require "sauce/parallel/test_broker" require "parallel_tests" require "parallel_tests/tasks" require "parallel_tests/cli_patch" require "shellwords" namespace :sauce do desc "Run specs in parallel on Sauce Labs" task :spec, :files, :concurrency, :test_options, :parallel_options do |t, args| ::RSpec::Core::Runner.disable_autorun! run_parallel_tests(t, args, :rspec) end desc "Run features in parallel on Sauce Labs" task :features, :files, :concurrency, :test_options, :parallel_options do |t, args| run_parallel_tests(t, args, :cucumber) end namespace :install do desc "Set up your Cucumber features to run in parallel on Sauce Labs" task :features do Rake::Task["sauce:install:create_helper"].execute(:helper_type => :features) puts <<-ENDLINE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The Sauce gem is now installed! Next steps: 1. Edit features/support/sauce_helper.rb with your required platforms 2. Set the SAUCE_USERNAME and SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY environment variables 3. Run your tests with 'rake sauce:features' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ENDLINE end desc "Set up your specs to run in parallel on Sauce Labs" task :spec do Rake::Task["sauce:install:create_helper"].execute(:helper_type => :spec) helper_path = File.exist?("spec/rails_helper.rb") ? "spec/rails_helper.rb" : "spec/spec_helper.rb" unless { |f| "require \"sauce_helper\""}, "a") do |f| f.write "require \"sauce_helper\"" end else STDERR.puts "WARNING - The Sauce gem is already integrated into your rspec setup" end puts <<-ENDLINE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Sauce gem is now installed! Next steps: 1. Edit spec/sauce_helper.rb with your required platforms & Sauce Connect 4 path 2. Make sure we've not mangled your spec/*_helper.rb requiring sauce_helper 3. Set the SAUCE_USERNAME and SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY environment variables 3. Run your tests with 'rake sauce:spec' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENDLINE end task :create_helper, [:helper_type] do |t, args| path = args[:helper_type].to_sym == :features ? "features/support/sauce_helper.rb" : "spec/sauce_helper.rb" unless File.exists? path, "w") do |f| f.write(Sauce::Utilities::Rake.sauce_helper) end else STDERR.puts "WARNING - sauce_helper has already been created." end end end end def run_parallel_tests(t, args, command) skip_check = ENV["SAUCE_SKIP_PARALLEL_CHECKS"] warn_of_skipped_parallel_processes if skip_check if((ParallelTests.number_of_running_processes == 0) || skip_check) username = ENV["SAUCE_USERNAME"].to_s access_key = ENV["SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY"].to_s if(!username.empty? && !access_key.empty?) parallel_arguments = parse_task_args(command, args) else puts <<-ENDLINE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Your Sauce username and/or access key are unavailable. Please: 1. Set the SAUCE_USERNAME and SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY environment variables. 2. Rerun your tests. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ENDLINE end else puts <<-ENDLINE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are already parallel_tests processes running. This can interfere with test startup and shutdown. If you're not running other parallel tests, this might be caused by zombie processes (The worst kind of processes). Kill `em off and try again. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENDLINE exit(1) end end def parse_task_args(test_tool=:rspec, args) default = { :concurrency => [Sauce::TestBroker.concurrency, 20].min } if test_tool == :rspec default[:test_options] = '-t sauce' default[:files] = 'spec' end if test_tool == :cucumber default[:files] = 'features' end env_args = { :concurrency => ENV['concurrency'], :features => ENV['features'], :parallel_options => ENV['parallel_test_options'], :test_options => ENV['test_options'], :files => ENV['test_files'] } concurrency = args[:concurrency] || env_args[:concurrency] || default[:concurrency] test_options = args[:test_options] || env_args[:test_options] || default[:test_options] parallel_options = args[:parallel_options] || env_args[:parallel_options] files = args[:files] || env_args[:files] || default[:files] return_args = [ '-n', concurrency.to_s, '--type' ] return_args.push 'saucerspec' if test_tool == :rspec return_args.push 'saucecucumber' if test_tool == :cucumber if test_options return_args.push '-o' return_args.push test_options end return_args.push *(parallel_options.split(' ')) if parallel_options return_args.concat files.split return return_args end def warn_of_skipped_parallel_processes puts <<-ENDLINE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The SAUCE_SKIP_PARALLEL_CHECKS environment variable is truthy. This will cause the gem to run regardless of other parallel_tests processes running, and may lead to unexpected behaviour including never ending tests. Automatic control of Sauce Connect does NOT work with this option. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENDLINE end