Feature: Image Gallery As a creator of a presentation I want to create image galleries easily In order to spent as less time as possible on it Background: Given I use presentation fixture "image_gallery" with title "My Presentation" And an image "image01.png" at "images/image01.png" And an image "image02.png" at "images/image02.png" Scenario: Images only Given a slide named "01.html.erb" with: """

Image Gallery

<%= image_gallery %W{images/image01.png images/image02.png}, id: 'test-gallery' %>
""" And the Server is running And I go to "/" Then I should see: """

Image Gallery

""" When I go to "/stylesheets/application.css" Then I should see: """ .lightboxOverlay { overflow: scroll; } """ Scenario: Images with titles Given a slide named "01.html.erb" with: """

Image Gallery

<%= image_gallery({'images/image01.png' => 'Title 1', 'images/image02.png' => 'Title 2'}, id: 'test-gallery') %>
""" And the Server is running And I go to "/" Then I should see: """

Image Gallery

Title 1 Title 2