require 'util/xml/xml_utils' require 'util/miq-xml' require 'util/miq-logger' module MiqWin32 class System attr_reader :os, :account_policy, :networks OS_MAPPING = [ 'ProductName', :product_name, 'CurrentVersion', :version, 'CurrentBuildNumber', :build, 'SystemRoot', :system_root, 'CSDVersion', :service_pack, 'ProductId', :productid, 'DigitalProductId', :product_key, 'Vendor', :distribution, 'EditionID', :edition_id, ] COMPUTER_NAME_MAPPING = [ 'ComputerName', :machine_name, ] PRODUCT_OPTIONS_MAPPING = [ 'ProductType', :product_type, 'ProductSuite', :product_suite, ] ENVIRONMENT_MAPPING = [ 'PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE', :architecture ] TCPIP_MAPPING = [ "Hostname", :hostname, ] NETWORK_CARDS_MAPPING = [ "ServiceName", :guid, "Description", :description, ] DHCP_MAPPING = [ "EnableDHCP", :dhcp_enabled, "DhcpIPAddress", :ipaddress, "DhcpSubnetMask", :subnet_mask, "LeaseObtainedTime", :lease_obtained, "LeaseTerminatesTime", :lease_expires, "DhcpDefaultGateway", :default_gateway, "DhcpServer", :dhcp_server, "DhcpNameServer", :dns_server, "DhcpDomain", :domain, ] STATIC_MAPPING = [ "EnableDHCP", :dhcp_enabled, "IPAddress", :ipaddress, "SubnetMask", :subnet_mask, "DefaultGateway", :default_gateway, "NameServer", :dns_server, "Domain", :domain, ] # Software registry value filters OS_MAPPING_VALUES, NETWORK_CARDS_VALUES = [], [] (0...OS_MAPPING.length).step(2) { |i| OS_MAPPING_VALUES << OS_MAPPING[i] } (0...NETWORK_CARDS_MAPPING.length).step(2) { |i| NETWORK_CARDS_VALUES << NETWORK_CARDS_MAPPING[i] } # System registry value filters PRODUCT_OPTIONS_VALUES, ENVIRONMENT_VALUES, COMPUTER_NAME_VALUES, TCPIP_VALUES = [], [], [], [] (0...PRODUCT_OPTIONS_MAPPING.length).step(2) { |i| PRODUCT_OPTIONS_VALUES << PRODUCT_OPTIONS_MAPPING[i] } (0...ENVIRONMENT_MAPPING.length).step(2) { |i| ENVIRONMENT_VALUES << ENVIRONMENT_MAPPING[i] } (0...COMPUTER_NAME_MAPPING.length).step(2) { |i| COMPUTER_NAME_VALUES << COMPUTER_NAME_MAPPING[i] } (0...TCPIP_MAPPING.length).step(2) { |i| TCPIP_VALUES << TCPIP_MAPPING[i] } (0...DHCP_MAPPING.length).step(2) { |i| TCPIP_VALUES << DHCP_MAPPING[i] } (0...STATIC_MAPPING.length).step(2) { |i| TCPIP_VALUES << STATIC_MAPPING[i] } def initialize(_c, fs) @networks = [] regHnd =, true) software_doc = regHnd.loadHive("software", [ {:key => "Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion", :depth => 1, :value => OS_MAPPING_VALUES}, {:key => "Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/NetworkCards", :depth => 0, :value => NETWORK_CARDS_VALUES} ]) regHnd.close regHnd =, true) sys_doc = regHnd.loadHive("system", [ {:key => 'CurrentControlSet/Control/ComputerName/ComputerName', :value => COMPUTER_NAME_VALUES}, {:key => 'CurrentControlSet/Control/Session Manager/Environment', :value => ENVIRONMENT_VALUES}, {:key => 'CurrentControlSet/Control/ProductOptions', :value => PRODUCT_OPTIONS_VALUES}, {:key => 'CurrentControlSet/Services/Tcpip/Parameters', :value => TCPIP_VALUES}, ]) regHnd.close # Get the OS information attrs = {:type => "windows"} reg_node = MIQRexml.findRegElement("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion", software_doc.root) attrs.merge!(XmlFind.decode(reg_node, OS_MAPPING)) if reg_node reg_node = MIQRexml.findRegElement("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ComputerName", sys_doc.root) attrs.merge!(XmlFind.decode(reg_node, COMPUTER_NAME_MAPPING)) if reg_node reg_node = MIQRexml.findRegElement("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ProductOptions", sys_doc.root) attrs.merge!(XmlFind.decode(reg_node, PRODUCT_OPTIONS_MAPPING)) if reg_node reg_node = MIQRexml.findRegElement("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment", sys_doc.root) attrs.merge!