require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe Sprinkle::Verify do before do @name = :package @package = package @name do gem 'nonexistent' verify 'moo' do # Check a file exists has_file 'my_file.txt' # Check that a file contains a substring file_contains 'my_file.txt', 'A sunny day on the lower east-side' # Check a directory exists has_directory 'mydir' # Check a symlink exists has_symlink 'mypointer' # Check a symlink points to a certain file has_symlink 'mypointer', 'myfile' # Check if an executable exists has_executable '/usr/bin/ruby' # Check if a global executable exists (in PATH) has_executable 'rails' # Check for a process has_process 'httpd' # Check that ruby can include files ruby_can_load 'a', 'b', 'c' # Check that a gem exists has_gem 'rails' has_gem 'rails', '2.1.0' # Check for a certain RPM package has_rpm 'ntp' end end @verification = @package.verifications[0] @delivery = mock(Sprinkle::Deployment, :process => true) = @delivery end describe 'when created' do it 'should raise error without a block' do lambda {, '') }.should raise_error end end describe 'with checks' do it 'should do a "test -f" on the has_file check' do @verification.commands.should include('test -f my_file.txt') end it 'should do a grep to see if a file contains a text string' do @verification.commands.should include("grep 'A sunny day on the lower east-side' my_file.txt") end it 'should do a "test -d" on the has_directory check' do @verification.commands.should include('test -d mydir') end it 'should do a "test -L" to check something is a symbolic link' do @verification.commands.should include('test -L mypointer') end it 'should do a test equality to check a symlink points to a specific file' do @verification.commands.should include("test 'myfile' = `readlink mypointer`") end it 'should do a "test -x" to check for an executable' do @verification.commands.should include("test -x /usr/bin/ruby") end it 'should test the "which" command to look for a global executable' do @verification.commands.should include('[ -n "`echo \`which rails\``" ]') end it 'should test the process list to find a process' do @verification.commands.should include("ps -C httpd") end it 'should check if ruby can include a, b, c' do @verification.commands.should include("ruby -e \"require 'rubygems';require 'a';require 'b';require 'c'\"") end it 'should check that a ruby gem is installed' do @verification.commands.should include("sudo gem list 'rails' --installed --version '2.1.0' > /dev/null") end it 'should check that an RPM is installed' do @verification.commands.should include("rpm -qa | grep ntp") end end describe 'with configurations' do # Make sure it includes Sprinkle::Configurable it 'should respond to configurable methods' do @verification.should respond_to(:defaults) end it 'should default padding option to 4' do @verification.padding.should eql(4) end end describe 'with process' do it 'should raise an error when no delivery mechanism is set' do @verification.instance_variable_set(:@delivery, nil) lambda { @verification.process([]) }.should raise_error end describe 'when not testing' do before do # To be explicit Sprinkle::OPTIONS[:testing] = false end it 'should call process on the delivery with the correct parameters' do @delivery.should_receive(:process).with(@name, @verification.commands, [:app], true).once.and_return(true) @verification.process([:app]) end it 'should raise Sprinkle::VerificationFailed exception when commands fail' do @delivery.should_receive(:process).once.and_return(false) lambda { @verification.process([:app]) }.should raise_error(Sprinkle::VerificationFailed) do |error| error.package.should eql(@package) error.description.should eql('moo') end end end describe 'when testing' do before do Sprinkle::OPTIONS[:testing] = true @logger = mock(ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger, :debug => true, :debug? => true) end it 'should not call process on the delivery' do @delivery.should_not_receive(:process) end it 'should print the install sequence to the console' do @verification.should_receive(:logger).twice.and_return(@logger) end after do @verification.process([:app]) Sprinkle::OPTIONS[:testing] = false end end end describe 'with registering new verification modules' do module MyModule def rawr; end end it 'should not respond to rawr initially' do @verification.should_not respond_to(:rawr) end it 'should respond to rawr after registering the module' do Sprinkle::Verify.register(MyModule) @verification.should respond_to(:rawr) end end end