# As well as providing code overloading for controllers and helpers 
# (see Engines::RailsExtensions::Dependencies), the engines plugin also allows
# developers to selectively override views and partials within their application.
# == An example
# This is achieved in much the same way as controller overriding. Our plugin contains
# a view to be rendered at the URL <tt>/test/hello</tt>, in 
# <tt>our_plugin/app/views/test/hello.rhtml</tt>:
#    <div class="greeting">Hi, <%= @dude.name %>, what's up?</div>
# If in a particular application we're not happy with this message, we can override
# it by replacing the partial in our own application - 
# <tt>RAILS_ROOT/app/views/test/hello.rhtml</tt>:
#     <div class="greeting custom_class">Wassup <%= @dude.name %>. 
#                                        Waaaaassaaaaaaaaup</div>
# This view will then be rendered in favour of that in the plugin.
module Engines::RailsExtensions::Templates
  # Override the finding of partials and views. This is achieved by wrapping
  # the (private) method #full_template_path_with_engine_additions, that checks
  # for the given template within plugins as well as the application.
  module ActionView
    def self.included(base) #:nodoc:
      base.class_eval { alias_method_chain :full_template_path, :engine_additions }

      def full_template_path_with_engine_additions(template_path, extension)
        path_in_app_directory = full_template_path_from_application(template_path, extension)
        # First check for this template in the application. If it exists, the user has
        # overridden anything from the plugin, so use it (unless we're testing plugins;
        # see full_template_path_from_application())
        return path_in_app_directory if path_in_app_directory && File.exist?(path_in_app_directory)
        # Otherwise, check in the plugins to see if the template can be found there.
        # Load this in order so that more recently started plugins will take priority.
        Rails.plugins.by_precedence do |plugin|
          plugin_specific_path = File.join(plugin.root, 'app', 'views',  
                                         template_path.to_s + '.' + extension.to_s)
          return plugin_specific_path if File.exist?(plugin_specific_path)

        # If it cannot be found anywhere, return the default path.
        return full_template_path_without_engine_additions(template_path, extension)
      # Return a path to this template within our default app/views directory.
      # In some circumstances, we may wish to prevent users from overloading views,
      # such as when we are testing plugins with views. In this case, return "".
      def full_template_path_from_application(template_path, extension)
        if Engines.disable_application_view_loading
          full_template_path_without_engine_additions(template_path, extension)

  # The Layout module overrides a single (private) method in ActionController::Layout::ClassMethods,
  # called #layout_list. This method now returns an array of layouts, including those in plugins.
  module Layout
    def self.included(base) #:nodoc:
      base.class_eval { alias_method_chain :layout_list, :engine_additions }

      # Return the list of layouts, including any in the <tt>app/views/layouts</tt>
      # directories of loaded plugins.
      def layout_list_with_engine_additions
        plugin_layouts = Rails.plugins.by_precedence.map do |p| 
          File.join(p.root, "app", "views", "layouts")
        layout_list_without_engine_additions + Dir["{#{plugin_layouts.join(",")}}/**/*"]
  # The way ActionMailer is coded in terms of finding templates is very restrictive, to the point
  # where all templates for rendering must exist under the single base path. This is difficult to
  # work around without re-coding significant parts of the action mailer code.
  # ---
  # The MailTemplates module overrides two (private) methods from ActionMailer to enable mail 
  # templates within plugins:
  # [+template_path+]  which now produces the contents of #template_paths
  # [+render+]         which now find the first matching template and creates an ActionVew::Base
  #                    instance with the correct @base_path for that template
  module MailTemplates
    def self.included(base) #:nodoc:
      base.class_eval do
        alias_method_chain :template_path, :engine_additions
        alias_method_chain :render, :engine_additions

      # Returns all possible template paths for the current mailer, including those
      # within the loaded plugins.
      def template_paths
        paths = Rails.plugins.by_precedence.map { |p| "#{p.root}/app/views/#{mailer_name}" }
        paths.unshift(template_path_without_engine_additions) unless Engines.disable_application_view_loading
      # Return something that Dir[] can glob against. This method is called in 
      # ActionMailer::Base#create! and used as part of an argument to Dir. We can
      # take advantage of this by using some of the features of Dir.glob to search
      # multiple paths for matching files.
      def template_path_with_engine_additions
      # We've broken this up so that we can dynamically alter the base_path that ActionView
      # is rendering from so that templates can be located from plugins.
      def render_with_engine_additions(opts)
        template_path_for_method = Dir["#{template_path}/#{opts[:file]}*"].first
        body = opts.delete(:body)
        i = initialize_template_class(body)
        i.base_path = File.dirname(template_path_for_method)

::ActionView::Base.send(:include, Engines::RailsExtensions::Templates::ActionView)
::ActionController::Layout::ClassMethods.send(:include, Engines::RailsExtensions::Templates::Layout)

if Object.const_defined?(:ActionMailer) # We don't need to do this if ActionMailer hasn't been loaded.
  ::ActionMailer::Base.send(:include, Engines::RailsExtensions::Templates::MailTemplates)