(XmlFind.decode(reg_node, ENVIRONMENT_MAPPING)) if reg_node attrs[:product_key] = MiqWin32::Software.DecodeProductKey(attrs[:product_key]) if attrs[:product_key] attrs[:architecture] = architecture_to_string(attrs[:architecture]) # Parse product edition and append to product_name if needed. os_product_suite(attrs) @os = attrs # Get the network card information # Hold onto the parameters common to all network cards reg_tcpip = MIQRexml.findRegElement("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Tcpip\\Parameters", sys_doc.root) if reg_tcpip tcpip_params = XmlFind.decode(reg_tcpip, TCPIP_MAPPING) tcpip_params[:domain] = XmlFind.findNamedElement_hash("Domain", reg_tcpip) tcpip_params[:domain] = XmlFind.findNamedElement_hash("DhcpDomain", reg_tcpip) if tcpip_params[:domain].blank? tcpip_params[:domain] = nil if tcpip_params[:domain].blank? # Find each netword card, and get it's individual parameters reg_networkCards = MIQRexml.findRegElement("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\NetworkCards", software_doc.root) if reg_networkCards.kind_of?(Hash) reg_networkCards.each_element do |networkCard| attrs = XmlFind.decode(networkCard, NETWORK_CARDS_MAPPING) params = XmlFind.findElement("Interfaces/#{attrs[:guid]}", reg_tcpip) next if params.nil? # Add the common parameters attrs.merge!(tcpip_params) # Blank out fields that are not shared between network types attrs[:lease_obtained] = attrs[:lease_expires] = attrs[:dhcp_server] = nil # Get the rest of the parameters based on whether this network is DHCP enabled dhcp = XmlFind.findNamedElement_hash("EnableDHCP", params) attrs.merge!(XmlFind.decode(params, dhcp.to_i == 1 ? DHCP_MAPPING : STATIC_MAPPING)) # Remove the extra curly braces from the guid attrs[:guid] = attrs[:guid][1..-2] unless attrs[:guid].nil? # Clean the lease times and check they are in a reasonable range [:lease_obtained, :lease_expires].each do |t| attrs[t] =[t].to_i).getutc.iso8601 if attrs[t] && attrs[t].to_i >= 0 && attrs[t].to_i < 0x80000000 end @networks << attrs end end end # Extracted data also built into a human-readable format if uncommented # @debug_str = '' # Force memory cleanup software_doc = nil; sys_doc = nil; GC.start regHnd =, true) sam_doc = regHnd.loadHive("sam", [{:key => "SAM/Domains/Account", :depth => 1, :value => ['F']}]) regHnd.close # Extract the local account policy from the registry @debug_str += "Account Policy:\n" if @debug_str reg_node = MIQRexml.findRegElement("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SAM\\SAM\\Domains\\Account", sam_doc.root) if reg_node reg_node.each_element(:value) do |e| acct_policy_f = process_acct_policy_f(e.text) if e.attributes[:name] == "F" unless acct_policy_f.nil? # Remove unused elements acct_policy_f.delete(:auto_increment) acct_policy_f.delete(:next_rid) acct_policy_f.delete(:pw_encrypt_pw_complex) acct_policy_f.delete(:syskey) @account_policy = acct_policy_f end end end # Dump the debug string to a file if we are collecting that data #'C:/Temp/reg_extract_full_system.txt', 'w') { |f| f.write(@debug_str) } if @debug_str if $log os_dup = @os.dup [:productid, :product_key].each { |k| os_dup.delete(k) } $ "VM OS information: [#{os_dup.inspect}]" end end def to_xml(doc = nil) doc = MiqXml.createDoc(nil) unless doc osToXml(doc) accountPolicyToXml(doc) networksToXml(doc) doc end def osToXml(doc = nil) doc = MiqXml.createDoc(nil) unless doc doc.add_element(:os, @os) unless @os.empty? doc end def accountPolicyToXml(doc = nil) doc = MiqXml.createDoc(nil) unless doc doc.add_element(:account_policy, @account_policy) unless @account_policy.blank? doc end def networksToXml(doc = nil) doc = MiqXml.createDoc(nil) unless doc unless @networks.empty? node = doc.add_element(:networks) @networks.each { |n| node.add_element(:network, n) } end doc end def architecture_to_string(architecture) case architecture when "x86" then 32 when "AMD64" then 64 end end # Parse product edition and append to product_name if needed. def os_product_suite(hash) eid = hash.delete(:edition_id) ps = hash.delete(:product_suite) # If edition_id is populated then the edition will already be part of the product_name string if eid.nil? && !hash[:product_name].nil? ps = ps.to_s.split("\n") if ps.length > 1 && !hash[:product_name].include?