module Fog module HP class Network class Real # Create a new security group # # ==== Parameters # * options<~Hash>: # * 'name'<~String> - Name of the security group # * 'description'<~String> - Description of the security group # * 'tenant_id'<~String> - TenantId different than the current user, that should own the security group. Only allowed if user has 'admin' role. # # ==== Returns # * response<~Excon::Response>: # * body<~Hash>: # * 'security_groups'<~Array>: # * 'id'<~String> - UUId of the security group # * 'name'<~String> - Name of the security group # * 'description'<~String> - Description of the security group # * 'tenant_id'<~String> - Tenant id that owns the security group # * 'security_group_rules'<~Array>: - Array of security group rules # * 'id'<~String> - UUId of the security group rule # * 'direction'<~String> - Direction of traffic, must be in ['ingress', 'egress'] # * 'port_range_min'<~Integer> - Start port for rule i.e. 22 (or -1 for ICMP wildcard) # * 'port_range_max'<~Integer> - End port for rule i.e. 22 (or -1 for ICMP wildcard) # * 'protocol'<~String> - IP protocol for rule, must be in ['tcp', 'udp', 'icmp'] # * 'ethertype'<~String> - Type of ethernet support, must be in ['IPv4', 'IPv6'] # * 'security_group_id'<~String> - UUId of the parent security group # * 'remote_group_id'<~String> - UUId of the remote security group # * 'remote_ip_prefix'<~String> - IP cidr range address i.e. '' # * 'tenant_id'<~String> - Tenant id that owns the security group rule def create_security_group(options = {}) data = { 'security_group' => {} } l_options = [:name, :description, :tenant_id]{|o| options[o]}.each do |key| data['security_group'][key] = options[key] end request( :body => Fog::JSON.encode(data), :expects => 201, :method => 'POST', :path => 'security-groups' ) end end class Mock def create_security_group(options = {}) # Spaces are NOT removed from name and description, as in case of compute sec groups tenant_id = Fog::Mock.random_numbers(14).to_s sec_group_id = Fog::HP::Mock.uuid.to_s response = response.status = 201 # by default every security group will come setup with an egress rule to "allow all out" data = { 'security_group_rules' => [ { "remote_group_id" => nil, "direction" => "egress", "remote_ip_prefix" => nil, "protocol" => nil, "ethertype" => "IPv4", "tenant_id" => tenant_id, "port_range_max" => nil, "port_range_min" => nil, "id" => Fog::HP::Mock.uuid.to_s, "security_group_id" => sec_group_id }, { "remote_group_id" => nil, "direction" => "egress", "remote_ip_prefix" => nil, "protocol" => nil, "ethertype" => "IPv6", "tenant_id" => tenant_id, "port_range_max" => nil, "port_range_min" => nil, "id" => Fog::HP::Mock.uuid.to_s, "security_group_id" => sec_group_id } ], 'id' => sec_group_id, 'tenant_id' => tenant_id, 'name' => options[:name] || "", 'description' => options[:description] || "" }[:security_groups][data['id']] = data response.body = { 'security_group' => data } response end end end end end