Things2THL 0.7.0 Conversion program to transfer data from Things ( ) to The Hit List ( ). Written by Diego Zamboni INSTALLATION: ------------ You need Things 1.1.1 or later, since things2thl requires Applescript support. Then install things2thl by running: $ sudo gem install zzamboni-things2thl --source Note: things2thl need the rb-appscript ( and hpricot ( . If you don't have them already, they will be automatically installed by gem. USAGE: ----- Usage: things2thl [options] Modes of operation (required): -L, --projects-as-lists Convert projects in Things to lists in THL -T, --projects-as-tasks Convert projects in Things to tasks in THL -B, --projects-areas-as-tasks Convert both projects and areas in Things to lists in THL. This implies that projects are not nested inside areas. Options: --[no-]areas Transfer areas from Things (default: yes) --[no-]time-tags Consider tags of the form Xmin/Xsec/Xhr as time estimates, set them in THL accordingly (default: no). --[no-]context-tags [REGEX] Regular expression to identify tags that should be interpreted as contexts. (default: ^@). Use with no- to disable this feature. --top-level-folder FOLDER Do the import inside the named folders, instead of the top level (Inbox, etc. will also be created there instead of their corresponding places) --projects-top-level FOLDER The named folder will be created to contain all projects when --projects-as-lists is used (otherwise they will be in the top folders group). If --projects-as-tasks is used, a 'Projects' list is always created, but this option can be used to specify its name. --areas-top-level FOLDER The named folder will be created to contain all areas. -c, --completed Transfer also completed/canceled tasks and projects (default: no) --[no-]archive-completed If transferring completed/canceled tasks, also mark them as archived (default: yes) -q, --quiet Do not print items as they are processed -h, --help Shows this help message -v, --version Shows version Options you should seldom need: --things THINGSAPP Location of the Things application (default: /Applications/ --thl THLAPP Location of the The Hit List application (default: /Applications/The Hit Functionality still missing: --------------------------- - Handling delegation ("People" feature in Things) Not sure how to transfer this to THL. Ideas are welcome. Known issues: ------------- - Cancellation/completion dates are not transferred, because THL handles those attributes as read-only. So if you choose to transfer completed/canceled tasks, they will all appear in your "completed today" view. - One-time tasks in the Things "Scheduled" focus are transferred, but repeating tasks are not. The Things Applescript interface does not provide access to repeating tasks. - The format of time estimate tags is fixed for the moment. May add customization if I get any requests for it.