import { EMBER_MODULE_UNIFICATION, GLIMMER_CUSTOM_COMPONENT_MANAGER } from '@ember/canary-features'; import { assert } from '@ember/debug'; import { RENDER_HELPER } from '@ember/deprecated-features'; import { _instrumentStart } from '@ember/instrumentation'; import { LazyCompiler, Macros, PartialDefinition } from '@glimmer/opcode-compiler'; import { getDynamicVar } from '@glimmer/runtime'; import { privatize as P } from 'container'; import { ENV } from 'ember-environment'; import { setOwner } from 'ember-owner'; import { lookupComponent, lookupPartial } from 'ember-views'; import CompileTimeLookup from './compile-time-lookup'; import { CurlyComponentDefinition } from './component-managers/curly'; import { CustomManagerDefinition } from './component-managers/custom'; import { TemplateOnlyComponentDefinition } from './component-managers/template-only'; import { isHelperFactory, isSimpleHelper } from './helper'; import { default as classHelper } from './helpers/-class'; import { default as htmlSafeHelper } from './helpers/-html-safe'; import { default as inputTypeHelper } from './helpers/-input-type'; import { default as normalizeClassHelper } from './helpers/-normalize-class'; import { default as action } from './helpers/action'; import { default as concat } from './helpers/concat'; import { default as eachIn } from './helpers/each-in'; import { default as get } from './helpers/get'; import { default as hash } from './helpers/hash'; import { inlineIf, inlineUnless } from './helpers/if-unless'; import { default as log } from './helpers/log'; import { default as mut } from './helpers/mut'; import { default as queryParams } from './helpers/query-param'; import { default as readonly } from './helpers/readonly'; import { default as unbound } from './helpers/unbound'; import ActionModifierManager from './modifiers/action'; import { populateMacros } from './syntax'; import { mountHelper } from './syntax/mount'; import { outletHelper } from './syntax/outlet'; import { renderHelper } from './syntax/render'; import { getComponentManager } from './utils/custom-component-manager'; import { ClassBasedHelperReference, SimpleHelperReference } from './utils/references'; function instrumentationPayload(name) { return { object: `component:${name}` }; } function makeOptions(moduleName, namespace) { return { source: moduleName !== undefined ? `template:${moduleName}` : undefined, namespace, }; } const BUILTINS_HELPERS = { if: inlineIf, action, concat, get, hash, log, mut, 'query-params': queryParams, readonly, unbound, unless: inlineUnless, '-class': classHelper, '-each-in': eachIn, '-input-type': inputTypeHelper, '-normalize-class': normalizeClassHelper, '-html-safe': htmlSafeHelper, '-get-dynamic-var': getDynamicVar, '-mount': mountHelper, '-outlet': outletHelper, }; if (RENDER_HELPER) { BUILTINS_HELPERS['-render'] = renderHelper; } const BUILTIN_MODIFIERS = { action: new ActionModifierManager(), }; export default class RuntimeResolver { constructor() { this.handles = [ undefined, ]; this.objToHandle = new WeakMap(); this.builtInHelpers = BUILTINS_HELPERS; this.builtInModifiers = BUILTIN_MODIFIERS; // supports directly imported late bound layouts on component.prototype.layout this.templateCache = new Map(); this.componentDefinitionCache = new Map(); this.customManagerCache = new Map(); this.templateCacheHits = 0; this.templateCacheMisses = 0; this.componentDefinitionCount = 0; this.helperDefinitionCount = 0; let macros = new Macros(); populateMacros(macros); this.compiler = new LazyCompiler(new CompileTimeLookup(this), this, macros); } /*** IRuntimeResolver ***/ /** * public componentDefHandleCount = 0; * Called while executing Append Op.PushDynamicComponentManager if string */ lookupComponentDefinition(name, meta) { assert('You cannot use `textarea` as a component name.', name !== 'textarea'); assert('You cannot use `input` as a component name.', name !== 'input'); let handle = this.lookupComponentHandle(name, meta); if (handle === null) { assert(`Could not find component named "${name}" (no component or template with that name was found)`); return null; } return this.resolve(handle); } lookupComponentHandle(name, meta) { let nextHandle = this.handles.length; let handle = this.handle(this._lookupComponentDefinition(name, meta)); if (nextHandle === handle) { this.componentDefinitionCount++; } return handle; } /** * Called by RuntimeConstants to lookup unresolved handles. */ resolve(handle) { return this.handles[handle]; } // End IRuntimeResolver /** * Called by CompileTimeLookup compiling Unknown or Helper OpCode */ lookupHelper(name, meta) { let nextHandle = this.handles.length; let helper = this._lookupHelper(name, meta); if (helper !