require File.expand_path("../boot", __FILE__) require "decko/application" module <%= app_const_base %> class Application < Decko::Application config.performance_logger = nil # Decko inherits most Ruby-on-Rails configuration options. # See # EMAIL # Email is not turned on by default. To turn it on, you need to change the # following to `true` and then add configuration specific to your site. # Learn more: # config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries = false # config.action_mailer.delivery_method = ... # config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = ... # Example configuration for mailcatcher, a simple smtp server. # See for more information # config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp # config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = { address: "localhost", port: 1025 } # BACKGROUND # Decko lets you run some card events (like follower notifications) in the # background. This is off by default but can be turned on by changing the # `delaying` setting to `true` config.active_job.queue_adapter = :delayed_job config.delaying = false # CACHING # config.cache_store = :file_store, "tmp/cache" # determines caching mechanism. options include: file_store, memory_store, # mem_cache_store... # # for production, we highly recommend memcache # here's a sample configuration for use with the dalli gem # config.cache_store = :mem_cache_store, [] # FILES # config.paths["files"] = "files" # directory in which uploaded files are actually stored. (eg Image and File cards) # config.file_storage = :local # File storage options (see # options include: local, cloud, web, coded # defaults to local # For cloud storage use the following config options and add the corresponding fog gem # for your cloud service. For example for AWS add "fog-aws" to your Gemfile. # config.file_default_bucket = :my_bucket # config.file_buckets = { # my_bucket: { # directory: "bucket-name", # subdirectory: "files", # credentials: { # provider: "AWS", # required # aws_access_key_id: "key", # required # aws_secret_access_key: "secret-key", # required # use_iam_profile: true, # optional, defaults to false # region: "eu-central-1", # optional, defaults to "us-east-1" # host: "", # optional, defaults to nil # endpoint: "" # optional, defaults to nil # }, # attributes: { "Cache-Control" => "max-age=#{}" }, # public: true, # read_only: false, # if true then updating a file # # in that bucket will move it # # to the default storage location # authenticated_url_expiration: 180 # if public is set to false this # # option is needed # } # } # MISCELLANEOUS # config.read_only = true # defaults to false # disallows creating, updating, and deleting cards. # config.paths["mod"] << "my-mod-dir" # add a new directory for code customizations, or "mods" # config.allow_inline_styles = false # don't strip style attributes (not recommended) # config.override_host = "" # overrides host auto-detected from web requests # config.override_protocol = "https" # overrides protocol auto-detected from web requests <% if platypus? %> config.file_buckets = { test_bucket: { provider: "AWS", aws_access_key_id: ENV["TEST_BUCKET_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"], aws_secret_access_key: ENV["TEST_BUCKET_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"], region: "us-east-1" } } <% end %> end end