= rforce * http://rforce.rubyforge.org * http://rubyforge.org/projects/rforce * http://bitbucket.org/undees/rforce * http://github.com/undees/rforce == DESCRIPTION: RForce is a simple, usable binding to the SalesForce API. == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: Rather than enforcing adherence to the sforce.com schema, RForce assumes you are familiar with the API. Ruby method names become SOAP method names. Nested Ruby hashes become nested XML elements. == SYNOPSIS: binding = RForce::Binding.new \ 'https://www.salesforce.com/services/Soap/u/10.0' binding.login \ 'email', 'password_with_token' answer = binding.search \ :searchString => 'find {McFakerson Co} in name fields returning account(id)' account = answer.searchResponse.result.searchRecords.record account = account.first if account.is_a? Array account_id = account.Id account_id = account_id.first if account_id.is_a? Array opportunity = [ :type, 'Opportunity', :accountId, account_id, :amount, '10.00', :name, 'Fakey McFakerson', :closeDate, '2008-07-04', :stageName, 'Closed Won' ] binding.create :sObject => opportunity == REQUIREMENTS: * Builder gem * A SalesForce Enterprise or Developer account == INSTALL: * sudo gem install rforce