Sammy("#main", function(app) { this.use(Sammy.Tmpl); this.use(Sammy.Session); this.use(Sammy.Title); this.setTitle("OAuth Admin - "); this.use(Sammy.OAuth2); this.authorize = document.location.pathname + "/authorize"; $(document).ajaxError(function(evt, xhr) { app.trigger("notice", xhr.responseText); }); $(document).ajaxStart(function(evt) { $("#throbber").show(); }); $(document).ajaxStop(function(evt) { $("#throbber").hide(); }); // For all request (except callback), if we don't have an OAuth access token, this.requireOAuth(); this.bind("oauth.denied", function(evt, error) { this.partial("admin/views/no_access.tmpl", { error: error.message }); }); var api = document.location.pathname + "/api"; // Takes array of string with scope names (typically request parameters) and // normalizes them into an array of scope names. function mergeScopes(scopes) { if ($.isArray(scopes)) scopes = scopes.join(" "); scopes = (scopes || "").trim().split(/\s+/); return scopes.length == 1 && scopes[0] == "" ? [] : _.uniq(scopes).sort(); } var commonScopes; function withCommonScopes(cb) { if (commonScopes) cb(commonScopes) else $.getJSON(api + "/clients", function(json) { cb(commonScopes = json.scopes); }) } // View all clients this.get("#/", function(context) { context.title("All Clients"); $.getJSON(api + "/clients", function(clients) { commonScopes = clients.scopes; context.partial("admin/views/clients.tmpl", { clients: clients.list, tokens: clients.tokens }). load(clients.history).then(function(json) { $("#fig").chart(, "granted"); }); }); }); // Edit client this.get("#/client/:id/edit", function(context) { $.getJSON(api + "/client/" +, function(client) { context.title(client.displayName); withCommonScopes(function(scopes) { client.common = scopes; context.partial("admin/views/edit.tmpl", client) }) }) }); this.put("#/client/:id", function(context) { context.params.scopes = mergeScopes(context.params.scopes); $.ajax({ type: "put", url: api + "/client/" +, data: { displayName: context.params.displayName, link:, imageUrl: context.params.imageUrl, redirectUri: context.params.redirectUri, scopes: context.params.scopes }, success: function(client) { context.redirect("#/client/" +; app.trigger("notice", "Saved your changes"); }, error: function(xhr) { withCommonScopes(function(scopes) { context.params.common = scopes; context.partial("admin/views/edit.tmpl", context.params); }); } }) }); // Delete/revoke client this.del("#/client/:id", function(context) { $.ajax({ type: "post", url: api + "/client/" +, data: { _method: "delete" }, success: function() { context.redirect("#/") } }); });"#/client/:id/revoke", function(context) { $.post(api + "/client/" + + "/revoke", function() { app.refresh() }); }); // Revoke token"#/token/:id/revoke", function(context) { $.post(api + "/token/" + + "/revoke", function() { app.refresh() }); }); // View single client this.get("#/client/:id", function(context) { $.getJSON(api + "/client/" +, function(client) { context.title(client.displayName); context.partial("admin/views/client.tmpl", client). load(client.history).then(function(json) { $("#fig").chart(, "granted"); }); }); }); this.get("#/client/:id/:page", function(context) { $.getJSON(api + "/client/" + + "?page=" +, function(client) { context.title(client.displayName); context.partial("admin/views/client.tmpl", client) }); }); // Create new client this.get("#/new", function(context) { context.title("Add New Client"); withCommonScopes(function(scopes) { context.partial("admin/views/edit.tmpl", { common: scopes, scopes: scopes }); }); });"#/clients", function(context) { context.title("Add New Client"); context.params.scopes = mergeScopes(context.params.scopes); $.ajax({ type: "post", url: api + "/clients", data: { displayName: context.params.displayName, link:, imageUrl: context.params.imageUrl, redirectUri: context.params.redirectUri, scopes: context.params.scopes }, success: function(client) { app.trigger("notice", "Added new client application " + client.displayName); context.redirect("#/"); }, error: function(xhr) { withCommonScopes(function(scopes) { context.params.common = scopes; context.partial("admin/views/edit.tmpl", context.params); }); } }); }); // Signout this.get("#/signout", function(context) { context.loseAccessToken(); context.redirect("#/"); }); // Links that use forms for various methods (i.e. post, delete). $("a[data-method]").live("click", function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); var link = $(this); if (link.attr("data-confirm") && !confirm(link.attr("data-confirm"))) return fasle; var method = link.attr("data-method") || "get", form = $("
", { style: "display:none", method: method, action: link.attr("href") }); app.$element().append(form); form.submit(); }); // Error/notice at top of screen var noticeTimeout; app.bind("notice", function(evt, message) { if (!message || message.trim() == "") message = "Got an error, but don't know why"; $("#notice").text(message).fadeIn("fast"); if (noticeTimeout) { cancelTimeout(noticeTimeout); noticeTimeout = null; } noticeTimeout = setTimeout(function() { noticeTimeout = null; $("#notice").fadeOut("slow"); }, 5000); }); $("#notice").live("click", function() { $(this).fadeOut("slow") }); }); // Adds thousands separator to integer or float (can also pass formatted string // if you care about precision). $.thousands = function(integer) { return integer.toString().replace(/^(\d+?)((\d{3})+)$/g, function(x,a,b) { return a + b.replace(/(\d{3})/g, ",$1") }) .replace(/\.((\d{3})+)(\d+)$/g, function(x,a,b,c) { return "." + a.replace(/(\d{3})/g, "$1,") + c }) } $.shortdate = function(integer) { var date = new Date(integer * 1000); return "" + date.toISOString().substring(0,10) + ""; } $.fn.chart = function(data, series) { /* Sizing and scales. */ var canvas = $(this), w = canvas.width(), h = canvas.height(), today = new Date() / 86400000, x = pv.Scale.linear(today - 60, today).range(0, w), max = pv.max(data, function(d) { return d[series] }), y = pv.Scale.linear(0, pv.max([max, 10])).range(0, h); /* The root panel. */ var vis = new pv.Panel().width(w).height(h).bottom(20).left(20).right(10).top(5); /* X-axis ticks. */ vis.add(pv.Rule).data(x.ticks()).visible(function(d) { return d > 0 }).left(x).strokeStyle("#fff") .add(pv.Rule).bottom(-5).height(5).strokeStyle("#000") .anchor("bottom").add(pv.Label).text(function(d) { return"%b %d").format(new Date(d * 86400000)) }); /* Y-axis ticks. */ vis.add(pv.Rule).data(y.ticks(3)).bottom(y).strokeStyle(function(d) { return d ? "#fff" : "#000" }) .anchor("left").add(pv.Label).text(y.tickFormat); /* The line. */ vis.add(pv.Line).data(data).interpolate("linear").left(function(d) { return x(new Date(d.ts)) }).bottom(function(d) { return y(d[series]) }).lineWidth(3); vis.canvas(canvas[0]).render(); }