# Supporting More Web APIs in `web-sys` 1. Ensure that the `.webidl` file describing the interface exists somewhere within the `crates/web-sys/webidls/enabled` directory. First, check to see whether we have the WebIDL definition file for your API: ```sh grep -rn MyWebApi crates/web-sys/webidls ``` * If your interface is defined in a `.webidl` file that is inside the `crates/web-sys/webidls/enabled` directory, skip to step (3). * If your interface isn't defined in any file yet, find the WebIDL definition in the relevant standard and add it as a new `.webidl` file in `crates/web-sys/webidls/enabled`. Make sure that it is a standard Web API! We don't want to add non-standard APIs to this crate. * If your interface is defined in a `.webidl` file within any of the `crates/web-sys/webidls/unavailable_*` directories, you need to move it into `crates/web-sys/webidls/enabled`, e.g.: ```sh cd crates/web-sys git mv webidls/unavailable_enum_ident/MyWebApi.webidl webidls/enabled/MyWebApi.webidl ``` 2. Regenerate the `web-sys` crate auto-generated bindings, which you can do with the following commands: ```sh cd crates/web-sys cargo run --release --package wasm-bindgen-webidl -- webidls src/features ``` You can then use `git diff` to ensure the bindings look correct.