require 'microsoft_kiota_abstractions' require_relative '../../../../../../../../../microsoft_graph' require_relative '../../../../../../../../../models/education_submission_resource' require_relative '../../../../../../../../../models/o_data_errors_o_data_error' require_relative '../../../../../../../../education' require_relative '../../../../../../../users' require_relative '../../../../../../item' require_relative '../../../../../assignments' require_relative '../../../../item' require_relative '../../../submissions' require_relative '../../item' require_relative '../resources' require_relative './item' module MicrosoftGraph module Education module Users module Item module Assignments module Item module Submissions module Item module Resources module Item ## # Provides operations to manage the resources property of the microsoft.graph.educationSubmission entity. class EducationSubmissionResourceItemRequestBuilder < MicrosoftKiotaAbstractions::BaseRequestBuilder ## ## Instantiates a new EducationSubmissionResourceItemRequestBuilder and sets the default values. ## @param path_parameters Path parameters for the request ## @param request_adapter The request adapter to use to execute the requests. ## @return a void ## def initialize(path_parameters, request_adapter) super(path_parameters, request_adapter, "{+baseurl}/education/users/{educationUser%2Did}/assignments/{educationAssignment%2Did}/submissions/{educationSubmission%2Did}/resources/{educationSubmissionResource%2Did}{?%24select,%24expand}") end ## ## Delete an educationSubmissionResource from the submission. Only teachers and students can perform this operation. If the resource was copied from the assignment, a new copy of the resource will be created after the current copy is deleted. This allows you to 'reset' the resource to its original state. If the resource was not copied from the assignment but was added from the student, the resource is simply deleted. ## @param request_configuration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options. ## @return a Fiber of void ## def delete(request_configuration=nil) request_info = self.to_delete_request_information( request_configuration ) error_mapping = error_mapping["4XX"] = lambda {|pn| MicrosoftGraph::Models::ODataErrorsODataError.create_from_discriminator_value(pn) } error_mapping["5XX"] = lambda {|pn| MicrosoftGraph::Models::ODataErrorsODataError.create_from_discriminator_value(pn) } return @request_adapter.send_async(request_info, nil, error_mapping) end ## ## Retrieve the properties of a specific resource associated with a submission. Only teachers, students, and applications with application permissions can perform this operation. This resource is in the 'working' resource list and should be considered work in process by a student. This resource is wrapped with a possible pointer back to the assignment resource if it was copied from the assignment. ## @param request_configuration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options. ## @return a Fiber of education_submission_resource ## def get(request_configuration=nil) request_info = self.to_get_request_information( request_configuration ) error_mapping = error_mapping["4XX"] = lambda {|pn| MicrosoftGraph::Models::ODataErrorsODataError.create_from_discriminator_value(pn) } error_mapping["5XX"] = lambda {|pn| MicrosoftGraph::Models::ODataErrorsODataError.create_from_discriminator_value(pn) } return @request_adapter.send_async(request_info, lambda {|pn| MicrosoftGraph::Models::EducationSubmissionResource.create_from_discriminator_value(pn) }, error_mapping) end ## ## Update the navigation property resources in education ## @param body The request body ## @param request_configuration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options. ## @return a Fiber of education_submission_resource ## def patch(body, request_configuration=nil) raise StandardError, 'body cannot be null' if body.nil? request_info = self.to_patch_request_information( body, request_configuration ) error_mapping = error_mapping["4XX"] = lambda {|pn| MicrosoftGraph::Models::ODataErrorsODataError.create_from_discriminator_value(pn) } error_mapping["5XX"] = lambda {|pn| MicrosoftGraph::Models::ODataErrorsODataError.create_from_discriminator_value(pn) } return @request_adapter.send_async(request_info, lambda {|pn| MicrosoftGraph::Models::EducationSubmissionResource.create_from_discriminator_value(pn) }, error_mapping) end ## ## Delete an educationSubmissionResource from the submission. Only teachers and students can perform this operation. If the resource was copied from the assignment, a new copy of the resource will be created after the current copy is deleted. This allows you to 'reset' the resource to its original state. If the resource was not copied from the assignment but was added from the student, the resource is simply deleted. ## @param request_configuration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options. ## @return a request_information ## def to_delete_request_information(request_configuration=nil) request_info = request_info.url_template = @url_template request_info.path_parameters = @path_parameters request_info.http_method = :DELETE unless request_configuration.nil? request_info.add_headers_from_raw_object(request_configuration.headers) request_info.add_request_options(request_configuration.options) end return request_info end ## ## Retrieve the properties of a specific resource associated with a submission. Only teachers, students, and applications with application permissions can perform this operation. This resource is in the 'working' resource list and should be considered work in process by a student. This resource is wrapped with a possible pointer back to the assignment resource if it was copied from the assignment. ## @param request_configuration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options. ## @return a request_information ## def to_get_request_information(request_configuration=nil) request_info = request_info.url_template = @url_template request_info.path_parameters = @path_parameters request_info.http_method = :GET request_info.headers.add('Accept', 'application/json') unless request_configuration.nil? request_info.add_headers_from_raw_object(request_configuration.headers) request_info.set_query_string_parameters_from_raw_object(request_configuration.query_parameters) request_info.add_request_options(request_configuration.options) end return request_info end ## ## Update the navigation property resources in education ## @param body The request body ## @param request_configuration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options. ## @return a request_information ## def to_patch_request_information(body, request_configuration=nil) raise StandardError, 'body cannot be null' if body.nil? request_info = request_info.url_template = @url_template request_info.path_parameters = @path_parameters request_info.http_method = :PATCH request_info.headers.add('Accept', 'application/json') unless request_configuration.nil? request_info.add_headers_from_raw_object(request_configuration.headers) request_info.add_request_options(request_configuration.options) end request_info.set_content_from_parsable(@request_adapter, "application/json", body) return request_info end ## # Retrieve the properties of a specific resource associated with a submission. Only teachers, students, and applications with application permissions can perform this operation. This resource is in the 'working' resource list and should be considered work in process by a student. This resource is wrapped with a possible pointer back to the assignment resource if it was copied from the assignment. class EducationSubmissionResourceItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters ## # Expand related entities attr_accessor :expand ## # Select properties to be returned attr_accessor :select ## ## Maps the query parameters names to their encoded names for the URI template parsing. ## @param original_name The original query parameter name in the class. ## @return a string ## def get_query_parameter(original_name) raise StandardError, 'original_name cannot be null' if original_name.nil? case original_name when "expand" return "%24expand" when "select" return "%24select" else return original_name end end end end end end end end end end end end end end