== null) { let handle = this.handle(helper); if (nextHandle === handle) { this.helperDefinitionCount++; } return handle; } return null; } /** * Called by CompileTimeLookup compiling the */ lookupModifier(name, _meta) { return this.handle(this._lookupModifier(name)); } /** * Called by CompileTimeLookup to lookup partial */ lookupPartial(name, meta) { let partial = this._lookupPartial(name, meta); return this.handle(partial); } // end CompileTimeLookup /** * Creates a template with injections from a directly imported template factory. * @param templateFactory the directly imported template factory. * @param owner the owner the template instance would belong to if resolved */ createTemplate(factory, owner) { let cache = this.templateCache.get(owner); if (cache === undefined) { cache = new Map(); this.templateCache.set(owner, cache); } let template = cache.get(factory); if (template === undefined) { const { compiler } = this; const injections = { compiler }; setOwner(injections, owner); template = factory.create(injections); cache.set(factory, template); this.templateCacheMisses++; } else { this.templateCacheHits++; } return template; } // needed for lazy compile time lookup handle(obj) { if (obj === undefined || obj === null) { return null; } let handle = this.objToHandle.get(obj); if (handle === undefined) { handle = this.handles.push(obj) - 1; this.objToHandle.set(obj, handle); } return handle; } _lookupHelper(_name, meta) { const helper = this.builtInHelpers[_name]; if (helper !== undefined) { return helper; } const { owner, moduleName } = meta; let name = _name; let namespace = undefined; if (EMBER_MODULE_UNIFICATION) { const parsed = this._parseNameForNamespace(_name); name =; namespace = parsed.namespace; } const options = makeOptions(moduleName, namespace); const factory = owner.factoryFor(`helper:${name}`, options) || owner.factoryFor(`helper:${name}`); if (!isHelperFactory(factory)) { return null; } return (vm, args) => { const helper = factory.create(); if (isSimpleHelper(helper)) { return new SimpleHelperReference(helper.compute, args.capture()); } vm.newDestroyable(helper); return ClassBasedHelperReference.create(helper, args.capture()); }; } _lookupPartial(name, meta) { const template = lookupPartial(name, meta.owner); if (template) { return new PartialDefinition(name, template); } else { throw new Error(`${name} is not a partial`); } } _lookupModifier(name) { return this.builtInModifiers[name]; } _parseNameForNamespace(_name) { let name = _name; let namespace = undefined; let namespaceDelimiterOffset = _name.indexOf('::'); if (namespaceDelimiterOffset !== -1) { name = _name.slice(namespaceDelimiterOffset + 2); namespace = _name.slice(0, namespaceDelimiterOffset); } return { name, namespace }; } _lookupComponentDefinition(_name, meta) { let name = _name; let namespace = undefined; if (EMBER_MODULE_UNIFICATION) { const parsed = this._parseNameForNamespace(_name); name =; namespace = parsed.namespace; } let { layout, component } = lookupComponent(meta.owner, name, makeOptions(meta.moduleName, namespace)); let key = component === undefined ? layout : component; if (key === undefined) { return null; } let cachedComponentDefinition = this.componentDefinitionCache.get(key); if (cachedComponentDefinition !== undefined) { return cachedComponentDefinition; } let finalizer = _instrumentStart('render.getComponentDefinition', instrumentationPayload, name); if (layout && !component && ENV._TEMPLATE_ONLY_GLIMMER_COMPONENTS) { let definition = new TemplateOnlyComponentDefinition(layout); finalizer(); this.componentDefinitionCache.set(key, definition); return definition; } if (GLIMMER_CUSTOM_COMPONENT_MANAGER && component && component.class) { let managerId = getComponentManager(component.class); if (managerId) { let manager = this._lookupComponentManager(meta.owner, managerId); assert(`Could not find custom component manager '${managerId}' which was specified by ${component.class}`, !!manager); let definition = new CustomManagerDefinition(name, component, manager, layout || meta.owner.lookup(P `template:components/-default`)); finalizer(); this.componentDefinitionCache.set(key, definition); return definition; } } let definition = layout || component ? new CurlyComponentDefinition(name, component || meta.owner.factoryFor(P `component:-default`), null, layout // TODO fix type ) : null; finalizer(); this.componentDefinitionCache.set(key, definition); return definition; } _lookupComponentManager(owner, managerId) { if (this.customManagerCache.has(managerId)) { return this.customManagerCache.get(managerId); } let delegate = owner.lookup(`component-manager:${managerId}`); this.customManagerCache.set(managerId, delegate); return delegate; } }