module Birdwatcher module Commands class User < Birdwatcher::Command self.meta = { :description => "Manage users", :names => %w(user users), :usage => "user [ACTION]" } def self.detailed_usage <<-USAGE The #{'user'.bold} command manipulates users in the current workspace. #{'USAGE:'.bold} #{'List all users in the workspace:'.bold} user list #{'Add one or more users to the workspace:'.bold} user create [USER1[ USER2 ... USERN]] #{'Update information on one or more users:'.bold} user update [USER1[ USER2 ... USERN]] #{'Delete one or more users from the workspace:'.bold} user delete [USER1[ USER2 ... USERN]] USAGE end def run if !arguments? error("You must provide an action") return false end action = arguments.first.downcase case action when "list" list_users when "create", "add", "-a" create_users when "update", "-u" update_users when "delete", "destroy", "rm", "-d" delete_users else list_user end end private def list_users if info("There are currently no users in this workspace") return true end newline users = current_workspace.users_dataset.order(:screen_name).map do |u| make_user_summary_output(u) end.join("\n#{Birdwatcher::Console::LINE_SEPARATOR}\n\n") page_text(users) end def list_user if !user = current_workspace.users_dataset.first(:screen_name => arguments.first) error("User #{screen_name.bold} was not found in workspace") return false end newline output_user_details(user) newline end def create_users screen_names = arguments[1..-1].uniq if screen_names.empty? error("You must provide at least one screen name") return false end screen_names.each do |screen_name| begin if current_workspace.users_dataset.first(:screen_name => screen_name) error("User #{screen_name.bold} is already in the workspace") next end api_user = twitter_client.user(screen_name) save_user(api_user) info("Added #{screen_name.bold} to workspace") rescue Twitter::Error::NotFound error("There is no user with screen name: #{screen_name.bold}") end end end def update_users screen_names = arguments[1..-1].uniq if screen_names.empty? db_users = current_workspace.users else db_users = current_workspace.users_dataset.where("screen_name IN ?", screen_names) end threads = thread_pool db_users.each do |db_user| threads.process do begin api_user = twitter_client.user(db_user.screen_name) db_user.update( :name =>, :location => api_user.location, :description => api_user.description, :url => (api_user.website_urls.first ? api_user.website_urls.first.expanded_url.to_s : nil), :profile_image_url => api_user.profile_image_url_https.to_s, :followers_count => api_user.followers_count, :friends_count => api_user.friends_count, :listed_count => api_user.listed_count, :favorites_count => api_user.favorites_count, :statuses_count => api_user.statuses_count, :utc_offset => api_user.utc_offset, :timezone => api_user.time_zone, :geo_enabled => api_user.geo_enabled?, :verified => api_user.verified?, :lang => api_user.lang ) info("Updated information for #{db_user.screen_name.bold}") rescue Twitter::Error::NotFound error("There is no user with screen name: #{db_user.screen_name.bold}") end end end threads.shutdown end def delete_users screen_names = arguments[1..-1].uniq if screen_names.empty? error("You must provide at least one screen name") return false end return unless confirm("Are you sure you want to delete #{', ')} and all associated data?") screen_names.each do |screen_name| begin if !db_user = current_workspace.users_dataset.first(:screen_name => screen_name) error("User #{screen_name.bold} was not found in workspace") next end db_user.destroy info("Deleted #{screen_name.bold} from workspace") rescue Twitter::Error::NotFound error("There is no user with screen name: #{screen_name.bold}") end end end end end end