(ps.first) hash[:product_name] = "#{hash[:product_name].strip} #{ps.first} Edition" end end end # Definition derived from # \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SAM\SAM\Domains\Account\F SAM_STRUCT_ACCT_POLICY =[ 'a16', nil, # UNKNOWN 'Q', :auto_increment, # Auto-increment 'Q', :max_pw_age, # Maximum password age (>=0 & <=999) days - minus from qword:ff + 1 = seconds x 10 million 'Q', :min_pw_age, # Minimum password age (>=0 & <=999) days - minus from qword:ff + 1 = seconds x 10 million 'a8', nil, # UNKNOWN 'Q', :lockout_duration, # Account lockout duration (>=0 & <=99,999) minutes - minus from qword:ff + 1 = seconds x 10 million 'Q', :reset_lockout_counter, # Reset account lockout counter after (>=1 & <=99,999) minutes - minus from qword:ff + 1 = seconds x 10 million 'a8', nil, # UNKNOWN 'I', :next_rid, # Next created users RID 'C', :pw_encrypt_pw_complex, # High nibble # Store password using reversible encryption for all users in the domain (enabled=1/disabled=0) # Low nibble # Password must meet complexity requirements (enabled=1/disabled=0) 'a3', nil, # UNKNOWN 'C', :min_pw_len, # Minimum password length (>=0 & <=14) characters 'a1', nil, # UNKNOWN 'C', :pw_hist, # Enforce password history (>=0 & <=24) passwords remembered 'a1', nil, # UNKNOWN 'S', :lockout_threshold, # Account lockout threshold (>=0 & <=999) attempts 'a26', nil, # UNKNOWN 'a48', :syskey, # Part of syskey 'a8', nil, # UNKNOWN ]) def process_acct_policy_f(data) bin = MSRegHive.regBinaryToRawBinary(data) f = SAM_STRUCT_ACCT_POLICY.decode(bin) @debug_str += " auto_increment - %s\n" % f[:auto_increment] if @debug_str @debug_str += " max_pw_age - %s - " % f[:max_pw_age] if @debug_str f[:max_pw_age] = process_acct_policy_f_date(f[:max_pw_age]) / 86400 @debug_str += "%s days\n" % f[:max_pw_age] if @debug_str @debug_str += " min_pw_age - %s - " % f[:min_pw_age] if @debug_str f[:min_pw_age] = process_acct_policy_f_date(f[:min_pw_age]) / 86400 @debug_str += "%s days\n" % f[:min_pw_age] if @debug_str @debug_str += " lockout_duration - %s - " % f[:lockout_duration] if @debug_str f[:lockout_duration] = process_acct_policy_f_date(f[:lockout_duration]) / 60 @debug_str += "%s minutes\n" % f[:lockout_duration] if @debug_str @debug_str += " reset_lockout_counter - %s - " % f[:reset_lockout_counter] if @debug_str f[:reset_lockout_counter] = process_acct_policy_f_date(f[:reset_lockout_counter]) / 60 @debug_str += "%s minutes\n" % f[:reset_lockout_counter] if @debug_str @debug_str += " next_rid - %s\n" % f[:next_rid] if @debug_str @debug_str += " pw_encrypt_pw_complex - 0x%02x\n" % f[:pw_encrypt_pw_complex] if @debug_str f[:pw_encrypt], f[:pw_complex] = process_acct_policy_f_pw_encrypt_pw_complex(f[:pw_encrypt_pw_complex]) @debug_str += " pw_encrypt - %s\n" % f[:pw_encrypt] if @debug_str @debug_str += " pw_complex - %s\n" % f[:pw_complex] if @debug_str if @debug_str @debug_str += " min_pw_len - %s characters\n" % f[:min_pw_len] @debug_str += " pw_hist - %s passwords remembered\n" % f[:pw_hist] @debug_str += " lockout_threshold - %s attempts\n" % f[:lockout_threshold] @debug_str += " syskey - %s\n" % Accounts.rawBinaryToRegBinary(f[:syskey]) end f end def process_acct_policy_f_date(data) return 0 if data == 0 || data == 0x8000000000000000 # minus from qword:ff + 1 = seconds x 10 million (0x10000000000000000 - data) / 10000000 end def process_acct_policy_f_pw_encrypt_pw_complex(data) pw_encrypt = data >> 4 pw_encrypt = (pw_encrypt == 1) pw_complex = data & 0x0F pw_complex = (pw_complex == 1) return pw_encrypt, pw_complex end end end