# frozen_string_literal: true module RelatonBib class << self def series_hash_to_bib(ret) array(ret[:series])&.each_with_index do |s, i| s[:formattedref] and s[:formattedref] = formattedref(s[:formattedref]) if s[:title] s[:title] = { content: s[:title] } unless s.is_a?(Hash) s[:title] = TypedTitleString.new(s[:title]) end s[:abbreviation] and s[:abbreviation] = localizedstring(s[:abbreviation]) ret[:series][i] = Series.new(s) end end end # # Series class. # class Series TYPES = %w[main alt].freeze # @return [String, NilClass] allowed values: "main" or "alt" attr_reader :type # @return [RelatonBib::FormattedRef, NilClass] attr_reader :formattedref # @return [RelatonBib::FormattedString, NilClass] title attr_reader :title # @return [String, NilClass] attr_reader :place # @return [String, NilClass] attr_reader :organization # @return [RelatonBib::LocalizedString, NilClass] attr_reader :abbreviation # @return [String, NilClass] date or year attr_reader :from # @return [String, NilClass] date or year attr_reader :to # @return [String, NilClass] attr_reader :number # @return [String, NilClass] attr_reader :partnumber # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength # @param type [String, NilClass] title or formattedref argument should be passed # @param formattedref [RelatonBib::FormattedRef, NilClass] # @param title [RelatonBib::TypedTitleString, NilClass] # @param place [String, NilClass] # @param orgaization [String, NilClass] # @param abbreviation [RelatonBib::LocalizedString, NilClass] # @param from [String, NilClass] # @param to [String, NilClass] # @param number [String, NilClass] # @param partnumber [String, NilClass] def initialize(**args) unless args[:title].is_a?(RelatonBib::TypedTitleString) || args[:formattedref] raise ArgumentError, "argument `title` or `formattedref` should present" end if args[:type] && !TYPES.include?(args[:type]) raise ArgumentError, "invalid argument `type`" end @type = args[:type] # if %w[main alt].include? args[:type] @title = args[:title] @formattedref = args[:formattedref] @place = args[:place] @organization = args[:organization] @abbreviation = args[:abbreviation] @from = args[:from] @to = args[:to] @number = args[:number] @partnumber = args[:partnumber] end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity # @param builder [Nokogiri::XML::Builder] def to_xml(builder) xml = builder.series do if formattedref formattedref.to_xml builder else builder.title { title.to_xml builder } builder.place place if place builder.organization organization if organization builder.abbreviation { abbreviation.to_xml builder } if abbreviation builder.from from if from builder.to to if to builder.number number if number builder.partnumber partnumber if partnumber end end xml[:type] = type if type end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:enable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity end end