'local/include/openssl', '../ext/' mv 'local/lib/ssleay32.lib', '../ext/' mv 'local/lib/libeay32.lib', '../ext/' end end desc "build binary win32 gem" task :gem => :build_openssl do Rake::Task['build'].invoke Rake::Task['gem'].invoke end end namespace :ext do ext_sources = FileList['ext/*.{h,cpp,rb,c}'] ffr_sources = FileList['ext/fastfilereader/*.{h,cpp,rb}'] file ext_extconf = 'ext/extconf.rb' file ffr_extconf = 'ext/fastfilereader/extconf.rb' ext_libname = "lib/rubyeventmachine.#{Config::CONFIG['DLEXT']}" ffr_libname = "lib/fastfilereaderext.#{Config::CONFIG['DLEXT']}" file ext_libname => ext_sources + ['ext/Makefile'] do chdir('ext') { sh MAKE } end file ffr_libname => ffr_sources + ['ext/fastfilereader/Makefile'] do chdir('ext/fastfilereader') { sh MAKE } end desc "Build C++ extension" task :build => [:make] task :make => ext_libname task :make => ffr_libname file 'ext/Makefile' => ext_extconf do chdir 'ext' do ruby 'extconf.rb' end end file 'ext/fastfilereader/Makefile' => ffr_extconf do chdir 'ext/fastfilereader' do ruby 'extconf.rb' end end end namespace :java do # This task creates the JRuby JAR file and leaves it in the lib directory. # This step is required before executing the jgem task. desc "Build java extension" task :build => [:jar] do |t| mv 'java/em_reactor.jar', 'lib/' end task :compile do chdir('java') do mkdir_p "build" sh 'javac src/com/rubyeventmachine/*.java -d build' end end task :jar => [:compile] do chdir('java/build') do sh "jar -cf ../em_reactor.jar com/rubyeventmachine/*.class" end end desc "build a java binary gem" task :gem => :build do Spec.platform = 'java' Spec.files += %w[ lib/em_reactor.jar ] Spec.extensions = nil Rake::Task['gem'].invoke end end namespace :osx do desc "Build OSX binary gem" task :gem do Spec.platform = RUBY_PLATFORM.sub(/darwin.+$/, 'darwin') Spec.files += %w[ lib/rubyeventmachine.bundle lib/fastfilereaderext.bundle ] Spec.extensions = nil Rake::Task['build'].invoke Rake::Task['gem'].invoke end # XXX gcc will still prefer the shared libssl on the system, so we need to hack the extconf # XXX to use the static library to make this actually work task :static_gem => [:build_openssl, :gem] task :build_openssl do mkdir_p 'build' chdir 'build' do unless File.exists?('openssl-0.9.8j') sh 'curl http://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-0.9.8j.tar.gz > openssl-0.9.8j.tar.gz' sh 'tar zxvf openssl-0.9.8j.tar.gz' end mkdir_p 'local' chdir 'openssl-0.9.8j' do local_dir = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'build','local')) sh "./config --prefix=#{local_dir}" sh 'make' sh 'make install' end chdir '../ext' do sh 'git clean -fd .' end mv 'local/include/openssl', '../ext/' mv 'local/lib/libssl.a', '../ext/' mv 'local/lib/libcrypto.a', '../ext/' end end end require 'rake/clean' rdoc_task_type = begin require 'rdoc/task' RDoc::Task rescue LoadError require 'rake/rdoctask' Rake::RDocTask end df = begin; require 'rdoc/rdoc'; require 'rdoc/generator/darkfish'; true; rescue LoadError; end rdtask = rdoc_task_type.new do |rd| rd.title = Spec.name rd.rdoc_dir = 'rdoc' rd.main = "README" rd.rdoc_files.include("lib/**/*.rb", *Spec.extra_rdoc_files) rd.rdoc_files.exclude(*%w(lib/em/version lib/emva lib/evma/ lib/pr_eventmachine lib/jeventmachine)) rd.template = 'darkfish' if df end Rake::Task[:clean].enhance [:clobber_rdoc] desc 'Generate and open documentation' task :docs => :rdoc do case RUBY_PLATFORM when /darwin/ ; sh 'open rdoc/index.html' when /mswin|mingw/ ; sh 'start rdoc\index.html' else sh 'firefox rdoc/index.html' end end def windows?; RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin|mingw/; end def sudo(cmd) if windows? || (require 'etc'; Etc.getpwuid.uid == 0) sh cmd else sh "sudo #{cmd}" end end def gem_cmd(action, name, *args) rb = Gem.ruby rescue nil rb ||= (require 'rbconfig'; File.join(Config::CONFIG['bindir'], Config::CONFIG['ruby_install_name'])) sudo "#{rb} -r rubygems -e 'require %{rubygems/gem_runner}; Gem::GemRunner.new.run(%w{#{action} #{name} #{args.join(' ')}})'" end begin require 'rubygems/package_task' Gem::PackageTask rescue LoadError require 'rake/gempackagetask' Rake::GemPackageTask end.new(Spec) do |pkg| pkg.need_tar, pkg.need_tar_gz, pkg.need_zip = true, true, true if Package pkg.gem_spec = Spec end Rake::Task[:clean].enhance [:clobber_package] namespace :gem do desc 'Install gem (and sudo if required)' task :install => :package do gem_cmd(:install, "pkg/#{Spec.name}-#{Spec.version}.gem") end desc 'Uninstall gem (and sudo if required)' task :uninstall do gem_cmd(:uninstall, "#{Spec.name}", "-v=#{Spec.version}") end desc "Generate new gemspec" task :spec => :clobber do open("eventmachine.gemspec", 'w') { |f| f.write Spec.to_ruby } end end task :clobber => :clean task :test => :build