module God module CLI class Command def initialize(command, options, args) @command = command @options = options @args = args dispatch end def setup # connect to drb unix socket @server =, God::Socket.socket(@options[:port])) # ping server to ensure that it is responsive begin rescue DRb::DRbConnError puts "The server is not available (or you do not have permissions to access it)" abort end end def dispatch if %w{load status signal log quit terminate}.include?(@command) setup send("#{@command}_command") elsif %w{start stop restart monitor unmonitor remove}.include?(@command) setup lifecycle_command elsif @command == 'check' check_command else puts "Command '#{@command}' is not valid. Run 'god --help' for usage" abort end end def load_command file = @args[1] action = @args[2] || 'leave' unless ['stop', 'remove', 'leave', ''].include?(action) puts "Command '#{@command}' action must be either 'stop', 'remove' or 'leave'" exit(1) end puts "Sending '#{@command}' command with action '#{action}'" puts unless File.exist?(file) abort "File not found: #{file}" end affected, errors, removed = *@server.running_load(, File.expand_path(file), action) # output response unless affected.empty? puts 'The following tasks were affected:' affected.each do |w| puts ' ' + w end end unless removed.empty? puts 'The following tasks were removed:' removed.each do |w| puts ' ' + w end end unless errors.empty? puts errors exit(1) end end def status_command exitcode = 0 statuses = @server.status groups = {} statuses.each do |name, status| g = status[:group] || '' groups[g] ||= {} groups[g][name] = status end if item = @args[1] if single = statuses[item] # specified task (0 -> up, 1 -> unmonitored, 2 -> other) state = single[:state] puts "#{item}: #{state}" exitcode = state == :up ? 0 : (state == :unmonitored ? 1 : 2) elsif groups[item] # specified group (0 -> up, N -> other) puts "#{item}:" groups[item].keys.sort.each do |name| state = groups[item][name][:state] print " " puts "#{name}: #{state}" exitcode += 1 unless state == :up end else puts "Task or Group '#{item}' not found." exit(1) end else # show all groups and watches groups.keys.sort.each do |group| puts "#{group}:" unless group.empty? groups[group].keys.sort.each do |name| state = groups[group][name][:state] print " " unless group.empty? puts "#{name}: #{state}" end end end exit(exitcode) end def signal_command # get the name of the watch/group name = @args[1] signal = @args[2] puts "Sending signal '#{signal}' to '#{name}'" t = { loop { sleep(1); STDOUT.print('.'); STDOUT.flush; sleep(1) } } watches = @server.signal(name, signal) # output response t.kill; STDOUT.puts unless watches.empty? puts 'The following watches were affected:' watches.each do |w| puts ' ' + w end else puts 'No matching task or group' end end def log_command begin Signal.trap('INT') { exit } name = @args[1] unless name puts "You must specify a Task or Group name" exit! end puts "Please wait..." t = loop do print @server.running_log(name, t) t = sleep 0.25 end rescue God::NoSuchWatchError puts "No such watch" rescue DRb::DRbConnError puts "The server went away" end end def quit_command begin @server.terminate abort 'Could not stop god' rescue DRb::DRbConnError puts 'Stopped god' end end def terminate_command t = { loop { STDOUT.print('.'); STDOUT.flush; sleep(1) } } if @server.stop_all t.kill; STDOUT.puts puts 'Stopped all watches' else t.kill; STDOUT.puts puts "Could not stop all watches within #{@server.terminate_timeout} seconds" end begin @server.terminate abort 'Could not stop god' rescue DRb::DRbConnError puts 'Stopped god' end end def check_command do begin event_system = God::EventHandler.event_system puts "using event system: #{event_system}" if God::EventHandler.loaded? puts "starting event handler" God::EventHandler.start else puts "[fail] event system did not load" exit(1) end puts 'forking off new process' pid = fork do loop { sleep(1) } end puts "forked process with pid = #{pid}" God::EventHandler.register(pid, :proc_exit) do puts "[ok] process exit event received" exit!(0) end sleep(1) puts "killing process" ::Process.kill('KILL', pid) ::Process.waitpid(pid) rescue => e puts e.message puts e.backtrace.join("\n") end end sleep(2) puts "[fail] never received process exit event" exit(1) end def lifecycle_command # get the name of the watch/group name = @args[1] puts "Sending '#{@command}' command" t = { loop { sleep(1); STDOUT.print('.'); STDOUT.flush; sleep(1) } } # send @command watches = @server.control(name, @command) # output response t.kill; STDOUT.puts unless watches.empty? puts 'The following watches were affected:' watches.each do |w| puts ' ' + w end else puts 'No matching task or group' end end end # Command end end